
Zhao Wanli visited Tianyi Pavilion three times |

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

□ Zhou Weiqiang

Human nature is to like comfort, such as sensory comfort: like to eat good food, look good, listen well. For example, emotional comfort: like to be praised and praised, do not like to be criticized and picked up by the nose and eyes. In a general sense, this is not too much of a problem. It is also his personal business to be praised and floating into the clouds, and it is also a matter of delaying him personally. But people are not isolated and disconnected in the end, people are united to form a society, and one person's delay will implicate other people's delays. Therefore, while enjoying being praised, you should also have grace to tolerate not being praised.

Zhao Wanli visited Tianyi Pavilion three times |

Nanguo Book City Tianyi Pavilion.

Ningbo Library Building Tianyi Pavilion, once famous in ancient Chinese society, flowed to the modern era. 440 years after Fan Qin prepared to build the Tianyi Pavilion, Yu Qiuyu first ascended to the Tianyi Pavilion and could also stir up "extraordinary" emotions to write the famous prose "Wind and Rain Day Pavilion". Mr. Yu repeated the words of the Qianjia scholar Ruan Yuan, "Fan's Tianyi Pavilion, since the Ming Dynasty to the present, hundreds of years, the bibliophiles in the sea, only this one exists alone", Mr. Yu said: "We just kowtow to this house and thank you for providing a small foothold for the fragmented spiritual history of our nation." That's a good point. Mr. Yu is a poet who exudes romantic emotions and imaginations to Tianyi Pavilion in prose.

However, if you meet a librarian who is as cool as a scientist, Tianyi Ge may not necessarily be able to stir up a lyrical prose like Mr. Yu.

Zhao Wanli visited Tianyi Pavilion three times |

Mr. Zhao Wanli.

In the 20th year of the Republic of China, on August 11, 1931, Zhao Wanli of the National Beiping Library arrived in Ningbo from Shanghai with Zheng Zhenduo, and visited Tianyi Pavilion in the following days. Zhao Wanli, Zi Feiyun, a native of Haining, Zhejiang, was 27 years old, and served as the head of the Chinese interview team of the Interview Department of the National Beiping Library, the leader of the examination and ordering team of the ShanBen Department, the librarian of the Jinshi Department and the member of the Compilation Committee, and was assigned by the curator, Mr. Yuan Tongli, to collect the books in the south. Wanli met Zheng Zhenduo at the Commercial Press in Shanghai, and inadvertently talked about Tianyi Pavilion, so he began to visit. This led to Zhao Wanli's first visit to Tianyi Pavilion.

Zhao Wanli visited Tianyi Pavilion three times |

Tianyi Pavilion.

Zhao Wanli published in February 1934 in the National Beiping Library Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, "Reorganization of Fan's Tianyi Pavilion Collection", described Tianyi Pavilion: "In front of the pavilion, there is a flood of clear water, and there is a small bridge to pass through the rockery before and after. Green vines and unknown sheep tooth plants shade all the rocks. The small pavilion on the stone is crumbling. Looking back at the entire pavilion, there is only the volume of the fifth floor and five bottoms. One in the west, with a ladder to the top of the ladder; the other on the east side, rented to idle people, cooking smoke is blowing through the cracks in the window to the top of the pavilion, when the daughter-in-law who lives in the house is preparing dinner. On the east and west pillars of the pavilion, there was Xue Shuyun's couplet. On the pillars outside the side, hang the traditional precepts of the Fan family, 'No descendants are allowed to open the door to enter the cabinet for no reason, and the punishment is not with the sacrifice' and so on. The upstairs windows were closed as tightly as iron barrels. "Xue Shuyun, that is, Xue Fucheng." Tianyi Pavilion is clearly described in the east, west, south, north, and south, as if writing an investigation report. Next, Wan Li clearly expressed his own perception: "The way the pavilion is built is not much different from other Ningbo residences. The materials used are extraordinary. Fire fighting equipment, literally equal to zero. Compared with the scale of the Wenyuan Pavilion in the Four Libraries, there is really a difference between the heavens and the abyss. I don't believe that Wenyuan Pavilion is imitating Tianyi Pavilion. "Wenyuan Pavilion is inside the Forbidden City, behind the Wenhua Hall inside the Donghua Gate, which is the Qing Dynasty Royal Library. In early August 1931, Wanli visited Tianyi Pavilion, and because the patriarch of the Fan clan was absent, the chief of the clan went to the countryside to collect rent, and had no chance to enter the cabinet to read books.

