
Farewell to the superstar! Li Zhengming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at Nankai University, died in Tianjin

author:Beiqing Net
Farewell to the superstar! Li Zhengming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at Nankai University, died in Tianjin

Comrade Li Zhengming, an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, a famous educator, chemist, pesticide scientist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of Nankai University, died in Tianjin at 11:16 on October 4, 2021 at the age of 90 due to illness.

Farewell to the superstar! Li Zhengming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at Nankai University, died in Tianjin

Determined to report to the country to "correct its name" will never regret it

Born in Shanghai in January 1931, Li Zhengming completed primary and secondary school in Suzhou, Shanghai. After graduating from high school in 1948, he was admitted to the United States Private University Joint Scholarship. In 1949, he went to the United States to study chemistry at erskine University in South Carolina.

"At that time, our country was still very backward, and we were often 'white-eyed' when studying in the United States. At that time, I made up my mind to study hard, improve my skills, and fight for Chinese! Li Zhengming said. After graduating from university in 1953, Li Zhengming gave up the superior study and living conditions in the United States, returned to the motherland to devote himself to the construction of new China, and took a boat with the first batch of Chinese students to return to the embrace of the motherland.

In August 1953, Li Zhengming was assigned to Nankai University by the Ministry of Education as Professor Yang Shixian's scientific research assistant, and then followed Professor Yang Shixian to pursue graduate studies, graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Nankai University in 1956, successively served as lecturer, associate professor and professor, during which he was a visiting scholar at the National Agricultural Research Center of the US federal government from 1980 to 1982. He has successively served as the director of the Institute of Elemental Organic Chemistry of Nankai University, the director of the State Key Laboratory of Elemental Organic Chemistry, and the director of the National Engineering Research Center for Pesticides (Tianjin).

Farewell to the superstar! Li Zhengming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at Nankai University, died in Tianjin

Li Zhengming (right) carries out scientific research work under the leadership of Yang Shixian

A breakthrough in the "zero" of pesticide production in China

As the first backbone of the development of organic pesticides, Li Zhengming and other scientific researchers have tackled key problems day and night, and they have transformed the chemical molecular formulas on scratch paper into batches of pesticides urgently needed by the state, filling the gap in national pesticide research, achieving a breakthrough in China's pesticide production "zero", and hundreds of millions of farmers have used pesticides produced by our country themselves, making important contributions to ensuring the increase in grain production.

In the early 1980s, a wheat rust outbreak broke out in the northwest region of China and spread rapidly throughout the country. "The medicine that works is monopolized by foreign countries, the price is speculated to more than 1 million yuan per ton, the farmers can't afford to use it, and they can only be anxious to watch the crop yield decrease!"

Li Zhengming was appointed as one of the leaders of the national research team, and he led the team to start the research on the new process of high-efficiency fungicide FXN. After more than 4 years of hard work, finally overcome the technical difficulties, after the market, the product quality and use effect are better than international standards, and the cost is only a quarter of the imported pesticides, this technology has become the only scientific and technological achievement in the pesticide discipline to win the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

In November 1983, Li Zhengming joined the Communist Party of China. In 1995, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

Houde cast master soul Dan heart nurturing peach plum

After becoming an academician, Li Zhengming was even busier, but he still insisted on personally taking students, communicating directly with each classmate, and using e-mail when there was no time for interviews. In 2015, Li Zhengming accidentally broke his right hand on a business trip, but this did not prevent him from communicating with the students. For the mail sent by the students, he still insisted on the afternoon return received in the morning and the early morning return received at ninety o'clock in the evening, never slacking off. For the students' papers, he revised them word by word, afraid that everyone could not see clearly, and also used flowers and green colors to distinguish.

Li Zhengming often said: "Noble thought can inspire great power." Therefore, he pays attention to the ideological education of students, not only teaching students knowledge, but also teaching students the truth of how to behave in the world. According to a 2016 report, a student of Li Zhengming, who has graduated for more than ten years, said: "I can still receive e-mails from my husband, and in addition to guiding professional research, he often reminds me to cherish and make good use of time, to face failures and setbacks correctly, and to be willing to persevere..."

