
How ferocious it was at the beginning, how tragic the ending was: former Qin Li Wang Zhisheng, the end was comfortable, he was willful and perverted. Second, he was moody. Third, he is fierce and cruel. Fourth, he regards human life as a straw. Fifth, he is extremely sensitive and inferior. Sixth, he has a simple mind.

author:Little people who eat salted turnips

On the unscrupulous monarch, former Qin Zhisheng, is the most prominent one. Speaking of Zhisheng, the official may not be familiar, but when it comes to another person, Jian Jian, there should be some impression, if you really can't remember Jian Jian, the little person who eats turnips reminds one thing, and the official will be able to quickly awaken his memory. The Battle of Shuishui, the Battle of Former Qin and the Eastern Jin Dynasty, everyone knows, this Jian Jian is the classic battle in which the weak win the strong, the strong side, the commander of Former Qin, that is, the former Qin king at that time. And his throne was taken from the hands of Gong Sheng.

Saying the word "seize" seems to be immediately less reasonable, in the end there is some lack of confidence, but in the history books, in the former Qin at that time, Jian Jian seized the throne of Zhisheng, that is, when he went up to the heavens, he went down to the will of the people and was very happy.

Because of the birth, the head was pus, and the sores on the feet were really bad to the point of home.

How ferocious it was at the beginning, how tragic the ending was: former Qin Li Wang Zhisheng, the end was comfortable, he was willful and perverted. Second, he was moody. Third, he is fierce and cruel. Fourth, he regards human life as a straw. Fifth, he is extremely sensitive and inferior. Sixth, he has a simple mind.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, he is willful and perverted. </h1>

1. When he saw a young man and woman with a beautiful appearance, he sent him around to ask whether he was a husband and wife. The two replied that they were not husband and wife, but brothers and sisters, and that the young man had given them the title of husband and wife, and that they were to have sex on the spot. The two did not follow and were killed.

2. Xiang Sheng and his wife climbed the stairs to look at the distance, and his wife asked the Shang Shu servant downstairs to shoot Jia Xuanshi's official name, and Zhi Sheng was greatly jealous, and ordered the guards to take down Jia Xuanshi's head and put it in his wife's hand, "You like to give it to you."

3. He likes to see men and women obscene, and when he drinks, he often makes the palace women and the courtiers have fun, and if they do not comply, they will not be forgiven.

4. Peel the skins of animals such as cattle, sheep and donkeys alive, and then admire the peeled animals running around the palace in pain.

5. Even more heinous, he once peeled off the faces of death row inmates and forced them to sing and dance with their faces hanging from their jaws.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, he is moody. </h1>

He asked, after I came to the world, how did outsiders evaluate me? Some people flatter him, Your Majesty Shengming, ancient and modern, the people of the world are singing the praises of this peaceful and prosperous world! Xiang Sheng probably also knew this inconsistency and reprimanded him: You are being flattering, talking nonsense, and killing him.

A few days later, I asked this question again. As you know, this is a send-off proposition, but in the face of such a moody king, how can you choose? If you can't do it, then change your tone: Your Majesty, you are basically a good king, but only a little bit of indiscriminate punishment. Hearing this, Xiang Sheng became angry again: A good slave dared to slander and slander, and then killed him.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, he is fierce and cruel. </h1>

1. He receives the minister, who carries a bow and arrow and blade with him, and a hammer, a saw, and a pair of pliers are arranged in two compartments, and the minister is killed immediately if he is wrong.

2. Set up a banquet to entertain the courtiers, And Shang Shu worked hard as a liquor supervisor, blaming him for not actively persuading him to drink, and shooting with bows and arrows.

3. His uncle Qiang Ping advised Him to love the people and worship God, and before he could finish speaking, He Sheng ordered someone to chisel him through the top of his head. Qiang Ping broke the pulp stream and died of death. Because of the death of his brother, his mother was heartbroken and died of hunger strike.

How ferocious it was at the beginning, how tragic the ending was: former Qin Li Wang Zhisheng, the end was comfortable, he was willful and perverted. Second, he was moody. Third, he is fierce and cruel. Fourth, he regards human life as a straw. Fifth, he is extremely sensitive and inferior. Sixth, he has a simple mind.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > fourth, he regards human life as a grass mustard. </h1>

1. After the death of his uncle and his mother, Zhisheng did not mourn at all, and issued an edict, saying that he was not ashamed: After I ascended the throne, what did I do not do well? There are so many people who slander me, I have only killed a few thousand people, what cruelty can I say, you say, as the king of the world, am I not very kind?

