
Textbook and Reflection on grade 6 Language: Prairie

author:A complete set of primary and secondary school teaching plan resources




Lesson type

Lecture on reading texts



2 lessons



1. Learn words independently, recognize and write 8 new words such as "blanket, Chen", understand the meaning of words, and remember glyphs. Correctly read and write words such as "green carpet, rendering, outline, restraint, heart, wrestling".

2. Self-reading and enlightenment, imagining the enchanting scenery of the grassland, and being influenced by beauty.

3.Figure out beautiful sentences, experience some of the characteristics of textual expression, and learn the author's method of expressing emotions.

4.Through understanding the deep friendship of the Mongolian and Han people, inspire students' love for the grassland.

5. Recite the first natural paragraph.


Deeply understand the content of the text and experience the deep friendship of the Mongolian and Han people.


Experience some of the characteristics of textual expression and learn the author's method of expressing emotions.

Lesson 1

1.Read and write 8 new words correctly, and understand words such as "green carpet, amazement, and aftertaste".

2.Read the text correctly and clarify the structure of the text.

3.Taste the beauty of the text and recite the first natural paragraph of the text.


Get ready

Courseware: Song "Heaven", Mr. Lao She's Introduction, Explanation of Words, Grassland Landscape Pictures

Instructional design

Design intent


( ) minutes

First, create a situation, passion introduction

1. [Show Courseware 2] The teacher plays Tengger's song "Heaven" and asks the students to enjoy it.

2. After the play is finished, the conversation is imported: What is the beautiful scenery of this song? Yes, it's the prairie. You must know which lesson we're going to take today. (Board Book Topic: Grassland) Students read the topic "Grassland" together. Ask the students to exchange information about the grassland they learned before class in small groups and talk about their perception of the grassland.

Today, together with the writer Lao She, we walked into Inner Mongolia and into the vast grassland.

2. Introduction to the author and writing background [Show courseware 3]

"Lao She, formerly known as Shu Qingchun (February 3, 1899 – August 24, 1966), courtesy name Lao Sheyu, pen name Lao She, Manchu Zhenghongqiren, born in Beijing, was a modern Chinese novelist, a famous writer, an outstanding language master, a people's artist, and the first writer in the People's Republic of China to receive the title of 'People's Artist'. His novel "Shoko the Camel" once had a great international impact. Lao She's literary language is simple, simple and unpretentious, humorous and witty, with a strong Beijing charm. ”

More than 40 years ago, Mr. Lao She visited the grasslands of Inner Mongolia and recorded what he saw and felt on the grasslands at that time. Today, we will follow in the footsteps of Mr. Lao She and walk into the "grassland" to feel the unparalleled beautiful scenery and simple and enthusiastic national customs of the prairie.

With the introduction of grassland songs, the atmosphere of the blue sky and white clouds of the prairie and the blue sky and thousands of miles is created, and students initially feel the beauty of the grassland and stimulate their interest in learning.

Understanding the author and the background in which this article was written will help students understand the text and feel the truth.

New lessons

Second, read the text for the first time and solve the words

1. Students read the texts by themselves, requiring:

(1) Read the text aloud fluently, read the pronunciation of the words accurately, and read through the sentences.

(2) When you encounter your favorite sentence, read it several times.

2. Self-study of vocabulary, you can use the pen to circle out in the text, and then use the appropriate method to solve the new words.

3. Check the learning effect, camera guidance. 【Show courseware 4, 5】

(1) Green lust: Desire to flow, is about to flow out. Describe the green as thick as if it were going to flow down.

(2) Rendering: A kind of painting method of Chinese painting, dyeing the picture with ink or light colors, so that it is divided into layers to strengthen the artistic effect. The parable exaggerates the earth.

(3) Free: (speech, demeanor, style) natural, unrestrained.

(4) Roundabout: roundabout, circling.

(5) A thousand miles: a thousand miles, described as broad. Describe a very broad patch of green.

(6) Streamer dance: the placket and skirt flutter in the wind.

(7) Evenk: One of the ethnic minorities in China, distributed in Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang Province.

(8) Tianya: Describe the far away place.

(9) Outline: Draw an outline with lines.

Third, read the perception again and sort out the structure

1. Students read the text aloud and think: In what ways did the author introduce the grassland? In what order are the materials strung together? What impressed you?

2. Students exchange the harvest after reading in small groups, and teachers patrol and guide.

3. The group recommends one student to report the results of the exchange, and other students make supplements.

4. Teacher summary.

(Board Book: First Sight Prairie - Welcome - Hospitality - Farewell)

Fourth, read the text carefully and savor the beautiful scenery

1. What kind of grassland is Mr. Lao She's? Please read the first natural paragraph of the article carefully, think about where the scenery of the grassland is beautiful, and what sentences you feel from. Draw the relevant sentences and think about how they feel to you.

