
Archaeology has found that the Chu state is not a "芈" surname "Xiong", which may come from the scandalous slander of the Qin Dynasty

author:Hayashiya Gongzi

The first Chinese surname application conference was held in Fuzhou on the 7th, with more than 200 people from home and abroad surname culture experts and representatives of surname organizations attending the meeting to jointly advocate the inheritance and protection of Chinese surname culture and promote the declaration of Chinese surnames as "Memory of the World Heritage". This text will talk about the origin of my surname.

Before, I saw someone on a certain platform to give a bad review of the humble work "Pre-Qin Ancient National History", the reason was actually "look at the author's name and think it is Japanese, buy the book to open and read the author's profile to know that it is a Jiangxi person!" Cheated. "The reason is a bit... Later, when Shangdu Niang checked, she learned that japan really had this surname. There is a Japanese scholar named Tatsuzaburo Hayaya, who has published works such as "Kyoto" and "Ancient Medieval Art". However, my "Lin Wu" has nothing to do with the Japanese Hayaya clan, and the source is the Taoist ninth cave heaven under the heavens - Suzhou Lin Wu Dong Tian.

According to the "Han Xuetang Series" series "River Diagram Daixiang", Wu Wang Lu once sent Long Weizhang to take out a volume of the Great Yu Book in Linwu Dongtian, which had 174 unknown words written on it, and Lu Lu took it and asked Confucius what the word was? It is also said that the Red Wu title was given to King Wu. As a result, Confucius said that when Kong heard a nursery rhyme in xihai, saying that the great Yu book that stole the Linwu Cave would destroy the country, but I didn't know if you asked about the book of Chi Wuzhi! King Wu was afraid and returned the book.

Archaeology has found that the Chu state is not a "芈" surname "Xiong", which may come from the scandalous slander of the Qin Dynasty

The Book of Wu Di quotes the "Record of Dongting Mountain", and also says that Lu Lu sent Wei Zhangren to explore the forest house Dongtian, and made Wei Zhangren hold a candle and walk day and night for seventy days without reaching the end. Later, King Wu reported that when he first entered, the entrance to the cave was very narrow, and he bent down and walked for several miles to reach a stone chamber two feet high, which contained stone beds, stone pillows, stone stones, stone tables, and so on. The Lingwei Zhangren retrieved the three volumes of Shi Jishang's sushu and asked Confucius what the word was? Confucius said that it was a divine thing written by Xia Yu. Lu Lu once again sent the Wei Zhangren into the cave, and this time returned in more than twenty days, saying that there were strange insects fighting the fire, as well as stone swallows and bats, and could not advance any further.

In short, my pen name comes from Linwu Dongtian and has nothing to do with the Japanese clan; Yu Huan of the Song Dynasty called himself Linwu Shanren, and Wang Weide of the Qing Dynasty called himself Linwu Sanren, all of which are of this origin. However, there are also friends who do not know the Japanese Hayayashi clan, but think that my surname is Hayashi... In fact, my real name is not the surname Lin Wu, nor is it the surname Lin, but the surname Xiong. Here is another interesting allusion, when the examination of Jiangsu civil servants passed the written test, and then signed up for an interview package to pass the training class, the result of the same dormitory of the brother surname Niu ... This is really the general feeling of Pang Tong to Luo Fengpo, and sure enough, he has not been able to pack the shift. So you should remember.

Then officially began to talk about the origin of the bear's surname. The first thing to say is that although there is no difference between surname and surname today, surname and surname are indeed two different concepts in the Zhou Dynasty, and have been mentioned in many of my previous articles. Today, most of our surnames are actually surnames rather than surnames in the Zhou Dynasty, but in terms of usage, they are more from the connotation of surnames. In the Zhou Dynasty, the surname represents blood and cannot be changed; the clan represents the family, which can be changed, for example, the Xiong clan of the King of Chu is from the Mi surname, but the Xiong clan can be divided into the Qu clan, the Zhao clan, the Jing clan and other nobles, but everyone is the Qi surname, which will not change.

Archaeology has found that the Chu state is not a "芈" surname "Xiong", which may come from the scandalous slander of the Qin Dynasty

One of the earliest people of the Xiong clan, recorded in the history books, was the Yellow Emperor. The "History of the Five Emperors" says: "From the Yellow Emperor to Shun and Yu, all have the same surname and different national names, with Zhang Mingde." Therefore, the Yellow Emperor is Youxiong, Emperor Huan is Gao Yang, Emperor Zhao is Gao Xin, Emperor Yao is Tao Tang, and Emperor Shun is Youyu. "It can be seen that the Yellow Emperor is a Xiong clan. The Zhou Benji says that King Wen of Zhou was once trapped in The Dragon of Shang, and later Hong Yao and others paid bribes with "there are beautiful women of the Xin clan, Wen Ma of Li Rong, and Xiong Jiusi", and as a result, King Wen of Zhou was released, and it seems that the Xiong clan continued until the time of the Shang Zhou. But the descendants of the Yellow Emperor do not seem to have a bear as a clan, and we do not know more information about this xiong clan.

