
Important news 丨 Meng Fanli met with Yang Jianfeng, Chen Binghua and Liu Yongxing

author:Baotou release
Important news 丨 Meng Fanli met with Yang Jianfeng, Chen Binghua and Liu Yongxing
Important news 丨 Meng Fanli met with Yang Jianfeng, Chen Binghua and Liu Yongxing

Meng Fanli met

Yang Jianfeng of Mongolian Commercial Bank

1 On the morning of October 28, Meng Fanli, member of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, met with Yang Jianfeng, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of The Mongolian Commercial Bank, Qiao Junfeng, deputy secretary of the party committee, vice chairman of the board of directors and president of the bank, and Jia Dengming, deputy secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of supervisors.

Meng Fanli expressed his gratitude to The Mongolian Commercial Bank for its contribution to the development of Baotou, spoke highly of the work it had done in the process of risk disposal and resolution of Baoshang Bank, and instructed the relevant leaders and departments to set up a special working group to dock the problems raised by the Mongolian Commercial Bank that needed to be helped to coordinate and solve. He said that whether it is the development and growth of the financial industry or the support for the city's economic and social development, it is inseparable from the role and support of financial institutions such as The Mongolian Commercial Bank, and hopes that the Mongolian Commercial Bank will achieve healthy, rapid and high-quality development at a new starting point. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government will do their utmost to provide all-round support and guarantee for the development of Mongolian Commercial Bank and help solve practical difficulties.

Yang Jianfeng thanked Baotou City for its support to Mongolian Commercial Bank. He said that Mongolia Commercial Bank will insist on taking root in the local area and carry out all-round cooperation with all aspects and fields of Baotou in helping the real economy, strengthening the financial industry, cultivating professional talents, and preventing financial risks, so as to better serve local development.

Municipal leaders Li Chunren, Wang Meibin, and responsible persons of relevant departments attended the meeting.

Northern United Power Company Chen Binghua

1 On the morning of October 28, Meng Fanli, member of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, met with Chen Binghua, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of the Northern United Power Company, Xi Bin and Chen Guojun, deputy general managers, and others.

Chen Binghua first introduced the basic situation of the company, the situation of the contracted enterprises and the next development plan to Meng Fanli. He said that the company will further deepen cooperation with Baotou in the fields of new energy, hydrogen storage batteries, garbage and sludge power generation, wind power equipment manufacturing, etc., and make new contributions to the high-quality development of Baotou's economy.

Meng Fanli said that over the years, the North United Power Company has made important contributions to the construction and development of Baotou and the improvement of people's livelihood, and the cooperation intention of enterprises is in line with the future development needs of Baotou, and the relevant leading comrades and departments and Qixian District will connect with enterprises for specific work at the fastest speed and promote the project to land as soon as possible. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government will continue to go all out to provide the best quality services and strong guarantees for enterprise development and project construction, and promote the two sides to continuously achieve new results on the basis of the original cooperation.

Municipal leaders Li Chunren and Wang Meibin and responsible comrades of relevant departments attended the meeting.

Oriental Hope Group Liu Yongxing

1 On the afternoon of October 28, Meng Fanli, member of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, met with Liu Yongxing, chairman of Oriental Hope Group, and Peng Jiannan, general manager of strategic development of Oriental Hope Group.

Meng Fanli thanked Chairman Liu Yongxing and Oriental Hope Group for their important contributions to Baotou's economic and social development over the years. Meng Fanli said that at present, the city is making every effort to create a first-class business environment, and is vigorously carrying out investment promotion around the industries, products and enterprises involved in large enterprises, and effectively doing long and wide industrial chains. We will definitely provide the best quality service, ensure the fastest speed, do a good job in all work, and make the enterprise satisfied. As a very influential entrepreneur in China, I sincerely hope that Chairman Liu Yongxing and Oriental Hope Group will continue to deepen cooperation with Baotou, and at the same time introduce more enterprises to invest in Baotou.

Liu Yongxing said that in the 18 years since Orient Hope Group entered Baotou, it has received strong support from party committees, governments and relevant departments at all levels. At present, the municipal party committee and the municipal government are taking strong measures to create a first-class business environment in China, and the majority of enterprises are deeply encouraged. In the future, we will vigorously deepen cooperation with Baotou, broaden the field of investment, transform resource advantages into industrial advantages, and contribute to the high-quality development of Baotou.

Municipal leaders Li Chunren, Zhao Jun, Wang Meibin and responsible comrades of relevant regions and departments attended the meeting.

Reporter: Zhang Fubo, Zhang Qunqun

Source: Baotou Daily

Editor: Wang Weiqi

Important news 丨 Meng Fanli met with Yang Jianfeng, Chen Binghua and Liu Yongxing
Important news 丨 Meng Fanli met with Yang Jianfeng, Chen Binghua and Liu Yongxing

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