
Why did Emperor Fusong, one of the 72 generals of the Wumiao Temple, lose to Dong Zhuo?

author:Ancient and modern

At the moment of the outbreak of the Yellow Turban Rebellion at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Fusong turned the tide and broke the Yellow Turban, delaying the decline and fall of the Eastern Han Court. However, after being named the Che Riding General, he was not as majestic as other Che Riding Generals like Dong Zhuo Lü Bu Huaxiong, but was alone in Luoyang.

Emperor Fusong (?–195), courtesy name Yizhen, was a native of the Anding Dynasty (present-day southeast of Zhenyuan, Gansu), and a famous general at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Emperor Ling was the Taishou of the Northern Lands. When the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, Ren Zuozhonglang led an army to suppress the rebel army with Zhu Juan (朱儁), and was later promoted to Taiwei (太尉) and was given the title of Marquis of Huaili. It should be said that Emperor Fusong's is somewhat similar to Zeng Guofan more than a thousand years later, Huangfu Song destroyed the Yellow Turban Army and shook the world, Zeng Guofan surrounded and suppressed the Taiping Army name Yang Sihai, and Zeng Guofan became a minister of Zhongxing, and Emperor Fusong eventually succumbed to Dong Zhuo, which was stifling.

Huang Fusong's name is basically associated with the "Yellow Turban Uprising". When we talk about the "Yellow Turban Uprising", we will talk about Huangfu Song; when we talk about Huangfu Song, we will talk about the "Yellow Turban Uprising". Fan Ye's Book of the Later Han Dynasty even puts the main introduction to the "Yellow Turban Uprising" in the "Biography of Emperor Fusong".

As soon as the "Yellow Turban Uprising" broke out, Emperor Fusong, who was attending the supreme military conference in the capital, took the lead in proposing to first lift the "party shackles" to prevent the "Yellow Turbans" from merging with the party members. Emperor Ling of Han, after consulting with Lü Qiang, the zhongchang attendant, quickly agreed to Emperor Fusong's proposal. Subsequently, Emperor Fusong was appointed as the general of Zuo Zhonglang, and together with the right lieutenant general Zhu Juan, he went to conquest the "Yellow Turban" of Yingchuan.

Why did Emperor Fusong, one of the 72 generals of the Wumiao Temple, lose to Dong Zhuo?

Yingchuan was close to the capital Luoyang, which was directly related to the safety of the imperial court.

At that time, the situation faced by the Eastern Han court could be described as precarious. Although the news had been learned in advance and corresponding dispositions had been made, the outbreak of the "Yellow Turban Rebellion" still brought a tsunami-like impact to the Eastern Han Dynasty. The whole territory of Hebei was instantly reduced to the world of "Yellow Turban". The kings of Anping and Ganling were abducted by the locals in response to the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Just as Emperor Fusong and Zhu Juan were ordered to go on a campaign, in the Nanyang region, which was also close to the capital Luoyang, zhang Mancheng's troops attacked and killed Taishou Chugong. At the beginning of the expedition, Zhu Juan, who had an impatient personality, suffered a defeat in the battle with the "Yellow Turban" of the Yingchuan Wave Talent Department.

The Eastern Han court urgently needed a victory to save the imminent crisis. In this situation, Emperor Fusong led his troops into Changshe in Yingchuan County, and confronted the "Yellow Turban" of the Bocai Department.

At that time, Emperor Fusong only had 20,000 horses, and the "Yellow Turban Army" was crowded and besieged, and the people in Emperor Fusong's army were panicked. However, Huang Fusong discovered a weakness of the "Yellow Turban Army": "camped according to the grass", so he immediately made a decision, adopted the tactic of fire attack, and attacked the "Yellow Turban" at night, and the "Yellow Turban" was chaotic. Just at this time, the cavalry lieutenant Cao Cao also led the troops to arrive, and Emperor Fusong joined forces with Zhu Juan and Cao Cao's soldiers and horses, broke the "Yellow Turban", and beheaded tens of thousands of people.

This was the first victory won by the Eastern Han court since the outbreak of the "Yellow Turban Uprising", a "timely rain" victory, and the crisis in the capital Luoyang was temporarily alleviated.