2.Students make annotations and read and explore on their own.

3. Students communicate the results of self-study in groups, and teachers guide students to grasp key words and sentences to communicate their feelings in a timely manner.

4. The teacher summarizes according to the results of the exchange: (First write about the scene of seeing the grassland, grasp the sky, air, hillocks, flat land, sheep these scenes in order from the sky to the ground, from top to bottom.) The impressions generated by the post-writing. How did the author grasp the characteristics of the scenery and use vivid language to depict the beautiful scenery of the grassland?

The teacher focused on reading and understanding the following sentence: "The sheep go up the hillock for a while, and then come down again, and everywhere they go, it is like embroidering a boundless green carpet with big white flowers." (What rhetorical rhetorical is used in this sentence?) Compare what to what? Experience the vivid image of the metaphor. )

"This realm is both amazing and comfortable, and I want to stand and look around for a long time, and I want to sit down and whisper a strange little poem." (This sentence is written with the deep feelings left by the beautiful scenery of the grassland to the author, and the words reveal the author's exclamation and praise for the grassland.) (Board Book: Scenery Beauty)

Fifth, the picture display, enjoy the beautiful scenery

【Show Courseware 6】Multimedia show "Grassland Landscape Pictures", with grassland songs "Please come to the grassland" or "I have an agreement with the grassland" and "The vast grassland" and other soundtracks, students use their senses to feel the beauty of the grassland.

Encourage students to recognize new words and understand words in a variety of ways, reflect the subjectivity, initiative and self-consciousness of students' learning, can improve self-learning ability, cultivate students' interest in writing and actively understand words, teach students the correct writing methods and methods of understanding words, and lay the foundation for developing good learning habits.

The design of this link is for teachers to help students find ways to sort out structures, to help students grasp the content of the text as a whole, and to learn how the author organizes the material.

This link is designed to allow students to learn and inquire independently, to talk to the text on their own, and to be able to talk to the author, so that students can become the real masters of the classroom, laying a foundation for learning the text and appreciating beautiful articles later.

This session is designed to teach students to grasp the key sentences to understand the article and experience the author's emotions, which is an important way to understand the article.

Use pictures and sounds to stimulate students' senses, so that students can more directly feel the beauty of the grassland scenery, which helps students to deeply understand the text and leave a deep impression.

Class summary and extended extension ( ) minutes

6. Class summary, arrangement and recitation

1. In this class, we learned the new words, and followed Mr. Lao She to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the grassland, I think most students may have an impulse, that is, they want to go to the prairie immediately to see, to breathe fresh air, to look up at the blue sky. Let's keep it all in mind.

2.Ask students to memorize the first natural paragraph of the text after class.

Memorizing beautiful passages and allowing students to accumulate beautiful sentences can improve students' language literacy and cultivate students' love of language.

1. Read Pinyin and write Chinese characters.

At the "Naadam" congress, horse riders hold biān ( ) horses in a row, each dressed in gorgeous clothes ( ) , wearing colorful belts , full of youthful vitality. At the sound of an order, only the sound of the horse tí ( ) was heard, and a group of people jīn ( ) streamers danced, like a color hóng ( ) flew from the green tǎn ( ) into the distance.

Archery, wrestling jiāo( ) and other competitions also attract many herders, and many beautiful Mongolian girls also rěn ( ) do not stop to come and see. The face of the shy sè (), the graceful posture, and the pleasant laughter add a beautiful scenery to the arena.

Second, choose the correct meaning for the words drawn below and fill in the corresponding parentheses.

Disease: (1) Illness (2) Pain (3) Hatred (4) Rapid and violent

Gunma Chi ( ) Evil as Vengeance ( ) Accumulation of Labor ( ) Suffering ( )

3. Write synonyms of the following words.

Silence ( ) Shyness ( ) Restraint ( ) Free ( ) Aftertaste ( )

Fourth, combine the content of the text and choose the correct answer.

1. "This realm is both amazing and comfortable, and one wishes to stand and look around for a long time, and to sit down and whisper a strange little poem." In this sentence, "this realm" refers to ( )

A. The prairie sky is clear, the air is fresh, a thousand miles, and the picturesque situation of green color.

B. Under the heavens, a thousand miles, and not vast.

C. There are mounds on all sides, the flat land is green, and the mounds are also green.

D. The flock resembles a large white flower, and the hillock resembles a Chinese painting.

2. "In this realm, even the horses and the great cattle sometimes stand still, as if savoring the infinite pleasures of the steppe." The correct understanding of this sentence is ( )

A. The author reads the mind of the horse and the bull.

B. This is what the author imagined based on the situation at that time.

C. Horses and big cows are indeed reminiscing about the fun of the prairie.


1. Whip, Hoof, Hoof, Rainbow, Blanket, Wrestling, Forbearance

II. (4) (3) (1) (2)

Third, quiet, shy, restrained, elegant, experienced

四、1.A 2.B

Lesson 2

1.Explore the learning text and grasp the key words to understand the content of the text.