The real source of the Xiong clan is the Zhou Dynasty's Surname Chu State, which is of course a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. According to the Chronicle of chu shijia, the ancestors of the Chu state came from the Yellow Emperor's grandson Gaoyang (the second of the Five Emperors), which is what Qu Yuan called "the Miao descendants of Gaoyang". Gao Yang's great-grandson was named Chongli (重黎), who served as emperor Gao Xin (三) of the Five Emperors and was given the title Zhu Rong. Chongli was a co-worker in Emperor Zhao's rebellion, but was later killed by Emperor Zhao, and Zhongli's younger brother Wu Hui succeeded Zhu Rong. Wu Hui gave birth to a son, Lu Final, who had six sons, Kun Wu, Sam Hu, Peng Zu, Hui Ren, Cao, and Ji Lian. Ji Lian is surnamed Qi, and Ji Lian's grandson is called Cave Bear.

When the clan of the Qi clan spread to the Shang Zhou, the Chu Shijia said that the patriarch at that time was a bear. Xiong Xiong served King Wen of Zhou, and his great-grandson Xiong Xuan took Xiong as his clan and was sealed in Danyang by King Cheng of Zhou, known in history as "The Blue Wisp of Yanlu Road, to Qishan Forest", which is also the beginning of the founding of the Chu State, the earliest of which is probably in today's Henan Huaichuan. However, the Chu state and the Zhou Dynasty gradually became hostile, and it is said that King Zhou Zhao died on the Chu Road. During the reign of King Li of Zhou, Xiongquzi of the Chu state actually made three sons kings in one go, but was later forced to cancel it under pressure. In the early Spring and Autumn Period, King Wu of Chu was once again crowned king, and at that time Mo Ao (the highest military and political official) was called Qu Feng, which was Qu Yuan's ancestor.

Archaeology has found that the Chu state is not a "芈" surname "Xiong", which may come from the scandalous slander of the Qin Dynasty

During the reign of King Wu of Chu, the State of Chu began to expand into the Central Plains. By the time of King Cheng of Chu, the Battle of Chengpu was defeated by Duke Wen of Jin. King Zhuang of Chu defeated the Duke of Jin jing and became the third overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period. After King Zhuang of Chu, the State of Chu began to weaken, and during the reign of King Zhao of Chu, he was attacked by king Wu lulu to break the capital of the State of Chu. The Chu Huiwang period began to flourish, and entered the Warring States era. During the reign of King Chu Mourning, Wu Qi was appointed to change the law and to carry out the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains. During the reign of King Huai of Chu, the State of Chu was at its peak, but soon began to weaken. During the reign of King Xiang of Chu, he was attacked by the Qin general Bai Qi and attacked the capital of Ying, and then moved the capital to Chen Yin and Shou Yin successively, and was destroyed by the Qin general Wang Qi during the period of the Chu King.singing.

It is worth noting that the genealogy above the Chu State Bear comes from the records of the Western Han Dynasty, during which it has undergone a process of continuous attachment and decoration, which may not reflect the actual history. For example, in the "Left Biography", the ancestors of the Chu state sacrifice are only Zhu Rong and The Bear, but in the Warring States jingmen Baoshan Chu Jian, Jiangling Wangshan Chu Jian, and New Cai Geling Chu Jian, the Chu State sacrifices only the "Three Chu Xian", that is, Lao Tong, Zhu Rong and Mane (that is, the bear; a cave bear, that is, a cave bear). In the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it is mentioned that the old boy was born, the old boy was born Zhu Rong, and the prince Changqin was born, and this prince Changqin invented popular music. This person is also mentioned in the game "Ancient Sword Qitan".

It should be noted that in the "WuYue Spring and Autumn" mentions that the Fengmeng disciple Chu Qin clan shocked the princes, then the Chu Qin clan should be the king of Chu, and the Qin clan obviously came from the prince Changqin. Isn't that a contradiction with the Chu Xiong clan derived from the bear? In fact, the prototype of the prince's changqin should be the bear as the son of Zhu Rong. However, in the above archaeological materials, this word is "酓" (originally drinking), "Qin" and "Bear" are probably later false loan words, and have nothing to do with Guqin and Dog Bear; and the surname "芈" was also used as "嬭" (originally meaning mother) in the Zhou Dynasty. It can be seen that the State of Chu is a "嬭" surname and a "酓" clan.

As for the "芈" (literally sheep name) and the "Bear" clan, they are not found in the pre-Qin archaeological data, and may be the ugly and derogatory name of the Chu people after the unification of the Qin; similarly, the "Yan" of the Yan State is called "郾" in the Warring States, and all use animal metaphors. Some scholars, looking at Wen Shengyi, actually think that the Chu totem is a sheep or a bear, but in fact, they are all absurd views.

Lin Wu Gongzi was a writer of literature and history, specializing in the history of the pre-Qin, Qin, and Han dynasties. He is a signed author of today's headlines, a signed author of Wukong Q&A, a columnist of surging history, a columnist of History of NetEase, a co-author of Baidu Ta, a co-author of whole history, and has published three kinds of physical books such as "Pre-Qin Ancient Guozhi", "Wu Yue Chunqiu of Pre-Qin Ancient Guozhi", and "Shanhai Jing Quanhua Collection", and his works are scattered in "National Humanistic History", "Beijing Evening News", "Awakening Lion Guoxue", "Baijia Pulpit", "Weihai Evening News" and other newspapers, magazines and self-media. Thanks for reading, welcome to pay attention!

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