Subsequently, Emperor Fusong and Zhu Juan took advantage of the victory to pursue, and successively broke Runan and Chen Guo's "Yellow Turban" and "Three Counties Xiping" ("Huangfu Song's Biography").

The war situation began to reverse in favor of the Eastern Han court.

After that, Huang Fusong and Zhu Juan's troops divided into two routes, Huang Fusong attacked the "Yellow Turban" of Dong County to the north, and Zhu Juan attacked the "Yellow Turban" of Nanyang to the southwest. Huang Fusong once again won the victory, captured the leader of the "Yellow Turban" Bu Ji, and beheaded more than 7,000 people.

At the same time that Emperor Fusong and Zhu Juan led the army to conquest the "Yellow Turban" of Yingchuan, Shangshu Lu Zhi was also appointed as the general of Beizhonglang and went to the "Yellow Turban" of Hebei.

Hebei "Yellow Turban" is the "Yellow Turban" under the direct leadership of the Zhang Jiao brothers, which can be said to be the base camp of the "Yellow Turban Army", not only a large number of people, but also a stronger strength, the so-called "Liang Zhongjingyong" ("Huangfu Song Lie biography"). Originally, Lu Zhi had already achieved a preliminary victory, but because he offended the eunuch envoys who came to inspect the military situation, he was framed by the eunuchs, and as a result, "the sill car was planted, and the capital crime was reduced to the first degree" ("The Biography of Lu Zhilie").

After Lu Zhi was innocently imprisoned, the imperial court appointed Dong Zhuo as the general of Dongzhong Lang and continued to attack the "Yellow Turban" in Hebei in place of Lu Zhi.

Why did Emperor Fusong, one of the 72 generals of the Wumiao Temple, lose to Dong Zhuo?

This was Dong Zhuo's first appearance in the quelling of the "Yellow Turban Uprising", and it was also the only time Dong Zhuo directly fought with the "Yellow Turban".

However, Dong Zhuo failed to achieve victory, and "the army was defeated to compensate for the crime" ("The Biography of Dong Zhuolie").

At this time, Huangfu Song, who had already attacked the "Yellow Turban" of Dong County, and who had won victories on the battlefield, was only one arrow away from Hebei, so the imperial court ordered that Huangfu Song continue to attack north and conquer the "Yellow Turban" in Hebei, which was equivalent to taking over Dong Zhuo's task.

This is the first time we see the names of Huang Fusong and Dong Zhuo appear in the same place, although it is in the form of "handover shift", one after the other, they probably did not even see each other this time, but after all, it is also an overlap.

After several fierce battles, Huang Fusong finally suppressed the "Yellow Turban Army" led by the Zhang brothers. Emperor Fusong was honored as a general on the left car for his meritorious efforts in suppressing the "Yellow Turban", and was given the title of Marquis of Huaili and led the Ji Prefecture Pastor.

At this point, in addition to Zhu Juan still fighting the final decisive battle with the "Yellow Turban" in the Nanyang area, the "Yellow Turban Uprising" led and launched by the Zhang brothers had been basically put down in the year of the first year of Zhongping (184).

The reason why the "Yellow Turban Rebellion" was put down by the Eastern Han Court within a year is that from the perspective of military decisive battle, Huang Fusong was undoubtedly the most critical figure among them. Cai Dongfan said in the "Later Han Dynasty" that the peace of the "Yellow Turban" was the first merit of Emperor Fusong, which is a well-deserved evaluation. From the standpoint of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Huang Fusong was a well-deserved mainstay in the "Yellow Turban Rebellion", a figure who turned the tide against the fall and supported the building. Without Emperor Fusong, the end time of the Eastern Han Dynasty could have been advanced.

Pingding the "Yellow Turban" brought a huge reputation to Huang Fusong, and made Huang Fusong's life reach the peak of glory. The Book of the Later Han Dynasty says: "Song broke the yellow scarf and threatened the world" ("The Biography of Emperor Fu Song"). One of the effects of this "mighty earthquake" was that a man named Yan Zhong ran to Emperor Fusong and made a long speech, hoping that Emperor Fusong would consider the "southern title system" ,—— wanted Emperor Fusong to become emperor himself! This idea of "extraordinary conspiracy" was rejected by Emperor Fusong on the spot.

