
Li Ru, who was marginalized by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, expected things to be like gods, but had no choice but to stand in the wrong team and follow Dong Zhuo

author:Mirror Youth
Li Ru, who was marginalized by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, expected things to be like gods, but had no choice but to stand in the wrong team and follow Dong Zhuo

Li Ru stills

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novels and TV series, the name Li Ru may not be well known to the public. The only one who is a little famous is probably that he persuaded Lü Bu on behalf of Dong Zhuo to use the red rabbit horse to attract Lü Bu to Dong Zhuo's camp. The other bridge sections do not have much of Li Ru's drama, which can be said to be "marginalized".

But in the main history, Li Ru is actually a great figure. He followed Dong Zhuo's side, made several crucial decisions, and made a lot of credit for Dong Zhuo. Some people even said that he was like Zhuge Liang's influence on Liu Bei as dong zhuo. After Dong Zhuo was killed by Lü Bu, Li Ru was captured and executed by Wang Yun in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but in fact, Li Ru did not die, but when Li Dai guo feng was in control of the government, he was also invited to give advice and advice, and even to give him officials.

Although in the end he did not become an official and disappeared, there is no record of his whereabouts. But this does not prevent him from the fact that he is still a "wise man" who is expected to be like God.

So, what are the deeds or decisions that reflect that he is a "think tank"?

It is worth mentioning that in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Li Ru is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, and with this layer of relationship, they can be described as a "community of interests". Behind many of Dong Zhuo's decisions, Li Ru acted as a think tank and gave him advice.

Li Ru, who was marginalized by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, expected things to be like gods, but had no choice but to stand in the wrong team and follow Dong Zhuo

The first important decision was an important suggestion given by Li Ru when Dong Zhuo, who had long had a rebellious heart, was about to rush into the army.

He said: "Now that the dynasty is being enshrined, there are many secrets in the middle, so why not send people to the table, and if the name is right, then great things can be achieved." ”

This means that if the Dynasty is bought, no matter how many soldiers it brings, it will be difficult to get rid of suspicion; but if you send someone to the table, it is more justified to show the intention, so how to look at it is better. It was precisely because of Li Ru's thoughtful consideration that the road was paved for Dong Zhuo to seize power.

The second important decision was to propose to kill the Young Emperor of Han and build prestige.

After Dong Zhuo took control of the imperial government, he always saw that the puppet emperor Han Shaodi was not happy, so he wanted to depose him, and then established Liu Xie as emperor. He told Li Ru about it and asked for his opinion. Li Ru said: "There is not a single minister in the current imperial court who can do great things, and you directly call the hundred officials to ask for their opinions, and directly kill those who do not agree, and at the same time establish your prestige." ”

As a result, the facts were indeed as Li Ru had guessed, none of the hundred officials and courtiers openly opposed it, and Dong Zhuo's prestige in the court was enough to shock both inside and outside the government and the public. However, Li Ru further proposed that the grass should be cut down and the roots should be removed.

Dong Zhuosi thought about it and thought it made a lot of sense. If this Han Shao Emperor was only deposed, wouldn't it pose a threat if one day the courtiers invited him back? Therefore, Dong Zhuo sent Li Ru to kill the deposed Emperor Shao of Han.

Li Ru, who was marginalized by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, expected things to be like gods, but had no choice but to stand in the wrong team and follow Dong Zhuo

The third important decision was that Li Ru managed to win over Lü Bu, the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms.

Because Lü Bu was very brave in battle, Dong Zhuo also liked him very much after he knew him, thinking about how good it would be if he was a favorite general of his own. So Li Ru proposed to Dong Zhuo that he should go out on his own horse and pull Lü Bu over.

Li Ru and Lü Bu were fellow countrymen and drew Lü Bu into Dong Zhuo's camp, but Li Ru took a lot of effort. He went to Lü Bu and used the Red Rabbit BMW as bait to make Lü Bu willing to serve Dong Zhuo, which shows that he is also very "aware of people's hearts".

If all of the above decisions show that Li Ru is a master of playing politics, then the next decision shows that he is also very intelligent militarily, and it is precisely because of this decision that Cao Cao Mengde, who later swept the world, suffered the most brilliant loss in his life. This time the battle was greatly defeated, and Cao Cao almost lost his life.

