
Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

author:Oriental History

In 1950, Zeng Zesheng led the 50th Army to the battlefield of the front line of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

This double-gun "twin unit," which was once ridiculed by the Kuomintang army as "one smoking gun and one musket," actually beat the UN army armed to the teeth in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, lost its armor and suffered heavy casualties, and completely annihilated the British Royal Tank Battalion, which the UN Army was proud of!

Zeng Zesheng and the 50 military he led became famous with beautiful results!

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

Zeng Zesheng

After returning to China, Zeng Zesheng was personally received by Chairman Mao. Chairman Mao cordially greeted him and the volunteer soldiers of the 50th Army, and also discussed with him the details of the battle of the great victory, and the two talked happily.

Just when Zeng Zesheng's originally nervous heart was gradually calming down, Chairman Mao suddenly asked a question, which made Zeng Zesheng's heart be stirred up in an instant, and his face was red and he could not speak.

After the meeting, Zeng Zesheng immediately packed up his luggage and said to his wife: "In this Beijing, I can't stay anyway." ”

What kind of question did Chairman Mao ask? Why did Zeng Zesheng immediately pack up his things and leave Beijing after hearing this question?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > out of the silt, dye or not</h1>

In 1925, Zeng Zesheng, a Kuomintang officer who had studied at the Whampoa Military Academy and served as a captain, returned to his hometown of Yunnan.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

After returning to his hometown, Zeng Zesheng continued his pace of saving the country and the people. He passionately founded a military academy and a magazine to train military talents for the motherland while propagating the revolutionary ideas of overthrowing feudal bureaucracy and resisting exploitation and oppression.

However, just when Zeng Zesheng was exerting his enthusiasm to dedicate himself to the motherland, he was suddenly arrested and imprisoned by Chiang Kai-shek.

After his arrest, Zeng Zesheng was confused and did not understand what mistake he had made.

Zeng Zesheng tossed and turned in prison and thought about it repeatedly, and finally a speculation that frightened his heart came up: Thinking of Chiang Kai-shek's path to the top and leadership ideas, and his own behavior of preaching revolution and overthrowing feudal autocracy and exploiting classes in magazines, was it not just a clear slap in Chiang Kai-shek's face?

In the moment of sudden enlightenment, a seed of doubt was also buried in Zeng Zesheng's heart: is it really appropriate for him to be in such a team with the mission of overthrowing feudal despotism and exploiting classes?

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

In such a team, the situation forced people to bow their heads. In the end, Zeng Zesheng deeply "reflected" on his "mistakes" and was then released under the mediation of friends.

After his release from prison, Zeng Zesheng closed the magazine and decided to be cautious in his words and deeds, change his previous style of doing things, and act carefully.

At that time, the good faces of the Kuomintang ranks were good, and they paid attention to pomp and circumstance, but the officers' allowances were simply not enough to support them. As a result, corruption abounds and becomes the norm.

Zeng Zesheng, however, was unwilling to join them and always adhered to a clean and honest style. However, if you do not pay attention to pomp and circumstance, you will be squeezed out by your colleagues, and many tasks will not be able to continue. To this end, he could only grit his teeth to increase his expenses, and the meager salary and family money would soon be unaffordable.

Reality gave this young man in the mud who still wanted to keep his innocence a hard slap.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

Zeng Zesheng's family

At that time, Zeng Zesheng's wife gave birth, but the family could not afford to let her be hospitalized, and Zeng Zesheng could only find relatives and friends to borrow money to save the emergency.

When he wanted to ask for help, many people, including his loved ones, found it ridiculous. They laughed at Zeng Zesheng, a high-ranking officer who couldn't even come up with this little money, and looking at the other officers, who were not living a moist and generous life, he was like a fool.

Without borrowing money and being ridiculed, Zeng Zesheng was full of grief and indignation, not understanding why incorruptibility had become a mistake in their eyes, and corruption had become something to be proud of.

He didn't understand, but had to compromise. Because then his child, who had just been born and was not yet a full moon, died of frostbite because of his poor family. This incident caused him a great impact, although he still felt that corruption was wrong, but under the pressure of reality, he could only give up persistence and learn to make money like his colleagues.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

Circumstances are important, and in a world full of errors, justice is the other.