When the "Yellow Turban Rebellion" was about to be put down, there was another rebellion in Jincheng (present-day Lanzhou) in Gansu Province, between Huangzhong Yicong and XianzhiQiang.

Huang Zhongyi rebelled against Hu beigong Boyu and Xianzhi Qiang, with the Jincheng people Bian Zhang and Han Sui as military commanders, and attacked and killed the Qiang lieutenants Lingzheng and Jincheng Taishou Chen Yi. (The Chronicle of the Emperor of Filial Piety)

Huangzhong Yicong originally referred to non-Han brave warriors who followed Han generals in the Huangzhong region, with the nature of a volunteer army or a volunteer army. At first, it was a group of Xiaoyue people, and later there were Qiang people and other ethnic minorities who joined it. The Xianzhi Qiang were the most effective of the Qiang tribes and one of the most troublesome frontier rivals of the Eastern Han government.

Emperor Fusong served as the Taishou of the Northern Territories before the Outbreak of the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Originally in the territory of present-day Ningxia, due to the Qiang rebellion, Emperor Yong of Han'an moved the county seat to Chiyang at that time, which is today Jingyang and Sanyuan in Shaanxi, almost north of Chang'an. Emperor Fusong served as the Taishou of the Northern Lands, and the county rule should be here. In March of the second year of Zhongping (185), Huang Zhongyi began to harass the Sanfu region from Hexian Zero Qiang, so the imperial court appointed Emperor Fusong in Jizhou to move to Guanzhong, "back to the town of Chang'an, to Weiyuan Mausoleum" ("Emperor Fu Song Column Biography"), to put it bluntly, it was specifically to deal with the Northern Palace Boyu and Bian Zhang, Han Sui and his gang.

At the same time, the imperial court revived Dong Zhuo, who had previously been "defeated by the army", and asked him to coordinate the conquest with Emperor Fusong.

Why did Emperor Fusong, one of the 72 generals of the Wumiao Temple, lose to Dong Zhuo?

Zhao Yizhuo was made a general of Zhonglang, and the deputy left-hand cavalry general Huangfu Songzhengzhi. (The Biography of Dong Zhuolie)

This was the second time that Dong Zhuo's name appeared together with Huang Fusong's name, and Dong Zhuo became Huang Fusong's deputy.

Only four months later, by July of the same year, Huang Fusong was dismissed. The reason for his dismissal was, first, that he failed to achieve the same immediate record as the conquest of the "Yellow Turban"; in addition, he also offended the eunuchs in power, and as a result, he was confiscated the seal of the left general.

After Emperor Fusong was dismissed, the imperial court reassigned Zhang Wen as the general of the Che Cavalry to serve as the commander-in-chief of the front line. It is worth noting that Huang Fusong was dismissed, but Dong Zhuo did not move, not only that, but also promoted one level! From the original Zhonglang General, he was promoted to the General of the Broken Prisoner. Between one rise and one fall, the undulating curves of Huang Fusong and Dong Zhuo underwent a subtle change here. Changes in form often have internal factors at play, but the history books here do not give corresponding explanations and descriptions.

Bian Zhang's and Han Sui's troops, after several dazzling integrations, became stronger and stronger. A man named Wang Guo was elected as the leader of this armed force. In November of the fifth year of Zhongping, the kingdom led a siege of Chen Cang. ChenCang is an important town on the border between Shaanxi and Gansu, and as soon as Chen Cang is broken, the soldiers can immediately point directly at Chang'an. As a result, the imperial court once again used Emperor Fusong, who had been in silence, and appointed Dong Zhuo as a former general to jointly deal with the invasion of the kingdom.

Five years later, the Liangzhou Thief Kingdom besieged Chen Cang, and Fu Baisong was made the left general and the former general Dong Zhuo, each with 20,000 people refusing. (The Biography of Emperor Fu Song)

A "governor" character indicates the identity of the commander of The Emperor Fusong.

