
Crispy golden seafood rolls, golden shrimp with orange juice and golden shrimp with kumquat salad, steamed cod with seasonal vegetable ginger juice


Crispy golden seafood rolls

Crispy golden seafood rolls, golden shrimp with orange juice and golden shrimp with kumquat salad, steamed cod with seasonal vegetable ginger juice

Ingredients & Ingredients:

10 grams of cuttlefish glue, 15 grams of shrimp glue, 10 grams of crab meat, 6 pieces of yellow rice mesh, 5 grams of sweet potatoes, 5 grams of parsley, 5 grams of carrots, 30 grams of mayonnaise sauce, 5 grams of condensed milk, a little salt


Cut all the raw materials into small pieces and set aside

Mix cuttlefish glue with all the ingredients, add the mayonnaise and stir well

Take a yellow rice mesh, fold it in half on each side, add the appropriate amount of filling and roll it up

Dip 30% of the oil into the pan and fry for 2 minutes, then fry on high heat for 10 seconds to put the pan on the plate

Crispy golden seafood rolls, golden shrimp with orange juice and golden shrimp with kumquat salad, steamed cod with seasonal vegetable ginger juice

Golden shrimp with orange juice kumquat salad

Crispy golden seafood rolls, golden shrimp with orange juice and golden shrimp with kumquat salad, steamed cod with seasonal vegetable ginger juice

5 shrimp, pomegranate, potatoes, orange juice, kumquat, salad dressing, condensed milk

Wash the shrimp and marinate them

Cut the pomegranate into small cubes and soak in brine for later

Finely slice the potatoes and fry them for later

The shrimp suck up the water, pat on the corn starch and cheese powder, and fry them in 50% hot oil until golden brown

Use the above sauce to make a salad dressing, stir the shrimp and serve well

Crispy golden seafood rolls, golden shrimp with orange juice and golden shrimp with kumquat salad, steamed cod with seasonal vegetable ginger juice

Steamed cod with seasonal vegetable ginger juice

Crispy golden seafood rolls, golden shrimp with orange juice and golden shrimp with kumquat salad, steamed cod with seasonal vegetable ginger juice

300 grams of cod, 20 grams of kale, 30 grams of ginger shredded, green onion, dried shallots, millet spicy, coriander, salt, cooking wine, yellow bell pepper sauce, sweet and spicy sauce, sour plum sauce

Wash the cod and marinate with salt, cooking wine, green onion and ginger, then steam for 5-7 minutes

Fry the ginger until golden brown and cook the vegetables to set aside

Cut the millet spicy, dried shallots, and coriander into small pieces, stir-fry and add the yellow bell pepper sauce, sweet and spicy sauce, and sour plum sauce out of the pot

Just plate the prepared raw materials together

Crispy golden seafood rolls, golden shrimp with orange juice and golden shrimp with kumquat salad, steamed cod with seasonal vegetable ginger juice

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