But in Ningbo, this time Zhao Wanli, Zheng Zhenduo, and Ma Lian, who was recuperating in his hometown in Ningbo, found the "Record ghost book" and the "continuation of the record ghost book" in Mr. Sun Xiangxiong's collection, "Ming banknote lange, at a glance, it is known as fan's Tianyi Pavilion relics.". Wanli borrowed it back, and in the old mansion of Ma Lianyue Lake where he was staying, he took it to proofread the Cao Neem Pavilion engraving during the Kangxi Dynasty, and obtained many discoveries, and confirmed that the "Continuation of the Record ghost book" was an orphan copy. At night, Ma Lian specially changed a large light bulb with a hundred lights downstairs, and the three of them started to shadow the banknotes, the Wanli banknote "Record Ghost Book" on the upper volume, the Zheng Zhenduo banknote on the next volume, and the Ma Lian banknote "Record Ghost Book Continuation". The three of them spent a night and a morning and finally made money. Zhao Wanli said that his achievements in Ningbo this time, in addition to the three people working together to record these two books, "there is no other amazing discovery that can be commended." Ma Lian was a professor of Chinese literature at Peking University at the time, and Zheng Zhenduo was working at the Commercial Press in Shanghai, and soon after he was hired by the Department of Chinese Literature of Yenching University and the Department of Chinese Literature of Tsinghua University to teach in the autumn of that year.

Wanli probably did not have the romantic and amorous imagination and lyricism of Mr. Qiu yu, but with a clear and clear text, we left a solid "record" of the building and protective facilities of Tianyi Pavilion at that time.

Zhao Wanli visited Tianyi Pavilion three times |

Interior view of Tianyi Pavilion.

Two years later, in the twenty-second year of the Republic of China, in 1933 AD, Wanli had a second visit to Tianyi Pavilion. This time, in the name of the Academia Sinica and the Beiping Library, Wanli was introduced by Mr. Cai Yuanpei, president of the Academia Sinica, and contacted by Chen Baolin, the governor of YinXian County, and finally got permission from the Fan family to enter tianyi pavilion and edit the catalog of the cabinet books for a week from July 25 to 31.

The Fan clan people demanded that in the week of compiling this book, all the food expenses of the Fan clan who monitored Zhao Wanli and the other party should be raised by Wanli, and the cost would be up to two hundred yuan.

On July 25, kaige ascended the building. Wanli spent a week compiling the bibliography of Tianyi Pavilion, working in the pavilion at 6 o'clock every morning, leaving the cabinet at 7 o'clock at night to rest, and sleeping no more than 5 hours a day. Wan Li said: "A total of more than two hundred kinds of books have been found beyond Ruan and Xue Ermu, which is the one we cited as the fastest." "Ruan and Xue Ermu, that is, the 10 volumes of the "Bibliography of Tianyi Pavilion" compiled by Ruan Yuan, 1 volume of supplements, and the thirteenth year of Jiaqing (1808) were engraved; the "Bibliography of Tianyi Pavilion Seeing the Existence of Books" compiled by Xue Fucheng, 4 volumes, guangxu fifteen years (1889) was engraved. The "Declaration" reported on July 28 that "Ma Yuqing, a professor at Peking University of Sino-French Studies, Ma Yamin, an assistant editor of Yinxian Tongzhiguan, and Feng Mengzhao, chairman of the Literature Committee, assisted in the compilation of the bibliography." Yu Qing, Ma Lian's word. Ya Min, Ma Ying's character, educator, Fang Zhi scholar, born in the ninth year of qing Guangxu (1883), died in 1961. Meng Zhen, Feng Zhenqun's character, famous bibliophile, born in the twelfth year of Guangxu (1886), died of illness in 1962. The bibliography of Tianyi Pavilion compiled by Mr. Wanli, Mr. Feng Zhenqun gave the evaluation of "great thinking and careful editing".