After the combined forces of Song and Zhuo were formed, Dong Zhuo proposed to immediately enter the army to relieve the siege of Chen Cang, but Emperor Fusong refused. Huang Fusong quoted the "Art of War of Sun Tzu" in a large paragraph, making his own judgment on the situation, explaining that he should adopt the strategy of "surrendering soldiers without fighting" and waiting for the situation to change. Later facts proved that Huang Fusong's judgment was correct, "The kingdom besieged Chen Cang, from winter to spring, for more than eighty days, the city was firmly held, and it could not be pulled out." The thieves were tired, and the fruit was self-extricating. ”

In this way, although the battle was won, Emperor Fusong and Dong Zhuo's "Liangzi" could also be regarded as a conclusion, "Zhuo Da was ashamed, and he was jealous of Song." ”

Only a month after the "Battle of Chen Cang", the Han Ling Emperor died.

The death of the Han Ling Emperor left a major historical turning point for the Eastern Han Dynasty, which seems to have been specially prepared for Dong Zhuo.

In the short period of more than a month between the end of the "Battle of Chen Cang" and the death of Emperor Ling of Han, Dong Zhuo suffered two consecutive tests from the Eastern Han Court and Emperor Ling himself, which was also related to Emperor Fusong.

In the sixth year of Zhongping (189), it should be shortly after the end of the "Battle of Chen Cang", and the imperial court commanded Dong Zhuo to be the Shaofu. Shaofu was one of the nine secretaries of the imperial court, and Dong Zhuo rejected the imperial court in a letter, explaining why he could not go to the capital to take up his post.

When Emperor Ling was seriously ill, the imperial court ,—— seal book in the form of a seal book, which originally referred to the emperor's handwritten letters, and since Emperor Ling was critically ill, could he still write letters in person? --A new edict was issued to Dong Zhuo (the two communications between the Eastern Han Court and Dong Zhuo can be said to be back and forth in terms of time, and we can all feel the sense of urgency in it today). The contents of the edict (seal book) are, first, to worship Dong Zhuo as the pastor of the prefecture, and the other is to "order the soldiers to belong to Emperor Fusong", that is, Dong Zhuo will hand over all his army to Emperor Fusong.

Dong Zhuo also sent a letter back to the imperial court, in which he promised to go to Hezhou to perform his duties,—— but in fact did not go, but "garrisoned in Hedong to observe the changes of time" ("The Biography of Dong Zhuolie"). Hedong Commandery (河東郡) was then part of the Division of Lieutenant Colonels, in present-day southwestern Shanxi. - But refused to hand over his soldiers and horses to Emperor Fusong.

Dong Zhuo's two refusals against the imperial court, especially the second time, were obviously clearly disobedient. However, at this time, the Eastern Han government and the Han Ling Emperor had already taken Dong Zhuo helplessly, and the so-called "imperial court cannot be controlled, and it is quite worrying." (The Biography of Dong Zhuolie).

The imperial court asked Dong Zhuo to hand over the soldiers to Emperor Fusong, and the news that Dong Zhuo refused also reached Emperor Fusong's military camp. Emperor Fu Li, who was also in the army at the time, said to his uncle:

"The dynasty is out of power, the world is upside down, and those who can be safe and secure are only the lord and Dong Zhuo'er." Now the gap is over, and the momentum is not there. Zhuo was commanded to be a soldier, and wrote to himself, which was also disobedient. And the Kyoshi was dazed and hesitant, and this adulterous also. And its fierceness has no relatives, and the soldiers are not attached. The Lord is now a marshal, and the staff of the country is to beg for it, to show loyalty and righteousness, and to remove the evil, and this Huan and Wen are also things. (The Biography of Emperor Fu Song)

The first sentence put Dong Zhuo and Huang Fusong in a reciprocal position. Huang Fuli saw the contradiction between Huang Fusong and Dong Zhuo, and believed that he had reached a situation of "invincibility". At the same time, Huang Fuli believed that Dong Zhuo's act of resistance was a kind of "disobedience", and Dong Zhuo's "garrison in Hedong" was a dangerous move with malicious intentions.