2.While understanding the content of the text, enhance the feelings of love for the grassland and the people of the grassland.


First, review and check, and introduce new lessons

1. Examination, which refers to the student's recitation of the first natural paragraph of the text.

2. Talk introduction into the new lesson: In the last lesson, we learned the first natural paragraph of the text and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the prairie. In this lesson, we will continue to follow Mr. Lao She into the Mongolian people's yurts to feel the warmth and friendship of the Mongolian people.

The inspection of the memorization session is designed to be a good connection with the previous lesson, but also to allow students to relive the beautiful scenery of the prairie, stimulate emotions, and prepare for learning a new lesson.

Second, "the first time to enter the grassland", feel "free"

"The car traveled one hundred and fifty miles before reaching its destination. One hundred and fifty miles were all grasslands. Another hundred and fifty miles, it is still grassland. Driving on the grassland is very free, as long as the direction is good, how to go can be. When I first entered the grassland, I couldn't hear a sound or see anything, except for some small birds that flew and fell. ”

Read by name, tell me what you read from this sentence? What's not to like?

Focus on understanding "free":

(1) What word can be replaced by the word "free" in context? (Free, unrestrained...) )

(2) From what sentences can we see that "the driving on the grassland is very free"? (As long as the direction is good, you can do whatever you want.) )

(3) Teacher description, students feel: "free" is that there is no obstacle of red lights and green lights, no congestion of pedestrians and vehicles, but there is a green color flow, full view, but accompanied by the birds that fly and fall, which makes many people yearn for it!

(4) Guide reading, performance "free": to see who can read this feeling of freedom, everyone comes to compare and compete.

Third, read deeply and experience the enthusiasm

1. Introduction: The beauty of the grassland is intoxicating; the freedom of driving is desirable; and the national customs of the grassland are even more unforgettable. Let's go with Mr. Lao She and approach the yurt to meet the Mongolian compatriots.

2. Freely read the natural paragraphs 2-5 of the text, thinking: If you want to summarize the characteristics of the grassland people in one word, what do you want to use? (Hospitality)

3. In what ways can the hospitality of the steppe people be seen?

Students answer and teachers guide corrections.

4. Please try it, in front of these words, adding some words composed of the word "love" will make people feel the hot hearts of the grassland people more deeply? (Board Book: Human Beauty)

【Show courseware 9】

Greeting, meeting, entertaining, partying, saying goodbye

(1) Now ask the students to read the text carefully, and after reading it, think together with the students in the group to think about which word it is most appropriate to add these words in front of them.

(2) Students are free to speak and fill in the words, and the teacher points out guidance. Fill in the blanks on the courseware, fill in the blanks in turn: enthusiasm, passion, enthusiasm, and affection

(3) Communication Summary:

Warm welcome Passionate meeting Hospitality Enjoy the party Affectionate farewell

(Board book: warm welcome, warm hospitality, affectionate farewell)

5. In accordance with the order of Mr. Lao She's visits to the grassland, let's feel the affection of the grassland people step by step?

(1) Warm welcome:

(1) From which statements do you feel this enthusiasm?

"It was as if it had been blown by a gust of wind"—it came so quickly, showing the eagerness of the people of the steppe to welcome guests from afar.

"Like a rainbow flying towards us", why use the metaphor of "rainbow"? Not only because of the variety of clothes, but more importantly, it is a metaphor for a passion.

"Immediately turn the horse's head, cheer, gallop..." Imagine the scene when the car and the horse met, how would you feel if you were present?

(2) The enthusiasm of the grassland people is touching, can you read the enthusiasm of the grassland people? Read this passage aloud with emotion.

(2) Passionate meeting:

(1) Can you imagine what it was like to meet at that time—students improvising, random interviews with teachers: What did you just say? Do you understand Mongolian? If you don't understand, what do you think they're saying?

(2) Read aloud with emotion, read out excitement and excitement.

(3) Hospitality:

(1) What do the hosts offer to entertain visitors from afar?

(2) In addition to eating and drinking, do not forget to sing to help entertain, guests and hosts are unrestrained, and their happiness is harmonious.

(3) Read aloud with emotion.

(4) Have fun:

(1) What are the projects of the party?

(2) Explanation: These are the most popular traditional projects of the Mongols, and they are a demonstration of Mongolian manpower and beauty that can ride and shoot, sing and dance.

(5) Affectionate farewell:

(1) Show courseware: [Show courseware 10] "The background is the grassland setting in the west, and the parting music ("The Mongolian" sung in Mongolian) sounded.

