
Taihe Chongbao - The Rule of Zhangzong Mingchang, Southern Song Dynasty Kaixi Northern Expedition Storytelling Book Talk About Money Series 4: Taihe Chongbao Pay Attention to Me, Take You into the History Behind the Coin.

author:The old man said something

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Storyteller Talk Money Series 4: Taihe Chongbao</h1>

Taihe Chongbao was cast by Emperor Zhangzong of Jin in the fourth year of Taihe (1204 AD), coinciding with the Southern Song Dynasty's Han Nongxu launching the Kaixi Northern Expedition, and the Song and Jin sides launched a fierce battle in Sichuan and Huaibei, and finally, a generation of power ministers Han Nongxin also lost his life.

The rule of Ming Chang

Jin Zhangzong Finished Yan Jing was born in the eighth year of Dading (1168 AD), according to the Southern Song Dynasty's Zhou Mi "Miscellaneous Knowledge of Yan Xin", Jin Zhangzong's mother was the daughter of Princess Huizong of Song. In other words, Yan Jing was the "great-grandson" of Emperor Huizong of Song. In the first month of the twenty-ninth year of Dading (1189 AD), Jin Shizong died, and As the emperor's grandson, Yan Jing succeeded to the throne in front of the coffin on the same day, as Jin Zhangzong, and changed his era name to Mingchang the following year.

Jin Zhangzong advocated Confucian culture, carried out a comprehensive reform of the old Jurchen system, and constantly improved various political and economic systems. He liked literature and advocated Confucianism, so for a while celebrities appeared in an endless stream, most of the ruling ministers were rich in literary style and learning, capable officials and gengzhi ministers were appointed, the politics were clear, and the civil rule was brilliant. Probably because of his blood relatives, Jin Zhangzong admired Song Huizong, and the "thin gold body" he wrote himself was almost to the point where he could mess with the truth.

Taihe Chongbao - The Rule of Zhangzong Mingchang, Southern Song Dynasty Kaixi Northern Expedition Storytelling Book Talk About Money Series 4: Taihe Chongbao Pay Attention to Me, Take You into the History Behind the Coin.

Jin Zhangzong calligraphy

During the Jin Zhangzong period, which was the period with the largest population in the Jin Dynasty, in the sixth year of Taihe (1206 AD), there were 7,223,400 Households in the Khitans, Jurchens, and Han Households, with a total of 48490400 people.

However, in the later period of Jin Zhangzong's reign, floods and droughts and locust plagues occurred frequently in the Central Plains, on the one hand, the people were displaced, agriculture was seriously damaged, and the central government's finances and taxes were greatly affected. On the other hand, large-scale disaster relief and river defense have made the Finances of the Golden State even worse. In addition, Emperor Zhangzong of Jin favored Concubine Li Shi'er, reused Li's foreign relatives, and appointed Xu Zhiguo, who was born through childhood, to manage the government, so that politics began to become corrupt, and the power of the Jin state began to decline.

Kaixi Northern Expedition

At the same time, the Southern Song Dynasty minister Han Nongxin thought the time was ripe and began to advocate gold cutting. Han Nongxin was the great-grandson of Han Qi, the King of Wei County, and his body flowed with the blood of famous generals and patriotic blood. At this time, he advocated cutting gold, on the one hand, because Jin Zhangzong was addicted to alcohol and ignored the government, and there were many internal disputes in Jin; on the other hand, it was also a political move to win the hearts of the people after he implemented the party ban and forced Zhao Ruyu away. It coincided with Song Ningzong's dissatisfaction with the humiliating status of the Southern Song Dynasty, so he also supported Han Nongxin in launching the Northern Expedition.