Huang Fuli hoped that Huang Fusong would immediately make a decision and eliminate Dong Zhuo.

Emperor Fuli's suggestion was rejected by Emperor Fusong.

The reason huang fusong said was very simple, Although Dong Zhuo was guilty of disobeying orders, if he requisitioned without authorization, it was also an act of ultra vires. So Emperor Fusong also wrote a letter to the imperial court explaining the relevant situation. After Emperor Hanling received Emperor Fusong's letter, he "let Zhuo" criticize and rebuke Dong Zhuo, so Dong Zhuo "resented Song again."

At the critical moment when the future of history is at stake, the actions of Emperor Fusong and Emperor Hanling look more like a fluttering and soft child's play.

However, judging from the dialogue between Emperor Fu's uncle and nephew, people have reason to get an impression that at this moment, Emperor Fu Song still seems to have considerable strength and can surrender or even eliminate Dong Zhuo, and the initiative seems to be still in his hands, depending on his choice.

Huang Fusong once again chose to refuse.

If this is indeed the case, then this should be Huang Fusong's last chance to win against Dong Zhuo. Since then, the opportunity for Huang Fusong is like an offshore ship, quickly disappearing into the vision of people on the shore. After that, Huang Fusong never had the opportunity to be condescending to Dong Zhuo, and the chance to win was completely lost, and even the opportunity to sit on an equal footing was completely lost.

Emperor Ling of Han died, and He Jin listened to Yuan Shao's ridicule, which triggered an unprecedented chaos and massacre in the Eastern Han court, and the foreign relatives and eunuch forces of the Eastern Han Dynasty were destroyed at the same time, and Dong Zhuo entered the capital and became the new de facto ruler of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

As soon as Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, the position and situation between him and Emperor Fusong underwent a fundamental reversal.

Why did Emperor Fusong, one of the 72 generals of the Wumiao Temple, lose to Dong Zhuo?

After half a year of busyness, Dong Zhuo sat in a new position, remembering his old colleague, old superior, and the person he had secretly complained about for a long time.

In the first year of Chuping, Nai Zhengsong was made a lieutenant of the city gate and wanted to kill him. (The Biography of Emperor Fu Song)

Before that, Dong Zhuo had just killed a city gate lieutenant.

Huang Fusong was suddenly caught up in a life-and-death decision.

To go, or not to go? This is a problem.

Where was Huang Fusong at this time? Windswept.

Fufeng was located between Chang'an (present-day Xi'an) and Chen Cang (Baoji), and after repelling the kingdom, Emperor Fusong should have remained in this place and continued to hold on to his task of "returning to the town of Chang'an and defending the Garden Mausoleum".

When Dong Zhuo summoned Emperor Fusong to Beijing, the Kwantung Qunxiong had already raised the banner of courting Dong.

In order to cope with the crusade of the Kwantung Qunxiong, Dong Zhuo first ordered people to poison the deposed Shao Emperor, and then moved the capital from Luoyang to Chang'an,—— Chang'an was close to Liangzhou, which was the place where Dong Zhuo was familiar and started. However, Dong Zhuo himself did not move west with the emperor and the imperial court at the same time, but stayed in Luoyang for the time being.

At this time, Emperor Fusong, who still had heavy troops in his hands and remained in Fufeng, was definitely a figure that could not be forgotten for Dong Zhuo, not to mention that Dong Zhuo's heart had already accumulated a long-term jealousy.

This was clearly seen by Emperor Fusong's long history (chief of staff) Liang Yan. After Huang Fusong received a summons from Dong Zhuo, Liang Yan said to Huang Fusong:

"The Han Dynasty was weak, the castration was chaotic, and although Dong Zhuo was reprimanded, he could not be loyal to the country, so he restored Kou and plundered Jingyi, and abolished Li Zhiyi. The general of this march, the big is dangerous, and the small is humiliated. Now Zhuo is in Luoyang, the Son of Heaven comes to the west, with a crowd of generals, thirty thousand elite soldiers, to greet the supreme, ordered to rebel, ordered the sea, conscripted the army marshals, Yuan Shi forced its east, the general forced its west, this became a bird. (The Biography of Emperor Fu Song)

This passage has two meanings, the first is to say that Huang Fusong cannot go, and if he goes, there is danger; the latter paragraph can be said to be the third "extraordinary plot" that Huang Fusong heard in his life. To put it simply, it was Liang Yan who hoped that Emperor Fusong would "blackmail the Son of Heaven to order" and respond to Dong Zhuo's righteous move in the east, attacking from east to west and capturing Dong Zhuo alive.

