
The Ultimate Killer Who Tore The Han Empire Apart - Yuan Shao (XV)

author:Ah Ming's second brother

Original included in the topic #Yuan Shao13# Lü Bu 2

(immediately following the previous issue)

History that is difficult to comment on

Only two months after the people of Chang'an bought wine and celebrated to eliminate Dong Zhuozhixi, Chang'an was once again in chaos. When Dong Zhuo was there, he could also command Qunhao, and the social order in Chang'an was relatively stable. Dong Zhuo died, and the Qunhao were all big, did not give in to each other, and stirred Chang'an into a restless chicken, and there was no day of stability, which was not as good as Dong Zhuo's period.

How should we evaluate the series of events that occurred in this short period of time that affected the course of history? How to evaluate Wang Yun as a person? If Wang Yun had pardoned the Liangzhou soldiers in time, if Wang Yun had heeded the advice of his subordinates, used Emperor Fusong to lead the Liangzhou army, contacted the Guan ASEAN army, and negotiated with the negotiating country, if Jia Xu had not said that the words of the flying immortals outside the sky, how would history have evolved?

These questions are difficult to answer, and can only be speculated and commented upon.

The Ultimate Killer Who Tore The Han Empire Apart - Yuan Shao (XV)

One speculation is that regardless of whether Wang Yun succeeds or not, it is difficult for the situation of the princes to be fundamentally changed in a short period of time. It's just that the way it evolves will be different.

In order to return to the pattern of great unification, it is obviously not possible to rely on Emperor Xian and Wang Yun, there must be many other factors, such as a strong emperor, a strong and loyal army, a few strategists and invincible military generals, and a strong economic strength, which is not available to the current imperial family.

Will that change in time? No one knows this. But there is a glimmer of hope.

At that time, the imperial court was still respected, and the tributes paid to the imperial court were Youzhou Liu Yu, Jingzhou Liu Biao, Xuzhou Taoqian, Jiaozhou Shi Xie, etc. (including later Cao Cao and Sun Ce all maintained tribute to the imperial court), whether out of intention or not, at least in theory they did not openly oppose the imperial court. If it can be properly used, it is also a force that cannot be underestimated, and it may not be used by the imperial court.

In this sense, Wang Yun's defeat dashed the faint hope of reviving the Han Dynasty. Therefore, although the historians of later generations unanimously condemned Jia Xu's inciting the wind and igniting the ghost fire, they still unanimously agreed that Wang Yun's wrong decision led to the final result.

The Ultimate Killer Who Tore The Han Empire Apart - Yuan Shao (XV)

One comment is that the most important thing in ancient times was the patriots with low eyesight, and Wang Yun was only one of them.

What these people like to do the most is to ignore the objective reality, just stand on the moral high ground and accuse others, almost barbarically interfere in the government's politics, and do many things that mislead the country and the people and even bring calamity to the country and the people.

In fact, if you change things to them, they can't do it well. For example, the late Han Party members scolded the eunuchs for being cruel, but they did not blink when they killed people, just like Zhang Rang said when he scolded He Jin, "How many good things do you scholars and doctors have?" ”

The old party of the Song Dynasty cursed the new party, scolded the new party for coming to power itself as far inferior to the new party, and even returned the northwest territory that the new party recovered from the Western Xia, and the blood of thousands of northwestern soldiers was shed in vain.

The Donglin party members of the Ming Dynasty constantly used patriotic and moral slogans to exert pressure on the front-line military generals, and even the emperor himself, with the moral slogans of patriotism and recklessness, which led to the emperor not daring to negotiate peace with Houjin, and the front-line military generals often fought in a state of no money, no food, and no assistance, or were forced to attack and attack under the condition that they originally had the advantage of holding on to the defense and consuming the opponent, resulting in a fiasco.

Qing Dynasty revolutionaries...

The result of blind patriotism is to mislead the country!