Later, Zeng Zesheng recalled more than once the days when he reached out for money and suffered a lot, and he lamented in his autobiography: "In that kind of environment, I first-hand realized why officials in the old society were greedy. In the same sewage basin, where is it still clean? ”

Zeng Zesheng was forced by reality and helplessness to give up too many principles, in order to get rid of such suffering to make up for the guilt in his heart, he spilled all his blood and passion on the battlefield, and used his life and blood to realize his ideal of serving the country and the people.

Because it was not Chiang Kai-shek's concubine troops, and most of the soldiers in the ranks were Yunnan disciples who smoked well, in addition to carrying a gun when fighting, they would also carry a smoking gun, and Zeng Zesheng's team was also ridiculed by his colleagues as a "double-gun" bear army.

However, it was such a "small force" that was squeezed out by the Kuomintang troops, and once made great achievements in fighting for the anti-Japanese struggle to save the country.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1937, Zeng Zesheng led the Yunnan disciples to fight on the anti-Japanese front, and in the Battle of Taierzhuang in 1938, he fought a bloody battle with the Japanese army for 27 days with flesh and blood and iron will, and successfully blocked the Japanese invaders after paying a heavy price.

Since then, this Dian army team has participated in the Battle of Wuhan, the Battle of Nanchang, the Battle of Changsha and other battles, and has always fought on the front line of the War of Resistance Against Japan, making great contributions to saving the country and the people.

Later, in the War of Liberation, Zeng Zesheng's troops always lost repeatedly against the PLA troops, which made him puzzled.

He looked at the PLA contingent with patches on the uniforms of even the commanders, and the seeds that had been buried deep in his heart by the blows of reality had once again broken through. Although he did not fully understand the People's Liberation Army, he inexplicably felt that following such a team could pick up the persistence he had given up and realize his ideals.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

Subsequently, Zeng Zesheng chose to revolt and join the PLA after many failed breakthroughs, and the Dian army he led was also reorganized into the 50th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

Zeng Zesheng, who was once broken by the harsh reality, will understand that he has finally found the most suitable environment. Here, innocence is the norm, justice is justice, and what he has asked for in his life will be fulfilled here.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="99" > why don't you scold us? </h1>

After being reorganized, Zeng Zesheng led the 50th Army to participate in the war to liberate southwest china and western Hubei, made outstanding achievements for liberation, and received the task of fighting on the front line of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea after liberation.

After the 50th Army arrived at the battlefield, the commander-in-chief Peng Dehuai issued an order: the 50th Army and the 38th Army were responsible for blocking the Un army on the Han River.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

At that time, the Chinese Volunteer Army was fought by the United Nations army led by the United States, which was well armed with advanced weapons and equipment, and the troops were armed to the teeth, and the battle was difficult to fight.

Unfamiliar with the terrain and climate and without a guide, the Chinese Volunteer Army did not fight very well at first, and the 50th Army did not behave satisfactorily when it first arrived on the battlefield against the United Nations Army, and there were several mistakes in the air during the battle.

At the operational summary meeting, chief Peng Dehuai severely criticized Liang Xingchu, commander of the 38th Army, and called him a "rat general", but did not say anything about the 50th Army, which also made mistakes.

Supposedly, it was a good thing not to be scolded, but the soldiers of the 50th Army were very uncomfortable. Originally, they had doubts about the fact that they were originally Kuomintang troops, and they were afraid that the PLA contingent would not regard them as their own. Peng Dehuai's non-criticism made them even more uncomfortable, and they were riveted to fight a beautiful battle and prove themselves with strength.

In fact, the soldiers of the 50th Army had a great misunderstanding, and Commander-in-Chief Peng Dehuai was full of trust and expectation for the soldiers of the 50th Army.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

Peng Dehuai

At that time, the volunteers on the front-line battlefield were blocked by the blockade of the US Air Force, and the logistics supply chain was cut off, and the situation was critical. The 38th Army and Zeng Zesheng's 50th Army were placed in vital defensive positions to block the Un forces on the Han River and fight for lifeline for the front-line volunteers.

