
Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

Mashed potatoes are very popular in Western food, and the addition of mashed potatoes with light cream is given a new flavor, not only is the taste more smooth and soft, but also the content is richer, more suitable for the preferences and tastes of children.

By Hydi che 123


Yam to taste

Tomato blueberry sauce to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

1, prepare the appropriate amount of iron stick yam, wash the outer skin of the yam on the steamer steaming, yam mucus contains plant alkali, contact with the skin will itch, steamed and then peel can solve this problem.

Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

2, about ten minutes after steaming, use chopsticks to try it easily through the yam and steam it.

Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

3, with a knife can easily scrape off the yam skin.

Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

4: Put the peeled yam in a plastic bag and use a rolling pin to help press it into yam mud.

Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

5, this is the pressed yam mud as delicate as possible.

Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

6, find two flower molds on the tray, and then stuffed into the pressed yam mud, after the stereotype can be easily released, no mold to put the yam mud into a round ball is also good.

Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

7. Squeeze tomato blueberry sauce in the middle of the yam puree, which can be used as an embellishment or flavor.

Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

8, sweet and sour taste delicious tomato blueberry mashed potatoes will be ready, pleasing shape is a sharp tool to coax children.

Tomato blueberry mashed potatoes to prepare

9. Finished product


1. Yam can choose iron stick yam or potato. 2. The different water absorption of yam is also different, if it is too dry after pressing into a puree, you can add a small amount of milk or light cream to mix well. 3. Quite like my friend, keep paying attention, thank you


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