The Ultimate Killer Who Tore The Han Empire Apart - Yuan Shao (XV)

There is Lü Bu in the people, and there is a red rabbit in the horse

After Lü Bu was forced out of Chang'an by Li Dai and Guo Qi, he first defected to Yuan Shu. Lü Bu was really strange, and when he left Chang'an, he did not take his family members with him, entrusting them to the general Pang Shu, but took away Dong Zhuo's first rank.

This is very important, Lü Bu's prestige mainly comes from killing Dong Zhuo. After Lü Bu entered the Central Plains, many people from Yanzhou and Xuzhou came to defect, just for the merits and prestige of Lü Bu's killing of Dong Zhuo.

Lü Bu thought that killing Dong Zhuo was also a revenge for the Yuan family, and that he was grateful to the Yuan family, and Yuan Shu should be grateful for helping him. Who knew things didn't go as he thought.

There are two theories here, one is that Yuan Shu hates Lü Bu's capricious behavior and does not accept him at all; the other is that Yuan Shu still has a grateful heart and treats Lü Bu kindly. It was Lü Bu himself who had no fear and indulged his soldiers to plunder everywhere, causing Yuan Shu's worries and dissatisfaction. Lü Bu felt uneasy after noticing it, and took the initiative to lead his troops away from Yuan Shu and defected to Hanoi to guard Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang and Lü Bu were fellow villagers of Xiangzhou, who turned out to be a false Sima of the Western Garden Army, and Zhang Yang was also one of them when Yuan Shao asked He Jin to recruit four fierce soldiers into Luoyang. Lü Bu went to vote for Zhang Yang with the friendship of his fellow countrymen, which seemed to be reasonable.

Now some scholars believe that Lü Bu defected to Zhang Yang at the behest of Yuan Shu to persuade Zhang Yang to surrender, and if this is the case, regardless of whether the persuasion is successful or not, Lü Bu should return to Yuan Shu after leaving Zhang Yang to make an errand instead of defecting to Yuan Shao.

The Ultimate Killer Who Tore The Han Empire Apart - Yuan Shao (XV)

Li Dai and Guo Qi killed Back to Luoyang under the banner of avenging Dong Zhuo, and naturally would not spare Lü Bu, who killed Dong Zhuo, and offered a reward for capturing Lü Bu. Knowing that Lü Bu was here with Zhang Yang, he urged Zhang Yang to escort Lü Bu to Chang'an.

Zhang Yang's generals coveted the bounty and wanted to arrest Lü Bu and bring him to justice. Lü Bu said to Zhang Yang: "We are fellow countrymen, and if you kill me, it is equivalent to reducing your own strength, and you will not be able to make much merit, so it is better to betray me and get a knighthood and reward." ”

Zhang Yang did not want to attack Lü Bu, so he ostensibly agreed to Li Dai and Guo Qi's request, but secretly protected Lü Bu. Li Dai and Guo Qi, seeing that Zhang Yang refused to arrest Lü Bu, were worried that the two would cause some accidents if they stayed together for a long time, so they wanted to separate the two, and ordered Lü Bu to be appointed as the Taishou of Yingchuan. But Lü Bu did not go to his post.

There is no clear record of why Lü Bu left Zhang Yang, only speculation. Judging from Lü Bu's unwilling and lonely personality, it is estimated that he could not stand the constraint of being protected in Zhang Yang's camp and not being free. Lü Bu's best thing in life is to gallop on the battlefield, fight and fight, and enjoy the happiness of the sword and sword shadow, where can he be restrained and endure loneliness?

Lü Bu left Zhang Yang to defect to Yuan Shao, in addition to still holding the idea that he was kind to the Yuan family and that Yuan Shao should be kind, there was also a reason that Yuan Shao was the most influential and appealing person at that time, and looked like the most promising person.

The Ultimate Killer Who Tore The Han Empire Apart - Yuan Shao (XV)

When Lü Bu came to Yuan Shao's place, he happened to meet Yuan Shao to suppress Zhang Yan. "Fei Yan" meets "Fei General", a good war, and the fire is wonderful.