This position is related to the safety of the lives of the frontline volunteers, the success or failure of the battlefield, and the situation of the entire battlefield. Commander-in-Chief Peng Dehuai's dispatch of the 50th Army to this strategic position has fully demonstrated his trust and expectation for the 50th Army.

In our army, everyone is equal and treated equally, and the army of the Communist Party is a reasonable army. However, before the 50th Army, in the Kuomintang ranks, all it saw was comparison and contempt, and all it suffered was unfairness and oppression, and naturally it was very eager to prove itself, and the most feared thing was to be despised and ignored.

However, after joining the People's Liberation Army and fighting alongside the Communist Party, the soldiers of the 50th Army led by Zeng Zesheng will deeply understand this, and the misunderstanding will soon be revealed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="102" > world war fame! </h1>

Many people think that defensive operations are relatively simple compared to offensive charges, but in fact, they are not, and defensive operations are more difficult than offensive charges.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

It was the middle of winter, the climate was cold and the ground was dry, and it was difficult for the 50th Army to dig trenches to build fortifications, and the soldiers of the 50th Army could only complete some simple fortifications day and night.

Seeing this situation, Zeng Zesheng changed his strategy and let the soldiers dig a lot of individual bunkers and anti-artillery holes, and once the battle began, this change of situation played a huge role and successfully reduced the casualties of the volunteer soldiers.

In addition, due to the blockade of the US army, the logistical supplies of the volunteer soldiers of the 50th Army were not sufficient. In the ice and snow battle, they can only resist with a hungry stomach, and they are really hungry, so they eat ice and drink snow and hold on.

In terms of weapons, the 50th Army is even less dominant. Compared with the united nations army's abundant modern weapons and equipment, the 50th Army has less than 60 mortars and 16 mountain guns.

In this way, the soldiers of the 50th Army, who had no advantage at all, were fiercely bombarded by the enemy on their heads, faced with black cannons and tanks, and fought bravely with steely will and a fierce spirit of not fearing death in the fierce battlefield filled with the enemy's incendiary bombs, artillery shells, and flares!

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

Zeng Zesheng issued the order that two-thirds of the fighters go to the front line to fight, and one-third of the fighters stay in the fortification defenses, and be on standby as a supplementary force for casualties on the front line. The front-line soldiers were sacrificed, the rear soldiers immediately made up, the front-line positions were lost, and the rear soldiers rushed up to take it back!

The volunteer soldiers of the 50th Army led by Zeng Zesheng erupted with a huge force that the American soldiers and the United Nations troops could not understand, beat them to the head and bleed, successfully blocked the United Nations army for 50 days, defeated the 27th Regiment of the elite 25th Division of the United States Army, completely annihilated the British Royal Tank Battalion, and killed 11,000 enemy!

In the perfect completion of the combat mission, the 50th Army also paid a heavy price, and the soldiers of 7 companies, 31 platoons and 138 squads of the 50th Army were all sacrificed!

In this battle, the 50th Army was famous, and the 50th Army led by Zeng Zesheng became famous in one battle!

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

After the war, Commander-in-Chief Peng Dehuai bowed deeply to the volunteer soldiers of the 50th Army: "Comrades in this battle are fighting too beautifully!" Fight out the military might! Play out the strength! I salute you all! ”

Commander Peng Dehuai's words made Zeng Zesheng and all the soldiers of the 50th Army can't help but shed tears, and under the trust of Commander Peng Dehuai and the Central Military Commission, they finally proved themselves with beautiful results! Prove that the 50th Army is a heroic unit and not a "twin unit"!

Zeng Zesheng said excitedly: "I know that the chiefs trust and expectations for us, and all the soldiers of our 50th Army have done their best to finally live up to their trust!" ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="104" > was personally received by Chairman Mao</h1>

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Zeng Zesheng was injured in a car accident and reluctantly returned to China to recuperate from his illness and was personally received by Chairman Mao.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

When he met Chairman Mao, Zeng Zesheng was very nervous and did not know what attitude to adopt toward Chairman Mao.

At the beginning, he was in the ranks of the Kuomintang, with a strong bureaucratic style, and when the subordinate officials saw the commanders, they had to be extremely respectful and sneaky. But based on his experience of fighting alongside his comrades after joining the Communist Party, he also understood that Communist Leaders were by no means in this way.