(2) Teacher's guidance: As the sun sets, the guests and hosts stand outside the yurt and look at the endless grassland, and they are about to separate. In the ears, the melodious sound of the horse's head piano and the simple and high-pitched Mongolian folk songs are still echoing; in the mouth, the fragrant milk tea and delicious lamb are endlessly evocative; in the mind, the majestic, powerful, bright and strong Mongolian dance is still vividly remembered. Hands in hand, so hotly held, holding it without scattering... That's really —it's hard to give up, it's hard to give up (to guide students to say the idiom that means they don't want to part).

(3) This is exactly what is -- [Show Courseware 11] "Menghan is deeply affectionate and can't bear to say goodbye, and the sky is full of grass and grass!" ”

The sun was already in the west, and no one would go. What feelings does this sentence express? (This sentence expresses the deep friendship between the Mongolian and Han people and the feelings of attachment to others.) )

Let us collectively read this sentence with a sense of affection.

Grasping the key word "free" to understand the text is to let students understand the situation of driving on the grassland, and guide students to understand the characteristics of the grassland from this perspective.

This link is to use words to summarize the content of the paragraph, and this design is to test the student's ability to summarize, that is, to grasp the article as a whole.

Designing this step to fill in the blanks can cultivate students' generalization ability and ability to accurately use words.

Let students study in groups, gradually feel the enthusiasm of the grassland people, and cultivate students' cooperative inquiry ability and appreciation of excellent texts.

By learning each link of "greeting, meeting, hospitality, party, and farewell" in turn, you can feel the characteristics of the author's language and learn the writing method of the article.

After each session, let students read this section of the text with feelings, which can not only deepen the understanding of the text, but also cultivate students' reading ability, promote each other, and complement each other.

Class summary and extension

4. Summarize the class and assign homework

  1. The text specifically describes the beautiful scenery of the grasslands seen by the author and the scenes of the Mongolian people's hospitality, long-distance hospitality, and hospitality. We were deeply impressed by the beauty of the steppe scenery and the human beauty of the Mongolian people's hospitality. The beautiful scenery on the grassland deeply intoxicated us, and the hospitality of the grassland people made us deeply moved. National unity and mutual assistance are the common aspirations of everyone. Students, let us contribute our share to the great cause of the unity of the Chinese nation.

2. Assignments

  (1) Copy beautiful sentences in the text.

(2) Memorize the first natural paragraph of the text.

The class summary enabled the students to review the beautiful scenery described in the text and the enthusiasm of the grassland people again, clarify the center, and sublimate the feelings.

The two homework questions are arranged to allow students to accumulate diligently and improve their language literacy.



Beautiful scenery (first sight of the grassland)

Warm welcome (welcome)

Hospitality (Hospitality)

Affectionate Farewell (Farewell)


           Beautiful people

1. Fill in the appropriate words in parentheses

Air ( ) Singing ( ) Sky ( )

Prairie ( ) Horse ( ) Line ( )

Second, read the "Prairie" fragment and answer the questions.

This time, I saw the prairie. The sky there is more lovely than elsewhere, the air is so fresh, the sky is so clear, I always want to sing a song, to express my happiness. Under the heavens, a thousand miles, and not vast. There are mounds on all sides, the flat land is green, and the mounds are also ( ). This realm is both amazing and comfortable, and they want to stand and look around for a long time, and they want to sit down and whisper a strange little poem. In this realm, even the horses and the big cattle sometimes stand still, as if they are reminiscing about the grasslands ( ).

1. According to the content of the text, the short text is completed.

2. The author summarizes in the fragment that the characteristics of the grassland are ____

3. Briefly talk about what scenes are written in the text, and what kind of mood does the author express?

4. Write synonyms for the following words.

Marvel ( ) feminine ( ) Strange ( )

5. Read the sentences that draw lines in the short text, "boundless green carpet" refers to ________________

3. Fill in the blanks.

"Grassland" is an essay written by a famous writer, which expresses the beauty of the steppe and the Mongolian people through specific narratives and descriptions. Finally, the author starts with "

The verses express their sincere feelings of loving the grassland and praising the grassland people.

First, fresh and loud blue, vast Mercedes-Benz Soft

2. 1. Green Green Rendering Ink line outline Chinese painting Infinite fun

2. The air is fresh, the sky is clear, and the sky is clear

3. Sky, air, hills, flat land, flocks. Pleasure.

4. Sigh beautiful and magnificent

5. Meadows Sheep herds Hills The scenery of the grasslands is incomparable

Third, Lao She Natural scenery Hospitality Menghan love and endure farewell, the end of the world green grass words slanting the sun

Teaching reflections

Reflecting on the whole teaching process, I myself believe that the success is in the following two aspects:

First, with the help of the media, enter the artistic conception of beauty

Using multimedia teaching methods, turning rationality into sensibility, turning static abstraction into vivid images, expressive special functions, you can suddenly present the "grassland style" - the essence of the grassland scenic spots in front of students, so that students can feel the beauty of the grassland from the visual and auditory point of view. It makes students quickly revel in the beauty of nature and music, and stimulates students' interest in learning.