Wanli Er visited Tianyi Pavilion, and in addition to compiling a bibliography, he also made a detailed study of "the secret of traditional preservation of cabinet books" by seeing and believing. Wanli was reading books on the Tianyi Pavilion and found that there were silverfish in several cabinets, and he couldn't help but have doubts. Wanli said: The books in the old legend cabinet are all sandwiched with brassica, which can prevent beetles; under the cabinet there are pumice stones that can absorb water, "This is a complete myth." In fact, the so-called brassica of Tianyi Pavilion is an alias of white flower pyrethrum, which is a plant of the Asteraceae family, which has long lost its insecticidal role. Pumice stone did not know that a fragment of aqueous rock had been moved from the mountain outside Guo, and it had no ability to absorb water in the air. Because the protection work of Tianyi Pavilion is not good, the books in the cabinet are not few," and the "six incomplete chenghua copies of the History of Song" contained in the cabinet are not insect moths. Therefore, Wanli proposed in the "Reorganization of Fan's Tianyi Cabinet Secretary Strategy": "The work of scientific anti-beetle is actually the most important thing to preserve the cabinet book in the future." ”

Wanli visited Tian Yi Ge this time, and in his article, he also said unceremoniously about the ignorance and ignorance of Fan's descendants. Wanli said: "The fragment of the wool clothed "Book Integration" given by the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty was placed in the middle of the five cabinets. The so-called "Emperors and Emperors of the Past Dynasties" banknote has long become a fake, which is worse than the third-class goods of the Beiping Corridor. Fan Wenzheng's inkblot was also forged by later generations. And the Fan clan people are as precious as gongbi, which is not ridiculous. (On March 18, the first year of the Qing Dynasty, Miao Quansun Dengtian Yige also had this impression: the Tianyi Pavilion collection of books was "stacked in a messy manner, the water was wet and tattered, the leaves were scattered, and the rats and insects wore", and "Fan Shizi" was "ignorant of the book".) I don't know if the Fan clan people at that time saw Wanli's "Reorganizing fan's Tianyi Cabinet Secretary Strategy", if they saw these opinions in this article, I don't know how they would feel, whether they were happy to hear it and make improvements, or other reactions.

Zhao Wanli visited Tianyi Pavilion three times |

In 1934, the shelves of the Tianyi Pavilion Library were overhauled.

From the records, it is known that on September 18, 1933, the 22nd year of the Republic of China, that is, after the catalogue of wanli's second visit to Dengge, Tianyi Pavilion was hit by a strong typhoon and was seriously damaged. In October of that year, the Literature Committee under the Education Bureau of yin county government gathered fan descendants and social sages to jointly establish a committee for rebuilding Tianyi Pavilion, with Chen Baolin, the county magistrate of Yin County, as the chairman, and Mr. Feng Zhenqun as the actual person in charge, applying for higher-level appropriations and raising funds from all walks of life inside and outside the province, and the repair work was completed in the autumn of 1936. Tianyi Pavilion was thus transferred from a private library to a public-private condominium.

Wanli is a modern bibliophile, a bibliographer trained in the scientific method, a modern librarian, knowledgeable and clear-headed, not necessarily with a romantic literary talent like Mr. Qiu Yu, but certainly able to write a rational and scientifically informed text. These words will certainly play a good role in the protection of the Tianyi Pavilion collection. Maybe Wanli's mouth is unguarded, and some of the opinions expressed will make people unhappy, but if you look back and think about wanli, these don't sound very pleasant, you should still benefit.

