
Beautiful color, fresh and crispy and refreshing coral gold hook, breakfast plus items

author:Lazy food time

Ingredients: 300 grams of soybean sprouts, 10 grams of shredded fungus, 5 grams of red pepper shreds

Seasoning: sesame oil 25 g, sugar 10 g, salt, shredded green onion, ginger shredded, vinegar, peppercorns to taste

Cooking: 1, remove the roots of the bean sprouts, wash them in a pot of boiling water and blanch until they are broken

2, Wok, put in sesame oil, slightly 50% hot, put in the pepper fried old yellow fish out, the pepper shredded, green onion shredded, ginger shredded, into the pot slightly fried, in turn put in the fungus shredded, vinegar, sugar, salt, stir-fry slightly and then pour on the bean sprouts

3, The first night, wash the bean sprouts, remove the roots, shredded shallots, ginger shreds, chili shreds, cut well, set aside, stir-fry quickly in the morning, these are the amount of 3 people

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