Second, respect students' personalized understanding, and pay attention to students' unique perceptions and experiences

In this lesson, I insist on encouraging students to personalize and open-ended reading comprehension of texts, rather than thinking about how to integrate students' understanding and understanding of texts into their own instructional design. For example, in the part of the grassland people greeting distant visitors, I asked the students why the grassland people who came to greet them were compared to rainbows, and the students' answers were diverse, as long as they were reasonable, I affirmed them, and encouraged the students to imagine boldly and speak enthusiastically. The next question is: When the Mongol people see the original guests, why don't they get off the horse and talk, but immediately turn the horse's head? The students also gave a variety of answers, I and the students jointly evaluated, teaching students to put themselves in the shoes of imagination, so that it fully mobilized the students' different thinking and divergent thinking, the content of the students' imagination is richer, and the language expression is more practical.

But teaching is always flawed, and in the teaching of this lesson, I think there are still deficiencies. The shortcomings mainly exist in the following two aspects:

1. Students' initiative in learning is not well played. The teacher does not let go enough in the learning of the second to fifth stages, so that the students' ability to learn independently, question independently, and solve problems independently has not been fully exercised.

2. In the face of students' outstanding performance, I can't find more appropriate evaluation terms in time, and sometimes, knowing that students are doing well, but rushing to find the right words to evaluate. Those who are used to "you are awesome" and "great" are enough in my opinion, but if you use them repeatedly, they will become boring and lose the meaning of praise.

In the future teaching, I will start from the perspective of the instructor and pay more attention to cultivating students' ability to explore independently. Earnestly study the language of classroom evaluation, strive to be appropriate, and evaluate students in a timely and in-place manner.

Lesson preparation materials

This essay, the words are soaked with a strong grassland style: the scenery of the grassland, the moving scene of welcoming distant guests, hospitality, and affectionate words, are all unforgettable. This article is what the author saw, heard, and felt when he first visited the Inner Mongolian steppe, and through these sees, hears, and feels, praises the beautiful scenery of the grassland and the unity between the nationalities.

This article is well-layered, and the author narrates according to the order of development of things, first describing the beautiful scenery of the grassland, and then describing the grassland welcome scene and the situation of the grassland party. The author moves from scene to person, and finally ends with a concise and powerful verse with rich meaning. The whole text is arranged in an orderly manner, the context is clear, the connection is close, and the promotion of nature is natural. The language of the text is beautiful, and it is good at using metaphors and anthropomorphic writing, which is not only similar to the shape but also similar to the gods, vivid and appropriate, but also simple and concise, vivid and touching. The third is the blending of scenes, whether it is the description of natural scenery or the meeting of the host and guest, the party, and the farewell, everywhere exudes the author's praise.

  Shu Qingchun (February 3, 1899 – August 24, 1966), courtesy name Lao Sheyu, pen name Lao She, Manchu Zhenghongqiren, real name Shu Qingchun, born in Beijing, was a modern Chinese novelist, a famous writer, an outstanding language master, a people's artist, and the first writer in New China to win the title of "People's Artist". He is the author of novels such as "Xiao Po's Birthday", "Cat City Chronicle", "The Legend of Niu Tianci", "Camel Xiangzi", etc., and the short story "Catching the Set". Lao She's literary language is simple, simple and unpretentious, humorous and witty, with a strong Beijing charm.

On August 24, 1966, the Chinese writer Lao She committed suicide by throwing himself into the Taiping Lake in Beijing because he could not bear the violent criticism of the Red Guards. At the beginning of 1978, Lao She was rehabilitated and restored the title of "People's Artist".

milk tea:

Milk tea was originally the daily drink of the nomadic people in northern China and has a history of at least a thousand years. Since the Yuan Dynasty, it has spread all over the world, and there are currently different kinds of milk tea popular in China, India, Arabia, Britain, Malaysia, Singapore and other regions.

Uyghurs, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tibetans and Mongolians in China have the habit of making milk tea. The raw materials of Xinjiang milk tea are tea and cow's milk or goat milk. Uzbek roasted milk tea is generally used in copper pots or aluminum pots, first boil the tea, then add milk to boil, stir well, until the tea milk is completely blended, and then add the right amount of salt to make it. When drinking, put the milk tea in a bowl and add ghee or mutton oil and pepper.