This proposal should be the target of the History of the Eastern Han Dynasty to "blackmail the Son of Heaven to order the princes".

This time, Huang Fusong still refused. He crossed Chang'an and went to Luoyang.

As a result, as soon as Emperor Fusong arrived in Luoyang, he was arrested, "There is a si chengzhi, play the song under the command, and will be punished." (The Biography of Emperor Fu Song)

At the critical moment, the son saved his father's life. According to the Book of the Later Han Dynasty:

Songzi Jianshou and Zhuo Sushan, from chang'an to Luoyang, surrendered to Zhuo. Zhuo Fang put the wine party, Jianshou straight forward to let go, blame the righteousness, kowtow and drool. The seaters were moved, and they all left the table to invite them. Zhuo Naiqi, holding and sitting together. He was spared from song captivity, returned to Song Yilang, and moved to Yushi Zhongcheng. (The Biography of Emperor Fu Song)

Dong Zhuo not only agreed to pardon Emperor Fusong, but also appointed him as a huilang and later became Yushi Zhongcheng (御史中丞).

Between the ten moons, Huang Fusong's fate of life and death turned over in Dong Zhuo's hands.

The story doesn't end there.

The following year, in the second year of Chuping (191), Dong Zhuo also returned to Chang'an from Luoyang. For Dong Zhuo's return to Chang'an, the "Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms" and the "Later Han Book" of the "Biography of Emperor Fu Song" and "The Biography of Dong Zhuo Lie" are all described in meticulous pen and ink, leaving a detailed description with a sense of scene. Usually, in a canonical history like the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, there are few repetitive detailed descriptions.

And Zhuo also Returned Tonan, the Secretary of State and the Hundred Officials greeted the Daoci. (The Biography of Emperor Fu Song)

Nai yin also returned to Chang'an. Hundreds of officials greeted the road. (The Biography of Dong Zhuolie)

There is also a sentence at the end of the "Biography of Emperor Fu Song": "Zhuo Feng ordered all the people below yushi to worship Qu Song". The translation of this sentence is: Dong Zhuo secretly instructed that those who were below the rank of Yushi (naturally including Yushi Zhongcheng) should go to the side of the road to bow down and greet each other (whether this "worship" word refers to kneeling, it is not certain, but the bending of the body is certain), so as to make Emperor Fusong feel humiliated and submit.

Did Huang Fusong give in? The next paragraph reads:

Then he said, "Is righteousness really important?" ”

Song smiled and thanked him, Zhuo Nai explained. (Ibid.)

How to explain "resisting the hand", the exact meaning of the word is not easy to say clearly, probably equivalent to the current handshake, shoulder stroke, but Dong Zhuo's posture at this time must be seemingly kind. "犕" here means to serve, and righteousness is really the word of Emperor Fusong. Dong Zhuo asked: Song Brother's clothes are not served? - This is completely the frame and language of the big brother, blunt and slightly rude.

What about Huang Fusong's reaction? "Smile and thank you". At this time, Huang Fusong's face was full of smiles, "Xie Zhi", it was Huang Fusong who said "I'm sorry" to Dong Zhuo.

What is Huang Fusong sorry for Dong Zhuo? (Because of the competition?) Comparable? )

"Zhuo Nai explained" means that Dong Zhuo reconciled with Emperor Fusong, and he finally released Emperor Fusong.

The two heroes who stood together in the world tacitly agreed to this.

The comparison and contest between Huang Fusong and Dong Zhuo has come to an end.

Dong Zhuo won a complete victory over Emperor Fusong.

——Dong Zhuo won!

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