Therefore, in the second year of the Kaixi Dynasty (1206 AD), without making sufficient preparations, Han Nongxu hastily launched the Northern Expedition. At the beginning of the war, the Southern Song Dynasty recovered some of the lost land, but then the Jin State began to counterattack, and the war entered a scorched state. During the critical period, Han Nongxu was improperly employed, and Huang Fubin, one of the commanders of the Middle Route Army, led an army to attack Tangzhou and was defeated by the Jin army, and then Deng Youlong, the commander of the two Huai provinces on the main battlefield of the Northern Expedition, was also defeated. As a result, the Jin army launched an attack on the Song army on the three battlefields of the east, middle and west, and the Song army changed from attack to defense. In the last plan, Han Nongxin wanted to save the defeat in the Sichuan battlefield through Wu Xi, the deputy envoy of Sichuan Xuanfu, but he rebelled and became king and surrendered to the Jin Kingdom. In the end, the Kaixi Northern Expedition ended in the third year of the Kaixi Dynasty (1207 AD) with the defeat of the Southern Song Dynasty.

After the defeat of the peace talks, Jin Guo demanded that the mastermind of the war, han nongzhi, be given to them. After hearing this condition, Han Nong was furious and actively planned to start another war. At this time, Empress Yang held a grudge against Han Nongxin in her early years, so she conspired with Shi Miyuan and others to try to get rid of Han Nongxin. In November of the third year of the Kai Jubilee (1207 CE), Han Nongxin was taken hostage by his generals on the way to the upper court and killed in the Yujin Garden. Subsequently, the heads were sent to the Golden State.

As a result, another generation of power ministers Shi Miyuan appeared on the scene and controlled the government for decades.

In the first year of Jiading (1208 AD), that is, in the eighth year of Jin Taihe, the Southern Song Dynasty signed the "Jiading Peace Agreement" with the Jin Dynasty, and in November of the same year, Jin Zhangzong died of Yan Jing's illness at the age of forty-one.

Taihe Heavy Treasure

Taihe Zhongbao has excellent copper quality, thick body and exquisite production. The four characters of the face text "Taihe Chongbao" are jade tendon seals, read directly, and are written by the calligrapher Dang Huaiying, and the font is pure and elegant, and the beauty is breathtaking. Taihe Zhongbao has a variety of layouts such as large and small samples and wide rim narrow rims, with a diameter of 45 to 52 mm, a weight of about 20 grams, and a light back without a text.

Taihe Chongbao - The Rule of Zhangzong Mingchang, Southern Song Dynasty Kaixi Northern Expedition Storytelling Book Talk About Money Series 4: Taihe Chongbao Pay Attention to Me, Take You into the History Behind the Coin.

Taihe Heavy Treasure has a good meaning and exquisite production, which has been cherished by collectors for generations, and the current market price is between thousands and tens of thousands of yuan. The picture below is taken by the author in the National Museum.

Taihe Chongbao - The Rule of Zhangzong Mingchang, Southern Song Dynasty Kaixi Northern Expedition Storytelling Book Talk About Money Series 4: Taihe Chongbao Pay Attention to Me, Take You into the History Behind the Coin.

The National Museum houses Thai and heavy treasures

During the Taihe and Kai jubilee years

The famous patriotic general and poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, Xin Abandoned Disease, in his early years, was on a par with the Taihe Heavy Treasure Writer Dang Huaiying in the north, known as the "Xin Party". As a young man, he participated in the Gengjing Uprising, killed the traitor Zhang Anguo, and returned to the Southern Song Dynasty.

In the fourth year of Jiatai (1204 AD), he met with Emperor Ningzong of Song and believed that the Jin kingdom "would be chaotic and perished", and soon after, he left Zhenjiang Province. When Xin abandoned the disease and knew Zhenjiang Province, he climbed to Beigu pavilion and wrote down the ancient work "Yongyule Jingkou Beiguting Huaigu". "By virtue of who asks, honest and old, can you still eat?"

In the autumn of the third year of the Kai Jubilee (1207 CE), the imperial court appointed Xin Renjie as the Privy Councillor and ordered him to quickly go to Lin'an (present-day Hangzhou, Zhejiang) to take up his post. However, at this time, Xin abandoned his illness and was already bedridden, and finally died of illness at the age of sixty-eight in early September.

In the north, in the second year of the Jubilee (1206 AD), Jin Taihe and the sixth year, the "Kuriletai" assembly was held on the vast steppe, and Temujin was elected as Genghis Khan, beginning a magnificent, conquering, and great life.

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