Tibetan and Mongolian milk teas are made from brick tea, goat's milk or milk, and boiled in ghee, with salt to make the taste salty. The Southern Hong Kong-style milk tea is also known as "silk stocking milk tea", the local drinking milk tea habit originated from the British afternoon tea, but the preparation method is different, made of black tea mixed with strong fresh milk and sugar, with more milk and sugar, hot and cold drinks can be. Milk tea is an indispensable drink in the daily life of Tibetan and Mongolian herders. The tea used in milk tea is green brick tea. Brick tea is rich in vitamin C, tannins, protein, acids, aromatic oils and other essential nutrients for the human body. Milk tea includes the most popular Hong Kong-style milk tea/ silk stocking milk tea / Mandarin duck milk tea, fruit juice, snow bubble, iced black tea / green tea, foam black tea, green tea, seasoned tea, cool jelly, taro mother, yogurt eight series of 200 varieties. The general practice of milk tea is to first mash the tea and boil it in a pot of white water. After the tea is boiled, when the tea is stronger, after the tea leaves are removed with a colander, then continue to burn for a while, and stir the tea with a spoon while boiling, and after it is concentrated, then add an appropriate amount of fresh milk or milk powder, stir with a spoon until the tea milk blends, and open the pot again to become a rich and fragrant milk tea.

Milk tofu: Also known as dried milk, known as "Hu Milk Da" in Mongolian, it is a common milk food in the homes of Mongolian herders. Food made from coagulated and fermented milk, goat's milk, horse milk, etc. The shape resembles ordinary tofu, but not tofu. It is named after the tofu-like character. The taste is slightly sour, some are slightly sweet, frankincense is strong, herders love to eat, often brewed in milk tea to eat, or go out as dry food, both thirst quenching and hunger. It can also be made into plucked milk tofu, which is a famous dish at the banquet.

Hand-grabbed mutton: Hand-grabbed mutton is a traditional food loved by Mongolian, Tibetan, Hui, Uighur and other ethnic groups in northwest China, which has a history of nearly a thousand years, and was originally named after hand-grabbed food. There are three ways to eat, namely hot eating (steaming hot dipped in triad oil after slices), cold eating (directly dipped in fine salt after slicing), and frying (frying in a pan and eating while frying). It is characterized by the delicious taste of the meat, not greasy, not greasy, full of color and fragrance.

Evenk: The Evenk are an ethnic group in Northeast Asia, inhabited mainly in Siberia, Russia, and the provinces of Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang in China, with a small distribution in Mongolia. In Russia they are known as the Evankie. Evenk is the ethnic self-designation of the Evenk people, which means "people who live in the mountains and forests".

The language and culture of the Evenk people is unique, belonging to the Altaic language family, in daily life, most of the Evenk people use their own language, there is no national script.

The Evenk developed from nomadic to settled, a group of people engaged in livestock production. Their traditional culture has great richness, the most prominent is the costume culture and food culture.

Yurt: A type of house inhabited by Mongolian herders, suitable for pastoral production and nomadic life.

Spacious and comfortable inside, the yurt is supported by a special wooden frame, wrapped in two to three layers of wool felt, and then tied with a rope twisted from horsehair or camel hair, and its top is braced and covered with tarpaulin to form a canopy. Its circular spire has a skylight, which is covered with four squares of wool felt, which can be ventilated and lighted, which is easy to build, easy to disassemble and move, and is suitable for living in the rotational pastoral walking field.

The unique craftsmanship of yurts reflects the aesthetics and superb skills of the Mongolian people. Yurts have irreplaceable ornamental value, but also have practical value, artistic value and economic value.

Chenbal Tiger Banner: Subordinate to Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, located in the northwest of Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, located in the hinterland of Hulunbuir Steppe, bordering Yakeshi City and Erguna City in the east and northeast, adjacent to Hailar District in the southeast, followed by the Evenk Autonomous Banner in the south, the left banner of the New Balhu in the west, the Ergun River in the northwest and Russia, and the total length of the Sino-Russian border is 193.9 kilometers (water boundary).

Song 1.

Beautiful prairie my home

Composer: Alatenole

Lyricist: Huohua

Beautiful prairie my home, wind blowing green grass everywhere flowers

  Colorful butterflies fly hundreds of birds sing, and a bend of blue water reflects the sunset

  Horses are like colorful clouds, and cattle and sheep are like pearls


  The shepherd girl sang loudly, and the happy singing was all over the world

  Beautiful prairie my home, water clear grass beauty I love it

  The grassland is like a green sea, and the felt bag is like a white lotus

  Herders depict happy scenes, and the spring light is picturesque

Song 2.


Filler: Tengger

Composer: Tengger

Blue sky, clear lake water.

Oh yes, green prairie, this is my home.

Oh yes, galloping horses, white sheep,

Oh yes, and your girl, this is my home.

I love you, my home, my home, my paradise.