2. The tiger was harmed, and since the birth of the tiger took the throne, it has eaten more than 700 people, lying on the road in the daytime, and the people are panicked and do not even dare to go on the road. The minister played a song to Zhisheng and asked him to be diligent in government and love the people, and to worship God and drive away disasters. Nao sheng laughed: People are hungry to eat, tigers are hungry to eat people, what is strange about this! When it is full, it will naturally not eat, and it will not suffer from the people all year round. Besides, Heaven wants to borrow a tiger to punish me for adultery and eliminate evil, as long as I don't sin, I am afraid of something! You're just complaining!

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > five, he is extremely sensitive and inferior. </h1>

1. He had only one eye, and when he was young, his grandfather GongHong joked: I heard that the blind man has only one eye and tears, I don't know if it is? The messenger next to him replied yes, and when he heard this, he was very annoyed, pulled out his saber, and cut the blood in his eyes: You see, isn't this a tear?

2. After ascending to the throne, if someone violates his taboo and has a temper attack, it is not self-harm.

(1) Once, the doctor He'an fetal medicine, The ginseng is too fine, the doctor said, as long as a little is enough. Mistook the doctor to ridicule him for having only one eye, and was furious, do you dare to ridicule me? Order left and right to cut out the doctor's eyes and cut off the head.

(2) Words such as deficiency, lack, lack, lack, injury, disability, destruction, and partiality are all interpreted by Shusheng as alluding to his blind eye, that is, forbidden words, and if they are accidentally spoken, whether they are wives and concubines or courtiers, they will be punished by death. As for those who have their limbs cut off, their stomachs cut open, their ribs torn off, and their necks sawn off, there are countless.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > six, he has a simple mind. </h1>

1. Zhongshu supervisor Hu Wen and Zhongshu Ling Wang Yu watched the sky at night, saying that in less than three years, the country had a big funeral and the ministers were slaughtered. This young man was startled, and he used his brain to think in a straight line: Great funeral, unless it is me or the empress, as for the minister, the minister of the order should be counted! He muttered in his mouth, the people around him were still pondering, what was he muttering, this young man, but he took the knife, entered the harem, and stabbed the greeting Empress Liang to death. Gu Ming's ministers, Taifu Maogui, the cheri general Liang Leng, and the left servant Liang An, without interrogation, were immediately beheaded. Ray, along with his nine children and twenty-two grandchildren, was killed. Shangshu's right servant Duan Chun had already been executed because he had obstructed the reform of yuan.

2. A song and a ballad was circulating in Chang'an City saying, "A hundred miles look at the empty city, and the depressed He Qingqing?" Blind children do not know the law, and they cannot see the stars in the sky", Xiangsheng was very annoyed, and was deeply disturbed by the word "empty city", and ordered people to demolish all empty cities within the borders of the country.

The sins of The Birth of Man can really be described as the bamboo of the South Mountain, and cannot be written in full. However, out of the mix, sooner or later to pay back. Under his authority, the clan, Xun Lao, relatives, almost all became disabled, and those who met on the road only dared to look at each other and did not dare to speak. What He sheng did was angry and resentful, and the people's hearts were lost, whether it was the imperial court or the rivers and lakes. His demise came by chance and was inevitable.

One night, Gong Sheng told the maid that Jian Jian and Zhi Fa could not be trusted and would be eliminated sooner or later. The servant reported to Zhi Jian, who relayed the Fa. Several people conspired, quickly planned, and acted separately, and Summoning the strong men to infiltrate the Yunlong Gate, Gong Jian led more than three hundred people straight to the harem, pulled the drunken Gong Sheng from the bed, first imprisoned, and then sent envoys to force Zhi Sheng to commit suicide. Before his death, He sheng was so drunk and unconscious that he was strangled alive by his envoys with a rope. This is really called drunken dream death!

How ferocious it was at the beginning, how tragic the ending was: former Qin Li Wang Zhisheng, the end was comfortable, he was willful and perverted. Second, he was moody. Third, he is fierce and cruel. Fourth, he regards human life as a straw. Fifth, he is extremely sensitive and inferior. Sixth, he has a simple mind.

Chao Wei Tianzi Lang, Twilight died on the rope, the ferocious Zhisheng, got such a fate, although it was still cheap for him, in the end it was still a Heavenly Dao cycle, retribution was not happy, and people were somewhat comfortable.

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