Green Pesticide Advocate

As the main advocate of green pesticides in China, Li Zhengming put forward the guiding ideology of "green pesticide creation" for the first time at the 188th Beijing Xiangshan Science Conference in September 2002. He has presided over the national "Sixth Five-Year Plan" to "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" key research projects for various pesticides, the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program) project, and the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Li Zhengming's team independently developed and created monosulfuron, is China's first green ultra-efficient herbicide with independent intellectual property rights, filling the technical gap of China's long-term independent creation of herbicides, breaking the long-term monopoly of developed countries in the field of creating new herbicides in China, making China one of the few countries in the world with the ability to independently create herbicides after the United States and other developed countries.

In the grain field, farmers use monosulfuron, can easily achieve the effect of preventing the main weeds, the amount per mu is reduced from the original 80 grams to 1-2 grams, saving about 200 yuan per mu; in the wheat field, only 1 gram of monosulfulfone per mu, the average prevention and control effect can reach 97.6%, not only to achieve grain production, save labor, and the price is low, the toxicity is only equivalent to 1/50-1/100 of the toxicity of daily toothpaste, which is the "green pesticide" that the people can really afford!

Li Zhengming has devoted himself to education for more than 60 years, has been committed to taking root in the motherland, responding to national needs, and has long been engaged in basic research on pesticide creation, making outstanding contributions to the scientific research and education of organic chemistry and pesticide chemistry in China. He has trained more than 180 graduate students for national guidance, published more than 600 papers in important academic journals at home and abroad, and published 8 books. He has won the National Science Conference Award (1978), the Second Prize of the National Natural Science Award (1987), the First Prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award (1993), the Second Prize of the National Technological Invention Award (2007), the First Prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Chemical Industry (1991), the Second Prize of the Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Award (1993, 1998), the First Prize of Tianjin Technological Invention (2005), the Tianjin Science and Technology Major Achievement Award (2014), the Tianjin Outstanding Communist Party Member (2016), There are more than 70 awards and honorary titles such as the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Pesticide Professional Committee of the Chemical Industry Society of China (2016).

Li Zhengming has also served as the Chinese representative and senior representative of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the director of the technical committee of the Nantong Agricultural Dosage Form Development Center of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the executive editor of the international journal Pest Management Science, the standing committee member of the Department of Chemical Metallurgy and Materials science of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the leader of the organic chemistry review team of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the vice chairman of the Pesticide Branch of the Chemical Industry Society of China, and the member of the Degree Committee of the State Council. Jiang Scholar Chemical and Chemical Group Leader of the Ministry of Education, Outstanding Youth Judge of the State Foundation Of China, Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Chemical Society, Member of the Academic Steering Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Senior Advisor of China Pesticide Industry Association, Senior Consultant of China Pesticide Development and Application Association, Vice Chairman of Tianjin Science and Technology Association, Director of Tianjin Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry and Chemical Industry, China Agricultural University, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Dalian University of Technology, Tsinghua University, Central China Normal University, Guizhou University, Fujian Agricultural University and other key laboratories of the State and the Ministry of Education academic committee chairman, member and other positions.

The 500,000 yuan prize was donated in full

In 2015, Li Zhengming donated all the 500,000 yuan of the Tianjin Science and Technology Major Achievement Award to the "Yang Shixian Scholarship" of Nankai University. "I followed Yang Shixian, the former president of Nankai University, for 32 years, and Mr. Yang's lofty qualities of patriotism and concern for the people, strict self-discipline, conscientiousness, and moral cultivation have deeply educated and influenced me. I donate this money not for fame, but for the spirit of the teacher, to do a legacy, hoping to encourage and support students to do a good job in learning, do a good job in scientific research, and make more contributions to the motherland and the people. Li Zhengming said.

Farewell to the superstar! Li Zhengming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at Nankai University, died in Tianjin

Lee is lecturing to the students

A special letter

Farewell to the superstar! Li Zhengming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at Nankai University, died in Tianjin

In the 2021 Nankai University admission letter, there is a special letter. Its author is Mr. Li Zhengming, the first graduate student (graduation certificate no. 001) of Nankai University after the founding of New China, and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. In the letter, this "post-90s" veteran party member and old Nankai person sent a message to the new students, carrying forward the fine traditions of Nankai University, infiltrating academic thinking, sharpening the spirit of struggle, and continuing to promote China's original innovation and social progress.

Farewell to the superstar! Li Zhengming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor at Nankai University, died in Tianjin

Mr. Distant Back. Photographed on July 1, 2021 in Nankai Garden.

Academician Li Zhengming

All the way!

Tianjin Yun News Reporter Duan Wei Synthesized Tianjin Daily, Nankai University, Jincai Youth

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