Lao She's article

Scenery of Inner Mongolia (Excerpt)

In the summer of 1961, at the invitation of Comrade Ulanfu of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, we, including writers, painters, musicians, dancers, singers, and more than twenty people, organized by the Central Ministry of Culture, the Ethnic Affairs Commission, and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, visited the eastern and western parts of Inner Mongolia for eight weeks. Accompanying us was Comrade Buhe of the Inner Mongolia Cultural Bureau. He arranged a very good visiting procedure for us, so that we could see forest areas, pastoral areas, agricultural areas, fisheries, scenic areas and industrial bases in a short period of time; he also saw some monuments, schools and exhibition halls; and participated in literary and artistic activities everywhere, exchanging experiences and learning from each other. Everywhere, we are welcomed and helped by the leading comrades and the people of all nationalities, and we are very grateful!

  The above is a small quotation. Below I would like to introduce some of the scenery of Inner Mongolia in segments.

fishing ground

These fisheries are neither in the East China Sea nor in Lake Taihu, but in the northernmost part of the motherland, not far from Manchuria. I'm talking about Lake Darya. If anyone does not believe that fish can still be found in the northernmost part of the frontier, ask him to go and see for himself. When he got there, he would realize how vast the motherland was, and Inner Mongolia was not only sand and camels, as the predecessors said. Inner Mongolia is not an outsider, but a treasure land rich in resources, an indispensable treasure land for building the motherland!

It is said that how deep the water here is and how thick the fish are. We ate the fish in the lake which were very fat. The water is good, so the fish is fat. There are three rivers entering the lake, and all three rivers pass through the grassland, so the lake is full of blue waters - the grassland is green, and it is in front of the green waves. There are many white gulls flying on the lake. Fishing boats roaming between the blue shores, green lakes, green skies, and white gulls, what a fascinating view!

We went for a tour of the lake. Driving the boat was a Young Man from Guangdong, who was very handsome, with broad shoulders and a round waist, and all of his strength. He loved the lake, was not afraid of the harsh winter cold, and worked here happily, no matter what the north and south of the world. He loves literature and has read many literary masterpieces. He didn't hide in a warm library because he loved literature, he had to touch the hard ice of the northern winter, shoot fish, and support everywhere. Yes, although Inner Mongolia has infinite treasures, if no one is willing to take it, even fish will die in the water. Unfortunately, I forgot the name of this good young man. I'm sure he'll forgive me, and he won't have come here for fame and fortune.

Scenic spot

Zarantun is truly a pearl on the plug. How beautiful! It is not as bright as Suzhou and Hangzhou, nor does it have the momentum of the ancient snow of the Tianshan Mountains, but it has a unique style and is charming. It has almost no artificial carvings, just some pure natural mountains and rivers. No one can point out where it is a "scene", but no one can deny that it is beautiful everywhere. It doesn't have any stone tablets, what smoke trees are carved, or what wonders. It is just so simple, generous, quiet, waiting for tourists. There are no tourists, and it doesn't matter much. It is not deliberately decorated, asking tourists for poetry. It is itself filled with the purest poetic rhymes.

There are hills on all sides, neither qi peaks nor ancient temples, just so quietly embroidered into a green ring under the blue sky. There is a river in the middle of the ring, more here and less on the bank, and there are random green willow poplars. A few cattle, a small herd of white sheep, grazed with their heads bowed in the sun, and the shepherd boys could not be seen. Maybe there is, I'm afraid it's fishing in the shade of a willow. The banks of the river are green. The high slopes are also green. The green went straight up to the distant green mountains. This green color makes people forget in dreams, as if it is carefully dyed in the soul.

How many flowers are there in the green grass. Caryophyllus, platycodon, and many unnamed ones are so unreservedly blooming with flowers of various colors, spitting out various fragrances, attracting countless wind butterflies, flying around idlely and busily. You don't have to look for a small pavilion or a stone, just sit on the green space. How cool the wind is, and the sun is so warm, making people want to close their eyes and go to sleep between cool and warm, the so-called "intoxication", maybe this is it?

The sunset was in the mountains and it was time to go back. The road is still so green everywhere, and there are so many grass and trees, but I can't get tired of seeing it. There was a patch of buckwheat with dense white flowers; there was a sorghum, swaying red spikes in the breeze. You must also take a look at it, and ordinary things seem to be different here. It is precisely because of some buckwheat and sorghum that the more we feel that the whole scenery is natural, beautiful and intimate. Look, the big golden melon on that hut! I also have to look at it for most of the day, as if I have never seen it before!

