
Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

author:Meta history

There is a story in the Three Kingdoms Righteousness: the soldiers at that time attached great importance to horses, after all, the quality of horses largely determined the combat effectiveness of the battle. The pursuit of horses even outweighed their enthusiasm for gold and silver treasures and beauties. Therefore, in order to win Lü Bu over, dong Zhuo, in addition to sending money, also specially sent a red rabbit horse to him, instigated Lü Bu to kill Ding Yuan, and finally took Lü Bu under his command.

However, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms has a great fictitious component, and although the Red Rabbit Horse is indeed Lü Bu's mount, there is no historical record that he was given by Dong Zhuo. And the festival between Lü Bu and Ding Yuan can never be as simple as a horse. So what does real history look like?

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" >, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu</h1>

Ding Yuan was born in a qing family in Hezhou, not only good at riding and shooting, strategic, courageous, but also rough articles, and first revealed his ability to become an official at a young age. At that time, the prefecture was located on the border of the state, often harassed by the Hu people, Ding Yuan led the army to fight, took the lead in the battle, brave and courageous, and was very appreciated by the emperor. He was later promoted to lieutenant of The State Assassin and Wu Meng, and was stationed in the Hanoi area with heavy troops.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

It was at this time that Ding Yuan discovered Lü Bu's talent. Lü Bu was initially appointed by Ding Yuan as the chief clerk and was a civilian. Later, he gradually became Ding Yuan's confidant, and together with Zhang Liao and Zhang Yang, he was known as the three fierce generals of Hezhou, and became a heroic figure who left a legacy in history and shined on the battlefield. And all this, the person Lü Bu should thank the most is Ding Yuan.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

However, people familiar with the Three Kingdoms know that Lü Bu is a very controversial person, on the one hand, he is a martial artist, many people think that he is the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms, but on the other hand, he is extremely disloyal and has a strange and changeable personality.

He recognized three dry fathers successively, first Ding Yuan, but later killed Ding Yuan at the instigation of Dong Zhuo, and then recognized Dong Zhuo as a dry father. Later, he recognized Situ Wang Yun as his father and joined forces to kill Dong Zhuo. It can be seen that he has no principles in his life and is not a noble gentleman.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

After the death of Emperor Ling of Han, Ding Yuan was promoted to the rank of Jinwu and entered Luoyang on the orders of He Jin and secretly killed the eunuchs. Unexpectedly, He Jin was killed by the eunuch first, and Dong Zhuo preemptively took control of the imperial power and induced Lü Bu to kill Ding Yuan by means. Ding Yuan's elite generals were all taken in by Dong Zhuo.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="51" > 2. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime</h1>

Unlike Ding Yuan, Dong Zhuo came from a powerful family, from a solid family, pampered and well-respected, so his personality was indulgent and uninhibited, brutal and wanton. Dong Zhuo is not only tall and extraordinary, but also good at riding and shooting, and excellent in martial arts. The local tribal leaders did not dare to provoke this brother, but instead tried their best to win relations with him, using a large number of livestock and poultry and gold and silver treasures to please Dong Zhuo and call him a brother and a brother.

When Dong Zhuo was young, he began to secretly draw forces, ambitiously using and controlling these Qiang people who came to please him, he spent money like soil, brazenly funded the Qiang people, accumulated a good reputation, and silently strengthened his own strength. It can be seen that he is indeed a person with a deep heart, outstanding wisdom, and knowing how to judge the hour and size up the situation.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

Later, Dong Zhuo served as the post of prefecture soldier and horse, responsible for maintaining local law and order, so he could control the Qiang people more and better, and accumulate his own strength little by little.

At the same time, the Eastern Han government could not bear the intrusion of the Qiang people in the west, but it could not effectively solve the thorny ethnic problems, so it had to turn to the local gentry to solve the external problems. Dong Zhuo seized the opportunity, shouldered this heavy responsibility, and worked hard to show himself in the subsequent battles, won a lot of battle achievements, and promoted all the way. Until the defeat of the Yellow Turban Army, he was relegated back to Longxi.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

Later, the annexation wars continued, and the Eastern Han government was in a precarious situation, and once again recruited all the elite soldiers and strong generals to resist foreign invasion, including Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo, who was once again reused, would not let go of this opportunity, he fought hard, and finally with a stable mentality and a predictive vision, he led the army to defeat the enemy army and made great achievements.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

The continuous promotion has inflated Dong Xingxing, who is already an ambitious person. The imperial court, fearing Dong Zhuo's rebellion, tried to weaken his strength and assigned him a fictitious position in the name of promotion.

