
The fifty-second time, Yuxi pledged Sun Ce to borrow military soldiers to beg Liu Shubofu to accept the sages

author:A pig laughs

Yuan Shu defeated Liu Bei and feasted on the soldiers at Shouchun. Someone came to report that Sun Ce had recruited Lu Jiang taishou Lu Kang and returned victoriously. Yuan Shu asked someone to summon Sun Ce, and Sun Ce worshiped him in the hall. Yuan Shu asked if the labor was finished, so he ordered Sun Ce to sit and drink. It turned out that after the death of his father, Sun Ce retired to Jiangnan and was a corporal of Li Xian; later, because Of Tao Qian and Sun Ce's maternal uncle Danyang Taishou Wu Jing were at odds, Sun Ce sent his mother and family to Qu'a to live and come to yuan shu himself. Yuan Shu loved Sun Ce very much, and often sighed: "Yuan Shu has a son like Sun Lang, how can he hate when he dies!" Therefore, Sun Ce was appointed as a lieutenant of Huaiyi, and led the army to attack Zulang, the grand marshal of Jing County, and won the victory. Yuan Shu saw Sun Ce yongwu and ordered him to attack Lu Kang, and now he was victorious and returned.

After the feast was dispersed that day, Sun Ce returned to the camp, remembering that Yuan Shu was very arrogant and depressed, so he walked in the atrium to admire the moon; later, because he missed his father Sun Jian as a hero, today he himself fell here, and he did not feel that he was crying loudly. Suddenly, a person came in from the outside and laughed, "Why is Bo Fu like this?" When My Father was there, he used me a lot. Why don't you come and ask me, but cry here! "Sun Ce took a look, it turned out to be a Danyang old man, surnamed Zhu, Mingzhi, Zi Junli, Sun Jian used to be an official under the account.

Sun Ce suppressed his tears and invited Zhu Zhi to sit down, saying, "Sun Ce's crying is that he hates that he cannot inherit his father's aspirations. Zhu Zhi said, "Why don't you go and ask Yuan Dao to borrow troops to go to Jiangdong?" The pseudonym is to rescue Wu Jing, but in fact it is for the sake of a great cause, how can it be trapped under people for a long time? In the middle of the discussion, another person suddenly broke in and said, "I already know what the public is planning." I have a hundred strong soldiers under me, and I would like to help Bo Fu. "Sun Ce saw this person as a Yuan Shu strategist, a native of Runan, with the surname Lü, the name Fan, and the character Ziheng. Sun Ce was overjoyed and invited Lü Fan to sit down and discuss. Lü Fan said, "I'm just afraid that Yuan Highway won't borrow troops." Sun Ce said, "I have the heirloom jade seal left by my deceased father, which can be used as a pledge." Lu Fanxi said, "The highway has long wanted this thing!" Taking this as a hostage, we will be willing to send troops. ”

The fifty-second time, Yuxi pledged Sun Ce to borrow military soldiers to beg Liu Shubofu to accept the sages

Sun Ce borrowed troops

The three-person plan has been decided. The next day, Sun Ce went to see Yuan Shu and wept and prayed: "The father's vendetta has not yet been repaid, and now his maternal uncle Wu Jing has been forced by Liu Shu (yáo), the assassin of Yangzhou; Sun Ce's old mother's family is small, all in Qu'a, and will be killed." Sun Ce dared to ask for thousands of male soldiers, crossed the river to rescue the refugees, and returned home to save his relatives. But I am afraid that minggong does not believe it, I have a jade seal left by my deceased father, and the right is pledged. Yuan Shu heard that there was a jade seal, and he was busy taking a closer look at it, and his heart was overjoyed, saying, "I don't want you to have the jade seal, and I have the right to stay here for the time being today." I have lent you three thousand soldiers and five hundred horses, and when you are pacified, you can come back quickly. You are in a humble position and difficult to hold power. I recommend you to be a lieutenant of the Folding Chong Colonel, a general of the Tiǎn Kou, and the leader of the Keri army. ”

Sun Ce thanked Yuan Shu, so he led the army and horses, and led Zhu Zhi, Lü Fan, the old generals Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, and others to choose a day to march. When they arrived at Liyang, they saw that an army had arrived, and when they were the first, they had a graceful posture and beautiful appearance, and when they saw Sun Ce, they got off their horses and worshipped. Sun Ce knew this person, a native of Shucheng, Lujiang, with the surname Zhou, the name Yu, and the character Gongjin.