Mr. Wanli's third visit to Tianyi Pavilion was 28 years after his second visit to Tianyi Pavilion. Tianyi Pavilion was taken over by the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Ningbo Military Control Commission on June 9, 1949, and since then there have been changes in institutions, and in February of the previous year, the Ningbo Municipal Cultural Relics Management Committee was established in Tianyi Pavilion, and the office organization and Tianyi Pavilion were jointly signed. On the morning of November 20, 1961, Mr. Wanli visited Tianyi Pavilion. Wanli wrote in the "Diary of the Journey to the South": "Visiting Fan's Tianyi Pavilion in the morning..." The diary recorded eight or nine kinds of ancient books such as the Ming carved "Long and Short Sentences of The Residents of Huaihai" and the Ming Yan Song Xiu "Zhengde Yuan Zhou Fu Zhi" that he saw this time. In the afternoon, I went to Xiaowen Street to greet Mr. Feng Zhenqun. The next morning, Wanli went to Tianyi Pavilion to see the new books received in recent years. The "Diary of the Southbound Journey" reads: "In the morning, I went to Tianyi Pavilion to view the newly collected miscellaneous books in recent years, including a volume of yiyang cavity "Peach Society", which composed the story of Song Taizu's visit to Zhao Pu in the snow. Five-color fine writing, it seems to be a court banknote. And "The Legend of the Flowers in the Mirror" before and after the two volumes, the old banknote, the title '壬子春暮缑山樵道人 inscribed in the capital city Fuchun Bureau New Apartment', I don't know who made it. "That night in the theater to watch the Yong drama "Hit the Window", "Tian Luo Girl" and so on. On the morning of the 22nd, he left Ningbo to arrive in Fenghua. At the age of 57, Wanli served as the director of the Rare Books Special Collections Department of the Beijing Library. This time, Mr. Wanli was sent by the Ministry of Culture to go south to Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian and other provinces to investigate books and cultural relics, and left Beijing by train on November 14, and did not end the trip until February 24 of the following year, returning to Beijing by train from Shanghai that afternoon. Visiting Tianyi Pavilion is one of the contents of this trip. I think Mr. Wanli already knows the old collection of Tianyi Pavilion, so he only spent half a day reading Fan's collection, and excerpted the name of Ye Wenhui and 33 other people in the "Jiajing Jianyang County Chronicle", "in order to review the standard materials of the Jianben era" (Wei Qiang case: "Jianben" is the Jianyang engraving. Jianyang was one of the three major engraving centers of the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Jianyang engraving book industry reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty); and it took half a day to look at the newly collected ancient books, and it is probably worth recording the newly collected ancient books.

Zhao Wanli visited Tianyi Pavilion three times |

In front of the pavilion, there is a clear water, and there is a small bridge to pass through the rockery before and after.

This time, after leaving Tianyi Pavilion until his death on June 25, 1980, Mr. Wanli never came again. In the summer of 1933, Mr. Wanli went to the cabinet to compile the bibliography of Tianyi Pavilion, but unfortunately all of them were scattered during the War of Resistance. Fortunately, the "Reorganization of the Fan's Tianyi Pavilion Collection" made after the second visit to Tianyi Pavilion still exists. Some of the notes made by Dengge Guanshu are also preserved in the human world, Beijing Taihe Jiacheng Auction Co., Ltd. 2016 Autumn Art Auction "Ancient Books Rare Books • Golden Stone Stele Edition" Special Lot No. 2583, that is, "Zhao Wanli, Ma Lian and others Dengtian Yige Guanshu Notes Manuscript", this part mainly contains the notes made by wanli and other Dengge Guanshu bibliography in the summer of 1933, including the title, line, preface, size and other items of the bibliography. And there are important texts in the banknote catalogue and the preface (Wei Qiang case: Wanli later said that he cataloged at that time, using a predetermined more sophisticated statistical method, regardless of the line, the edge, the size of the center, etc. are recorded one by one, and the characteristics of the preface and content are also abbreviated, so that they can be referred to in future chronicles. This lot should be the notes that Wanli said), and it is unknown whose hands this lot ended up.

Nearly 30 years ago, the author was still young and liked Mr. Qiu Yu's prose Huazhang "Wind and Rain And a Pavilion". However, as he grew older, he gradually drifted away from the autumn rain prose, preferring the visiting text of Mr. Wanli's "Reorganizing the Secretary of The Fan's Tianyi Pavilion": there was no excessive lyricism, no almost exaggerated romantic imagination; it was elegant, refined, and realistic. Truth may not necessarily fit into man's comfortable nature at times. But the truth is beneficial, and it's a fact that's constantly being proven. If you can't hear the truth, or if you can't tell the truth, I'm afraid that it will eventually bring disaster, big or small. (Some images courtesy of CFP)

First draft on August 12, 2021, revised on August 23, Hangzhou Xixi Residence

About author:Weiqiang Zhou, Editor.jpg. He is the author of "Jimen Dusk: Essays on the History of Yuan", "Shulin Artistic Conception", "The Master of Snow Sweeping: Qian Xuan's Simultaneous Biography", "Taibai Wind: Chen Wangdao's Biography", "The Back Of The Untold Back: Celebrities of Education and Culture and Hangzhou", "Shi Si and Wenxin", "Thoughtful", "Old Stories of Xuelin", "The Most Memorable is Hangzhou", "Nineteen Commentaries on Ancient Poems", etc.

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News