But Dong Zhuo refused to obey the order and refused to accept it. When Emperor Houling was critically ill, he summoned Dong Zhuo and wanted to take back his military power, but Dong Zhuo had already seen no one, so he refused to surrender and led his troops to garrison Hedong.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

Dong Zhuo has a heavy army in his hands, and he is also a local gentry, with absolute strength and superiority. He was becoming more and more inflated, and had already begun to plan and control the government. Later, after the death of Emperor Ling, Dong Zhuo, who was stationed in Hedong, quickly occupied the capital, killed He Jin, and took control of power.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="52" > third, the reason why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan</h1>

After introducing Dong Zhuo, let's talk about the dispute between Lü Bu and Ding Yuan.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

After Dong Zhuo occupied Luoyang City, officials and ministers from all walks of life did not dare to act rashly, even if they were dissatisfied in their hearts. However, Dong Zhuo's unjust deeds really made the upright Ding Yuan unable to see it. Moreover, Ding was originally ordered to kill the eunuch, but he did not expect to be cut off by Dong Zhuo, and of course he was furious.

After Dong Zhuo controlled the power of the dynasty, he wanted to establish himself as the new emperor Liu Xie, and Ding Yuan was naturally the first to stand up and vote against it. And Ding Yuan, who was arrogant and arrogant, just had a dispute with Dong Zhuo, led his troops to declare war on Dong Zhuo outside the city, and finally defeated Dong Zhuo! At this moment, the two completely formed a vendetta, and Dong Zhuo, who was fierce and fierce, vowed to remove Ding Yuan's obstacle.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

At this time, he thought of Ding Yuan's subordinate Lü Bu, just as Dong Zhuo's subordinate Li Su proposed that lü Bu was a fellow countryman and was willing to lobby Lü Bu for Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo sent him to take a thousand taels of gold and a red rabbit horse to Lü Bu's military camp.

After Li Su and Lü Bu met, they talked very speculatively, after all, they were his hometown, Lü Bu moved his true feelings, set up a banquet to entertain Li Su, and said a lot of sincere words. In particular, he said that he served under Ding Yuan's hands and felt that he could not be reused.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

It turned out that after Ding Yuan arrived in Hanoi, he had already been promoted to the rank of Jinwu. At that time, Jingo was an absolute central-level executive, holding the core real power. However, he did not promote Lü Bu, a capable general, and later even made him the master bookkeeper. Although the nominal rank of the official was promoted, it was undoubtedly a shame for him to hold a civilian position, which was undoubtedly a shame for the brave and good war general.

Li Su saw the opportunity and strongly recommended Dong Zhuo to Lü Bu, expressing Dong Zhuo's appreciation and praise for Lü Bu and conveying Dong Zhuo's promise to him. Lü Bu was not a loyal and reliable person, and he was easily persuaded, so he followed Li Su's advice, killed his mentor Ding Yuan, and defected to Dong Zhuo.

Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan, not because Dong Zhuo gave him a red rabbit horse, what kind of hidden feelings are behind this? First, the relationship between Ding Yuan and Lü Bu II. Dong Zhuo's ambitions for the regime III. Summary of the reasons why Lü Bu killed Ding Yuan

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="53" > summary</h1>

History has changed, and the love and hatred of those heroes and heroes in those years can no longer be known to future generations, but in fact, it is not difficult for everyone to see the two sides of history from these stories. In the game of power, the moral balance is always biased towards the strong, and many times people care about whether it is right or wrong, and what is important seems to be only win or lose.

Sometimes what you see through the history books may not be the real truth, and the lü Bu that later generations have learned through the history books is far less vivid than his real characters. There are no black and white characters in this world, but more people who love and hate, and good and evil are only a line apart. Therefore, in the process of reading history in the future, we must learn to think dialectically.

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