It turned out that when Sun Jian was rebelling against Dong Zhuo, he had moved to Shucheng, and Zhou Yu and Sun Ce were in the same year, and they had a close friendship, so they married Kunzhong. Sun Ce's chief Zhou Yu was two months old, and Zhou Yu regarded Sun Ce as a brother. Zhou Yu's uncle Zhou Shang (周尚), who was the Taishou of Danyang, now Zhou Yu went to the province to meet Sun Ce. Sun Ce saw Zhou Yu and told him about his parting feelings. Zhou Yu said, "I am willing to emulate the strength of dogs and horses for my brother and jointly plan big things." Sun Cexi said, "I have Gongjin, and big things can be accomplished!" He ordered Zhou Yu to meet with Zhu Zhi, Lü Fan and others.

The fifty-second time, Yuxi pledged Sun Ce to borrow military soldiers to beg Liu Shubofu to accept the sages

Zhou Yu recommended Xian

Zhou Yu said to Sun Ce: "If brother wants to achieve great things, do you know that Jiangdong has 'two Zhangs'?" Sun Ce said, "What is 'two zhangs'?" Zhou Yu said, "One is Pengcheng Zhang Zhao, zibu, and the other is Guangling Zhang Hong (hóng), zigang." Both of them have the talent of heaven and earth, and they live here in seclusion to avoid chaos. Why didn't my brother go to the appointment? Sun Ce was overjoyed, and immediately let people bring a generous gift to hire, and the two of them could not resign. Sun Ce then personally came to the door, talked freely, was very happy in his heart, and tried his best to invite each other, and the two finally agreed. Sun Ce then made Zhang Zhao a long history and a general in the army; Zhang Hong was made a lieutenant of the staff and a staff officer; and they jointly discussed the attack on Liu Xuan.

Liu Sui (劉繇字正礼), a pingren of The Eastern Laimu (mù), was also a han dynasty official, a nephew of Liu Dai (劉宠) and a brother of Liu Dai (劉岱), formerly known as the Yangzhou Assassin, who was originally stationed in Shouchun, and was later driven by Yuan Shu over Jiangdong, so he came to Qu'a. At the moment, when he heard that Sun Ce had arrived, he hurriedly gathered the generals to discuss. General Zhang Ying said, "I lead an army to camp in Niuzhu Tunza, even if there are millions of soldiers, we can't get close." Before he could finish speaking, a man under the tent shouted, "I would like to be the vanguard of the front!" "When everyone looked, it turned out to be Tai Shi Ci, a native of Donglai Huang County. Since Tai Shi Ci had relieved the siege of Kong Rong's Beihai, he had come to see Liu Sui, and Liu Sui had stayed under the tent to listen. On the same day, he heard that Sun Ce had arrived, and asked for a wish to be the vanguard of the front. Liu Xuan said, "You are still young, you can't be a general, just stay around me and obey orders." Tai Shi Ci was displeased and turned and stepped back.

Zhang Ying led the troops to Niuzhu, and the granary accumulated 100,000 grain and grass. Sun Ce led the troops to arrive, Zhang Ying came out on horseback to greet each other, and the two armies would meet on niuzhu beach. Sun Ce came out of the horse, Zhang Ying scolded, and Huang Gai came out to fight Zhang Ying. The battle was not counted, and zhang Ying's army was suddenly in chaos, and someone came to report that someone in the village had set fire. Zhang Ying hurried back to the army, and Sun Ce led the army to take advantage of the situation to cover up. Zhang Ying abandoned Niuzhu and fled deep into the mountains.

It turned out that the people who set fire to the Yingzhai were two members of the jian: one was a Jiujiang Shouchun person, surnamed Jiang, named Qin, and the character Gongyi; one was a Jiujiang Xiacai person, surnamed Zhou, named Tai, and the character Youping. Because of the chaos of the world, both of them gathered people and horses in the Yangtze River and plundered for a living; Jiuwen Sun Ce was a Jiangdong Haojie, recruiting talents and soldiers, so he led more than 300 people under his command to come to the same level. Sun Ce was overjoyed and appointed the two as former lieutenants of the army; in this battle, a total of more than 4,000 people were collected from Niuzhu Tun's grain, military weapons, and more than 4,000 soldiers.

Sun Ce took a short rest and entered the Bing Shen Pavilion.

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