Is it because Zalantun is in Inner Mongolia that the five points of beauty are said to be ten points? Not at all! It is not convenient for us to compare it with the landscape of Suzhou and Hangzhou or Guilin, but if it is not comparable, the fairest way to say it is that each has its own advantages. "The sky is clear, the wilderness is vast" is even more inappropriate here. I am not here to simply promote the beauty, I want to point it out and hope to correct the previous incorrect view of Inner Mongolia. Knowing a little about the actual situation, like the beauty of Zalantun, or not to hear the terms "outside the mouth" and "outside the gate", I think of the snow in August, the quicksand, and I am afraid.

   People's Daily, October 13, 1961


The accumulation of foundations has been greatly consolidated

First, familiarize yourself with the text, and use "√" to draw the correct pronunciation of the words added to the text.

1. The lines of those mounds are so feminine, like Chinese paintings dyed only with green (xuān xuàn) and not with ink lines (lè lēi), everywhere green and flowing gently into the clouds.

2. In the distance, I saw a rounded (yù yū) bright glass-like belt - the river!

3. There were many cattle and sheep, and they also saw the horses, and Cain (yǐn wěn) concealed the light sound of the whip.

4. Men and women on horseback, young and old, dressed in various colors, galloping horses, and jǐn jīn streamers dancing like a rainbow flying towards us.

5. When they saw us, the masters immediately turned the head of the horse (bá bō), cheered, galloped, and led the way to the left and right of the car and in front.

2. Identify group words.

Surprisingly ( ) Chen ( ) Cry ( ) Slightly ( )

Environment( ) Array ( ) Hoof ( ) Piggyback ( )

Jiao( ) Rainbow ( ) Blanket ( ) Poop ( )

Wrestling ( ) Red ( ) Felt ( ) Whip ( )

Third, write sentences as required.

1. The flock of sheep on the grass is like the big white flowers on the green carpet. (Abbreviation)

2. The horses and cattle stand still, as if they are reminiscing about the infinite fun of the grassland. (imitation sentence)

It seems like.

3. The grassland people do not speak the language of distant visitors. The people of the steppe are very affectionate with the distant visitors. (Connect the two sentences into one sentence with appropriate related words)

Greatly improved reading ability

Fourth, the overall combing of the text: the following links are arranged according to the order of the narrative in the text.

Affectionate farewell Hospitality Rejoice Warm welcome Passionate meeting

V. Analysis of key paragraphs.

We visited the Chenbal Tiger Flag. The car walked a hundred and fifty miles before reaching its destination. One hundred and fifty miles were all grasslands. Another hundred and fifty miles, it is still grassland. Driving on the grassland is very free, as long as the direction is good, how to go can be. When I first entered the grassland, I couldn't hear a sound or see anything, except for some small birds that flew and fell. After walking for a long time, I saw a winding and bright glass belt in the distance - the river! There were more cattle and sheep, and they also saw the horses, and there was a faint sound of the whip. It's almost here, it's almost here. Suddenly, as if blown by a gust of wind, a group of horses appeared on the hillocks in the distance, and men, women and children on horseback dressed in various colors, and the horses galloped and danced with streamers, like a rainbow flying towards us. This is the host coming dozens of miles away to welcome distant guests. Seeing us, the masters immediately turned the horse's head, cheered, galloped, and led the way to the left and right of the car and in front. The silent grasslands came alive: cheers, cars, horseshoes, all in one. The car followed the horse over the hillock and saw several yurts.

1. "One hundred and fifty miles is full of grasslands. Another hundred and fifty miles, it is still grassland. From what aspect does this sentence introduce the grassland? ( )

(1) Color (2) Shape (3) Odor (4) Size

2. What does "like a gust of wind blow" mean?

3. "This is the host coming dozens of miles away to welcome distant guests." What do you see in this sentence?

4. From the description of this paragraph, what else can you feel besides feeling the beautiful grassland scenery? Please write it out!

Great expansion of thinking innovation

Please imagine, after we arrive at the yurt, what will the owner say to us? What to do? (Free play)

Reference Answer:

一、 1.èn 2. yū 3.yǐn 4.jīn 5.bō

Second, exactly the environment Furnishings Showers Cry Horseshoe Slightly Go Dragon Wrestling Rainbow Red Blanket Felt Convenient Whip

1. The flock is like a big flower.

2. A few birds chirp in the branches singing about a happy and beautiful new life

3. Although the people of the steppe and the distant visitors do not speak the language, they are very intimate.

Fourth, warm greeting, passionate meeting, warm hospitality, enjoy the party, and say goodbye with deep affection

5. (4) 2. Indicates that the herders are riding fast horses. 3. I can see from this sentence that the herders have come from afar to welcome guests, indicating that they are very hospitable. 4. I can also feel the rugged and hospitable character of the grassland people.

Example: When we arrived at the yurt, the host smiled and said, "Welcome to the steppe, the beautiful scenery of the steppe will make you feast your eyes!" The food of the prairie will make you feast! "After saying that, the host brought out milk tea and hand-grabbed lamb to entertain us.