The fourth important decision was Li Ru's "plan" against Cao Cao.

Dong Zhuo wanted to move the capital to Chang'an, and the situation was very critical at that time, and the princes of all sides were chasing and killing behind, and Dong Zhuo was also anxious. At this time, Li Ru proposed to Dong Zhuo that we should not only run like this, but also set up ambushes on the road and make a counterattack, so as to provide security for moving west to Chang'an.

So Dong Zhuo followed Li Ru's advice and set up an ambush outside Xingyang, and it wasn't long before Cao Cao was "recruited". Dong Zhuo had a general named Xu Rong under his command, who took advantage of Cao Cao's surprise and killed him to lose his armor and finally failed. Without Li Ru's plan, Dong Zhuo would not necessarily be able to live long.

Li Ru, who was marginalized by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, expected things to be like gods, but had no choice but to stand in the wrong team and follow Dong Zhuo

In addition, there are many details that also reflect The wisdom of Li Ru.

For example, there is a bridge section in the new "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which shows Li Ru's sensitivity and wisdom to the extreme. Dong Zhuo carried the mink cicada to his residence on the pretext of making the mink cicada a noble concubine, and the next day Lü Bu learned about it, anger and sadness intertwined, and his emotions were out of control, and he was just bumped into by Li Ru.

Li Ru initially did not know about the relationship between Lü Bu and the mink cicada, and seeing that Lü Bu was so excited, he asked what had happened. Lü Bu said: "In the next with the mink cicada, I have already made love." At this time, Li Ru's expression had become slightly heavier.

Li Ru tried to persuade Lü Bu: "General, you are now in a high position, what kind of woman do you want in the world, why do you have to cling to a mink cicada?" ”

Lü Bu was not persuaded, but was even more sad: "She is my lifeblood." ”

After Li Ru listened, his expression became heavier, and he tentatively asked Lü Bu: "Fengxian, I ask you, if you don't get the mink cicada, what should you do?" ”

Lü Bu said, "I will never give up." ”

A brief conversation made Li Ru deeply feel the importance of this matter. Therefore, he immediately went to Dong Zhuo to tell dong Zhuo not to lose big because of small things, and not to lose a fierce general because of a woman. He also proposed that Dong Zhuo give the mink cicada to Lü Bu.

Dong Zhuo has always listened to and adopted Li Ru's suggestions. Hearing Li Ru's words, Dong Zhuo also put down the "color heart" and decided to do as he said.

Li Ru, who was marginalized by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, expected things to be like gods, but had no choice but to stand in the wrong team and follow Dong Zhuo

However, before he did it, he also did one more thing, that is, to ask the mink cicada's opinion. He asked the cicada, would you like to follow Lü Bu and follow him with love for a lifetime? But the arrival of the cicada is to make the beauty plan and the divisive plan. The marten cicada took the rain with pear blossoms, crying that Dong Zhuo hated her and did not want her, and gave her as an object to others casually. This was good, Dong Zhuo was originally reluctant in his heart, as soon as he heard the beauty crying, he did not want to give the mink cicada to Lü Bu.

This incident also laid the most direct seed for Lü Bu to kill Dong Zhuo later.

Then, some people may have doubts, then Li Ru, who is expected to be like a god, if he changes to a wiser lord, will the end be better? Why did he follow the anti-thief Dong Zhuo?

You know, in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were many anti-thieves, and there was not only one Dong Zhuo.

Zhuge Liang was still waiting for Liu Bei, and Li Ru, as a top-level and intelligent strategist, was probably also looking for a lord worthy of his own service. Perhaps because of the combination of various reasons, Li Ru bet the treasure on Dong Zhuo.

In the chaotic three kingdoms of the crowd, for power, all sides are eyeing the tiger, and if you take a slight wrong step, it is easy to step into the abyss. Perhaps, in Li Ru's view, Dong Zhuo did have a lot of superiority, otherwise he would not have kidnapped the Princes of Tianzi, but Dong Zhuo also had "fatal wounds" such as lust, which Li Ru could not change.

Author: Our team has a falling moon

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