This was Lü Bu's first battle into the Central Plains. It was through this battle that Lü Bu became famous in the Central Plains. "There is Lü Bu among men, and there are red rabbits in horses", this saying began to circulate in the central plains from this time.

Lü Bu was best at commanding cavalry combat, and his troops were mainly cavalry. Lü Bu straddled the Red Rabbit Horse and led his subordinates Cheng Lian, Wei Yue and dozens of other horsemen to charge into the battle. Not only once a day, but three or four times, every time he rushed into Zhang Yan's camp, he could kill the enemy and triumph.

In the era of cold weapons, which mainly relied on physical strength (even the best martial arts also needed physical support), the combat effectiveness of such frequent charge was very amazing.

By the way, a little knowledge of science popularization. There are no excavated artifacts to confirm that there were already mature stirrups at that time, at most only stirrups, that is, the cavalry at that time needed to use more physical strength to control the horses, and could not stand up as easily as in the stirrups.

China's mature stirrup technology and application from about the middle of the 3rd century AD to the beginning of the 4th century AD, the Five Dynasties and Sixteen Kingdoms period, may have appeared wooden core, long straight handle, copper skin hanging stirrups appeared. Those scenes of cavalry stepping on iron stirrups and going like the wind in TV dramas with the theme of warring states and Qin and Han are all made up blindly, don't believe it. Because there were no stirrups, the main combat method used at that time was chariots. (In the West, it was heavy cavalry.)

The Ultimate Killer Who Tore The Han Empire Apart - Yuan Shao (XV)

Stirrups, also known as "Chinese boots", is an epoch-making invention in human history, and its significance and role are no less than the so-called "four major inventions". Stirrups completely changed the way humans fight, and thus changed human history. The British historian of science and technology White believes that "few inventions are as simple as stirrups, and few inventions have such great historical significance." ”

After ten consecutive days of charging, Zhang Yanjun finally could not resist this group of wolf-like iron horses in Hezhou, and the whole line collapsed and fled to the west of the Taihang Mountains.

This battle also brought huge benefits to Yuan Shao's domination of the north. The Wuhuan and Tu people fell to Yuan Shao. King Huan of Wuhuan even took the initiative to ask for peace with Yuan Shao. Jian Dun also sent thousands of iron horses to accompany Yuan Shao in the conquest, and the overseers engaged in liu bei's youth were specifically responsible for managing and commanding this team.

Yuan Shao's power thus expanded to northern Saibei, where the Wuhuan people lived, and central Hezhou, where the Tu ge people lived.

En will take revenge for plotting to assassinate Lü Bu

Lü Bu helped Yuan Shao defeat Zhang Yan and expand his power, but He did not expect Yuan Shao to take revenge and plot to assassinate Lü Bu. How did it get to this point?

Lü Bu's descent from a high position of ruling the government with Wang Yun to a desolate situation of wandering around under the fence was due to Li Dai and Guo Feng, so he hated Li Dai and Guo Feng very much, and always wanted to avenge Him.

The Ultimate Killer Who Tore The Han Empire Apart - Yuan Shao (XV)

Now that he had helped Yuan Shao defeat Zhang Yan, he thought that his merits were not small, so he asked Yuan Shao to borrow troops, wanted to kill and return to Chang'an, and recruited Li Dai and Guo Feng. Yuan Shao was using soldiers, and he was still thinking about asking for soldiers from others, where there would be surplus soldiers to lend to Lü Bu. Moreover, only by accepting the conciliation of the imperial court was equivalent to recognizing the legitimacy of Li Dai and Guo Feng in disguise, how could they immediately turn their faces and not recognize anyone? Coupled with Lü Bu's rebellion against Ding Yuan and dong Zhuo's second rebellion, who knows if he will betray himself after the supporting soldiers are in hand?

