
On the tip of the tongue, Jiangsu Jiangyan shortbread and Taizhou ma cake, the best in pasta, praise Jiangyan shortbread Taizhou ma cake

author:MengTi cuisine said

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Introduction: Jiangsu Jiangyan shortbread and Taizhou ma cake on the tip of the tongue, the best in pasta, praise

Jiangyan shortbread is a very traditional pasta snack in jiangyan area of Jiangsu Province, the biggest feature of this dish is crisp, you can feel the crispness of the cake before eating. Puff pastry dough is made of multi-layered dough rolled together and pressed into a cylindrical shape, and a large cake can be made into many round shortbreads.

On the tip of the tongue, Jiangsu Jiangyan shortbread and Taizhou ma cake, the best in pasta, praise Jiangyan shortbread Taizhou ma cake

In addition to the oil and salt between the embryos of the shortbread, you can also put your favorite ingredients, such as ham, diced chicken, bamboo shoots, shrimp, etc. to make the filling, and when making it, you should pinch the edges by hand and fry them in the oil pan. The fried finished product, layer by layer pattern can be beautiful, the layers are rich, the color is golden and attractive, and the bite is crunchy and fragrant.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > ginger-weir shortbread</h1>

The production of shortbread is very exquisite, let's talk about the production method:

The first step is to make noodles, the ingredients prepared are flour, divide the flour into two parts, one part and water to stir well, knead into a dough, the other part add cooking oil and stir well, knead into a dough. Unlike the usual pasta or oil cakes, this is one of the differences between shortbread and shortbread.

On the tip of the tongue, Jiangsu Jiangyan shortbread and Taizhou ma cake, the best in pasta, praise Jiangyan shortbread Taizhou ma cake

The second step is to fuse the two kinds of good dough together, knead it into a dough on the panel, knead it, put it on the stuffing you like to eat, like to eat sweet, you can put bean paste, purple potato or black sesame seeds, like to eat salty, you can put pepper and salt, etc., very delicious.

The third step is to put the wrapped oil cake into your own mold, you can press it into a model, after pressing it, after the oil in the oil pan is hot, put it in the pan and start frying, fry it until golden brown, appear golden brown, and you can fish it out.

On the tip of the tongue, Jiangsu Jiangyan shortbread and Taizhou ma cake, the best in pasta, praise Jiangyan shortbread Taizhou ma cake

In the process of frying, careful people can find that the lines of the shortbread are cracked in a circle, just like the pattern, which requires a lot of secrets, and we usually do it at home, so that it can be done.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > Taizhou hemp cake</h1>

The second pastry is Taizhou hemp cake, but also a traditional dim sum, a kind of Su-style dim sum, divided into sweet and salty 2 flavors, at the beginning, this pastry is the use of black sesame and white sesame is to sprinkle black sesame and white sesame seeds on the outermost part of the dim sum, both sides can be dipped, so many people in the local area also call hemp cake for two-color hemp cake, because there are sesame seeds on both sides.

On the tip of the tongue, Jiangsu Jiangyan shortbread and Taizhou ma cake, the best in pasta, praise Jiangyan shortbread Taizhou ma cake

This dim sum is said to have existed in the Qing Dynasty, has a long history, the taste is crisp and refreshing, soft and sticky, it is a delicacy that can be put for a long time, and many people who have eaten it say that it is very good.

Ingredients: flour, white sesame, black sesame, salt, green onions, lard, etc., edible oil is generally peanut oil, peanut oil to do noodles has an advantage, that is, fragrant, anyway, not every day to eat, fat will not grow too much, the amount of ingredients according to their own taste to add

On the tip of the tongue, Jiangsu Jiangyan shortbread and Taizhou ma cake, the best in pasta, praise Jiangyan shortbread Taizhou ma cake

Production method: The ratio of flour and boiling water is generally a part of flour plus 6 parts of water, this boiling water is not recommended to burn to 100 degrees, about 80 degrees. After stirring well, add baking soda or alkali noodles to knead into a dough, the dough should be very smooth, do not stick to the hands, and the sound is very crisp when gently tapping.

Then put the rest of the flour in the basin and add peanut oil to knead it into a puff pastry, which will be more intense if there is lard at home. Prepare a handful of green onions, preferably green ones, cut into crumbs, add salt lard, put in a bowl and set aside.

On the tip of the tongue, Jiangsu Jiangyan shortbread and Taizhou ma cake, the best in pasta, praise Jiangyan shortbread Taizhou ma cake

When the dough wakes up, knead the long strips, then knead the puff pastry leaves, put the two together, roll them horizontally into long strips, and cut them with a knife into dough about the size of the dumplings.

The dough does not need to be pressed with a rolling pin, just gently pat it into a circle by hand, then put it in a frying pan and start frying, dipped in black sesame seeds and white sesame seeds, fried out of the golden crisp, sesame with sesame seeds is more fragrant than the original flavor.

Tip: Here to share with you a secret that sesame seeds can not fall on the bread, that is, spray water with a watering can, and then sprinkle sesame seeds to dip it, and it will not fall off when it is burned.

Pans or woks can be burned, slowly fried over low heat, until the hemp cake bulges up, soft and delicious, golden brown is cooked. If you like to eat sweet, you can add bean paste filling in the spring, especially clear.

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