
Lü Bu rebelled against Ding Yuan and inflicted such a poisonous hand on his righteous father, what attracted him so much?

author:The Lost Owl

Dong Zhuo wanted to abolish the old emperor and establish a new emperor, and no one in the DPRK dared to have two hearts, only Ding Yuan forgot to die, and as a result, Dong Zhuo was viciously opposed, but Ding Yuan's righteous son, Lü Bu, was brave and invincible.

Dong Zhuo was also very jealous of Lü Bu's strength, so he chose to temporarily avoid the front. The next day, Ding Yuan led a large army to besiege the city, bluntly saying that the country was unfortunate. Eunuchs ran amok, putting the country in jeopardy. You have no merit at all, and you are still trying to establish a new emperor, and you want the country to be in chaos!

Lü Bu rebelled against Ding Yuan and inflicted such a poisonous hand on his righteous father, what attracted him so much?

Before Dong Zhuo could speak, Lü Bu swung to kill him, and Zhuo Jun was defeated and retreated more than thirty miles. Dong Zhuo's heart palpitated, and he thought to himself. This part will be so brave that if it can be submitted to me, I will certainly be invincible and take the world into my arms.

At this time, Li Su offered a plan, he and Lü Bu were old friends, and they knew that this person was brave and unscrupulous, and only profit was sought. He was convinced that as long as he used a red rabbit horse and some gold and silver treasures, he would definitely be able to persuade Lü Bu to rebel against Ding Yuan and take the initiative to join the lord.

Lü Bu rebelled against Ding Yuan and inflicted such a poisonous hand on his righteous father, what attracted him so much?

As the saying goes: dragon and phoenix among people, red rabbit among horses. The red rabbit has no stray hairs on its body, it is full of bright red, the bones are seen, and it is brave and good at war at a glance, and then there is a poem to evaluate the red rabbit:

Rushing thousands of miles of dust, crossing the water to climb the mountain purple fog.

Breaking the reins of the silk and shaking the jade, the fire dragon flew down for nine days.

Lü Bu rebelled against Ding Yuan and inflicted such a poisonous hand on his righteous father, what attracted him so much?

In addition to countless gold and silver, Lü Bu also said bluntly on the spot when he saw these things, and it was really a helpless move for me to serve Ding Li Su also said that this red rabbit was Dong Zhuo's favorite thing, and there was no one.

So Lü Bu said: I want to kill Ding Yuan and then submit to Dong Zhuo, what do you think?

Li Su: This is the best policy.

Lü Bu rebelled against Ding Yuan and inflicted such a poisonous hand on his righteous father, what attracted him so much?

So that night Lü Bu went to see Ding Yuan and said bluntly: As a Ruzi, it is really humiliating. So he cut off Ding Yuan's first rank and handed it over to Dong Zhuo with his own hands, and Dong Zhuo was extremely happy, and he set up a feast and sealed Lü Bu. Worship Dong Zhuo as a righteous father.

Dong Zhuo won this good general, so the next day he held an adjournment, during which no one dared to have two voices.

Lü Bu rebelled against Ding Yuan and inflicted such a poisonous hand on his righteous father, what attracted him so much?

Only Yuan Shao strongly dissuaded, and at the same time put himself in a dangerous place, which is called:

Ding Yuan's righteous death was lost first, and Yuan Shao's battle for the front was dangerous;

Yuan Shao sacrificed himself to death, but this was also in opposition to Dong Zhuo, what should Yuan Shao do next to save himself?

If you want to know how to decompose the matter after that, a little attention will know.

Reference: Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Feeding Jinzhu Li Su Said Lü Bu

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