
Why does the old vinegar jellyfish head taste crispy after mixing? It turned out to be a trick

author:Thousand One's thousand arts and tastes
Why does the old vinegar jellyfish head taste crispy after mixing? It turned out to be a trick

Features of the old vinegar sting: the color is translucent, the sour and sweet is rich, salty and crispy!

Why does the old vinegar jellyfish head taste crispy after mixing? It turned out to be a trick

Ingredients used: 450 grams of sea stings, 2 small milk melons, 1 spoonful of Meiji umami sauce, 2 spoons of water tower vinegar, 5 drops of sesame oil, appropriate amount of edible salt, 1 spoon of Tammy seafood soy sauce, 2 spoons of cotton sugar, appropriate amount of minced coriander, 1 spoon of concentrated orange juice, 1 spoonful of Fortuna oyster sauce.

Why does the old vinegar jellyfish head taste crispy after mixing? It turned out to be a trick

How to do it:

1. Prepare all the ingredients, rinse the jellyfish head with running water one day in advance to remove the salt, change the knife and gently blanch it with boiling water for later.

2. Wash the small milk melon and pat it flat and cut it into sections. Place the jellyfish head and cucumber in a mixing bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of Meiji umami sauce, 3 spoonfuls of water tower vinegar, 1 spoonful of Tammy seafood soy sauce, 2 spoonfuls of cotton sugar and 5 drops of sesame oil. Then put the minced garlic, coriander, and salt together.

3. Grasp and mix evenly by hand, you can also use a spoon to stir directly, after the plate, our old vinegar sting can be eaten!

Why does the old vinegar jellyfish head taste crispy after mixing? It turned out to be a trick

Making Tips!

Jellyfish heads must be soaked in the salt in the stings, at least for more than a day. When boiling water, you must not wait until the water is boiled before you put down the pot, otherwise it is easy to get old, and it can be scalded for about five seconds. Next up is the trick to the crispness of jellyfish heads, blanched jellyfish heads are cooled with ice water, not only jellyfish heads are crisp to eat, but also very tender.

Why does the old vinegar jellyfish head taste crispy after mixing? It turned out to be a trick

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A wine dish with a very high rate of appearance on the table - why does the old vinegar jellyfish head taste crisp after mixing? It turned out to be a trick

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