
One meal a day| summer to quench the heat and thirst, it is better to make a homemade sour plum soup

author:South Plus client

One sentence of health: mango seeds boiled sour plums, delicious soup to eliminate summer.

One meal a day| summer to quench the heat and thirst, it is better to make a homemade sour plum soup

There is a graceful custom of the Mangzhong festival, which is "boiled plum". Its sweet and sour is delicious, Chinese medicine believes that acid and sweetness can dissolve the yin, so that the body can be replenished, so "boiled plum" is a good product for summer.

Recommended today - sour plum soup

One meal a day| summer to quench the heat and thirst, it is better to make a homemade sour plum soup


15 grams of plum, 10 grams of dried hawthorn, osmanthus nectar to taste.


(1) Rinse the plum and hawthorn dried slightly, put it in a pot, add about 1500 ml of water to a boil, turn to medium heat and cook for about 30 minutes.

(2) Cook well and let cool, add osmanthus nectar according to personal preference when drinking.

One meal a day| summer to quench the heat and thirst, it is better to make a homemade sour plum soup

Professor Yang Zhimin, a special health expert and vice president of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Expert Comments:

This is a sour plum soup that can be easily made at home. Sour plum soup can usually be used to cool off the heat, quench thirst and appetize, is a traditional drink in summer, suitable for all ages. Hawthorn is also added to the soup to consume appetizers, accompanied by a faint aroma of osmanthus flowers, which is refreshing. It is a rare therapeutic product for summer heat.

Physician on call in this period:

One meal a day| summer to quench the heat and thirst, it is better to make a homemade sour plum soup

Yuan Goodman, Attending Physician, M.M. He is good at using traditional Chinese medicine decoctions, creams, dietary therapy and other methods to regulate various biased physical states and sub-health states, such as: cold intolerance, insomnia, fatigue, indigestion, constipation, kidney deficiency, easy to catch fire (repeated mouth ulcers, acne), easy to catch colds, easy to diarrhea, easy to cough, children's physical conditioning, pre-pregnancy conditioning, postpartum conditioning, etc.

[Reporter] Yan Huifang

【Author】 Yan Huifang

One meal per day

Source: South+ - Create more value

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