Yuan Shao did not borrow troops, and Lü Bu did not have enough troops to kill and return to Chang'an to avenge himself, so he had to hide here with Yuan Shao. All day long, the warlords in the northwest lacked a clear political goal, and only knew that the old problem of robbing and plundering had been committed again. Lü Bu's army began to plunder everywhere.

What made Yuan Shao and his civil and military officials even more unbearable was that Lü Bu arrogantly considered himself a high-ranking official official of the imperial court, looked down on Yuan Shao and his civil and military officials who were on their own, and the regular army looked down on the militia, which made these people unwilling to be with him.

Lü Bu's behavior caused yuan shao's serious dissatisfaction, which was obviously in color. Lü Bu saw it in his eyes and did not want to stay for long, so he made a request to Yuan Shao to return to Luoyang. Yuan Shao readily agreed, and also made Lü Bu a lieutenant and sent thirty soldiers to escort him.

The Ultimate Killer Who Tore The Han Empire Apart - Yuan Shao (XV)

In fact, these thirty soldiers were not the soldiers who escorted Lü Bu back to Luoyang, but the assassins who escorted Lü Bu to heaven. That same night, they wanted Lü Bu's life. But what they did not expect was that Lü Bu learned this secret and staged a wonderful drama of the golden cicada shedding its shell.

Lü Bu first pretended to rest in the tent and let people drum in the tent. Lü Bu did not sleep, and the assassin did not have a chance to do anything. The Assassins pretended to sleep first.

Lü Bu secretly used a quilt to disguise an illusion that he was sleeping in the bed, and then quietly walked out of the tent and slipped away. The Assassins were unaware.

In the middle of the night, the Assassin saw that there was no one in Lü Bu's tent, thinking that Lü Bu was asleep, and rushed in, wielding a knife to slash Lü Bu's bed, thinking that he had been hacked to death.

It was not until the next day, when Yuan Shao asked people to inquire about the news, that he knew that Lü Bu was still alive. Yuan Shao hurriedly ordered the city gates to be closed and the whole city searched. But it was too late, lü Bu had already escaped from the city. Yuan Shao ordered his soldiers to pursue and kill, but these soldiers were afraid of Lü Bu, and no one dared to go.

Lü Bu escaped from death and fled again to his compatriot Zhang Yang. While passing through Chen Liu on the way, he also formed an alliance with Chen Liu's taishou Zhang Mi (張邈), leaving clues that he later invaded Cao Cao's Yanzhou with Zhang Mi. This is an afterthought, and I'll talk about it later.

It is interesting to think that Lü Bu killed Dong Zhuo and thought that he had avenged the Yuan family and wanted to get the reward of the Yuan family brothers, but what he got was the murder of the Yuan family brothers. Yuan Shao instructed Jia Shi to murder in the front, and Yuan Shu instructed Hao Meng and Chen Gongxing to assassinate him in the back.

The Ultimate Killer Who Tore The Han Empire Apart - Yuan Shao (XV)

At the latest, at the end of the fourth year of Chuping (193 AD), Yuan Shao basically took control of Jizhou and extended his influence to Qingzhou and Hezhou.

At this time, in the land of the Central Plains, it was actually the yuan family brothers who were fighting. Yuan Shao of Jizhou, Cao Cao of Yanzhou, and Liu Biao of Jingzhou formed an alliance with one side, and Yuan Shu of Nanyang, Tao Qian of Xuzhou, and Gongsun Zhan of Youzhou formed an alliance of one side. Lü Bu stayed at the relatively independent Hedong Taishou Zhangyang, while Liu Bei and Sun Ce were still working.

When Yuan Shao's power gradually developed and grew, Cao Cao, who had been following Yuan Shao, encountered trouble, and Yanzhou, which had just arrived, was about to fall into lü Bu's hands. We'll talk about it in the next issue.

(To be continued)

(All the pictures in the article are from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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