After a long time in the dirty officialdom, Zeng Zesheng could not adapt to the clean and clear Communist party team at first.

Chairman Mao was very kind, and when he saw that Zeng Zesheng was too nervous, he took the initiative to chat with him and start a common conversation, which made Zeng Zesheng feel like a spring breeze and soon stopped being nervous.

Subsequently, Chairman Mao talked to Zeng Zesheng about the situation at home and abroad, as well as about the blockade of the Han River. As the conversation progressed, Zeng Zesheng became more and more shocked, and he did not expect that Chairman Mao, who was sitting in Beijing, knew the details of the Han River blockade battle better than he, a person who had personally experienced the war.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

As we chatted, Zeng Zesheng's nervous heart rose again, because he found that as the chat deepened, he could not answer many details of the war. This made him feel anxious and ashamed inside.

When Chairman Mao asked about the location of a second-line detachment, Zeng Zesheng's brain was already blank, and he had no impression of it at all.

This made him blush immediately and was very embarrassed.

Chairman Mao was a kind and attentive man, and after discovering Zeng Zesheng's embarrassment, he changed the subject without a trace, and the conversation between the two continued happily. Chairman Mao has always praised: "Your 50th Army fought very beautifully in the Korean battlefield and is a well-deserved heroic unit!" ”

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

After the reception, Zeng Zesheng returned home and began to pack his bags. His wife, Li Lusheng, asked him strangely what he was doing, and Zeng Zesheng said to her: "I can't stay in Beijing for a day, and I will go to the Korean battlefield immediately!" ”

Li Lusheng felt even more strange: "Why are you so anxious to go to the front line when you are not well injured?" Didn't Chairman Mao still meet and reward you today, and why can't Beijing stay any longer? ”

Zeng Zesheng stopped his hand to pack his luggage, sat down on a stool and sighed: "Chairman Mao treated me very kindly, and said that I fought well and beautifully in the Han River blockade battle. But do you know, looking back, I found that I didn't even know many details of the war and the garrison of the army, and I was not good enough as a military commander! ”

Zeng Zesheng said to his wife: "In the past, when I was still fighting the People's Liberation Army in the Kuomintang ranks, I couldn't understand it at all, and I didn't understand how we had repeatedly lost battles against the poorly armed People's Liberation Army with advanced weapons and equipment sponsored by the United States at that time. ”

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

Li Lusheng asked curiously, "What do you understand?" ”

Zeng Zesheng said with emotion: "After joining the ranks of the Communist Party, I found that the troops here love the people, have strict discipline, pay attention to the equality of everyone, the chiefs and chiefs are cordial and fair and do not engage in unhealthy tendencies and evil tendencies, and the leaders use soldiers like gods and strategize, so naturally such a contingent cannot be defeated like steel." ”

Zeng Zesheng felt that he still had serious deficiencies in the leadership deployment of the team, and he could work harder to make progress. He said: "I want to change all the bureaucratic style of the past, learn from the brother troops, go to the front and the bottom of the grass-roots level, and clearly understand every detail of the army's deployment and operations!" The next time Chairman Mao asks about it, I will be able to answer it clearly and live up to the post of commander! ”

After Zeng Zesheng recovered from his wounds, he went directly to the Korean battlefield and continued to fight heroically with the volunteer soldiers of the 50th Army.

In 1954, Zeng Zesheng returned triumphantly with the soldiers of the 50th Army, and the people welcomed him. After his return, Zeng Zesheng was received again by Chairman Mao and was awarded the honorary rank of lieutenant general.

Zeng Zesheng fought well in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and after Chairman Mao received him, why did he say that "Beijing can't stay any longer" out of the mud, dyeing or not dyeing, why didn't he scold us? World War I fame! He was personally received by Chairman Mao

After experiencing twists and turns and confusion, Zeng Zesheng and his yunnan disciples and soldiers finally embarked on the right path. In times of crisis in the motherland and the crisis in the frontier, they all stepped forward to fight in blood. They are a real heroic force, a real people's soldier!

Hats off to the volunteer soldiers of the 50th Army! Hats off to all the warriors who defended their homeland!

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