
He was rich on the side, the official worshiped General An Han, his position was higher than Zhuge Liang's, but he died of depression, why?

author:The rain desert in the story

Early in the morning, he finished his business from Luoyang and drove a carriage home. On the way, I met a beautiful woman and came forward to ask for a ride. Seeing this, he felt that there was a difference between men and women, so he got out of the car and walked, letting the woman ride.

After walking for miles, the woman felt that she was too unwilling to go, and after several persuasions, she let her get into the car and go along. After several hesitations, he agreed to get into the car and look ahead in the car without looking evil. The woman saw that he was gentle and polite, and did not move for beauty, so she told him her true identity.

"I was sent by the Heavenly Emperor to set fire to the East China Sea Mi Zhu family."

When he heard this, he was shocked into a cold sweat. "Oh, I'm Mi Zhu himself!" So he hurried to intercede with the woman.

"Since I have been ordered to come, I must not burn." The woman added, "You can go home quickly, move out of the house in advance, and I will arrive after noon."

So he hurried to move out of the house before noon. Sure enough, just after noon, a raging fire broke out in the courtyard. Fortunately, I was prompted by the woman to be relieved of this heavy loss.

Since this incident, Mi Zhu has been grateful to Dade, generously benevolent and righteous, helped the poor and the weak, and won the support of the people.

Maybe he himself could not have imagined that it was precisely because of his generosity and generosity, dun hou and gentleness, that his career after that was frank all the way, which may be the accumulation of virtue and the blessing of good people.

He was rich on the side, the official worshiped General An Han, his position was higher than Zhuge Liang's, but he died of depression, why?


Mi Zhu, born in Donghai County, was originally a wealthy merchant in Xuzhou, the leader of the Mi family, who had been engaged in business for generations, and had more than 10,000 servants in the family. Later, he served as a driver in Xuzhou Mutaoqian. Tao Qian was old and sick, and before his death, he entrusted Xuzhou to Liu Bei's control.

In the first year of Xingping (194), Tao Qian died of illness, and Mi Zhu obeyed his will and followed Liu Bei around, assisting him in handling daily administrative affairs.

But Tao Qian had a tricky thing that he hadn't dealt with before he died. When Cao Cao's father, Cao Song, set out from his hometown in Shandong To join Cao Cao, passing through Xuzhou, Tao Qian, in order to curry favor with Cao Cao, treated Cao Song with great hospitality, stayed for many days, and finally went out of the city to send him back and ordered his subordinate Zhang Min to escort him.

However, this boy saw that the wealth was uplifted, sought wealth and killed Cao Song. When Cao Cao learned of this, he was furious and vowed to send troops to the city of Xuzhou to avenge Tao Qian's killing of his father.

It was also with this incident as a guide that Liu Bei was forced to take the people of Xuzhou into exile, at which time Mi Zhu's other identity value was excavated, as a successful person who had experienced the commercial battlefield for a long time, his vision was accurate. He saw the many advantages of Liu Bei and was sure that Liu Bei would be able to achieve great things in the future.

After that, Liu Bei traveled to many places and had no fixed residence, but Mi Zhu did not abandon him, and during this period, he was able to withstand temptation, and his brother Mi Fang refused Cao Cao's appointment, and also contributed money to help Liu Bei regain his confidence, and even married his own sister to Liu Bei, that is, Lady Mi.

At the same time, it once again confirmed the character of Dun Hou and gentleness of Mi Zhu himself, obeyed Tao Qian's will, did not do anything to the second lord, and vowed to follow Liu Bei to the death. Since then, Mi Zhu has planted seeds in Liu Bei's heart, based on Liu Bei's "benevolence" and righteousness, and has made an all-round and unreserved "investment" in it.

From this, it can be seen that Mi Zhu, as an "angel investor", has a unique vision, sees the huge potential of Liu Bei, and also lays the groundwork for his later official position.

He was rich on the side, the official worshiped General An Han, his position was higher than Zhuge Liang's, but he died of depression, why?

In the nineteenth year of Jian'an (214), Liu Bei went through several turns and entered Yizhou. At this time, Mi Zhu's "investment" was rewarded, and he was made a general of An Han by Liu Beijia, and his position was even higher than zhuge Kongming.

Liu Bei was grateful to Mi Zhu for not abandoning him when he was poor and poor, and poured out his money to help, even if Mi Zhu was not good at giving advice, But Liu Bei still made him enjoy the treatment of the head of the courtiers.

Infinitely magnifie their own strengths, be good at observation, make good use of their own areas of expertise, persevere, and the results will always surprise you.

However, the happy and comfortable days were always short-lived, only 5 years, Jian'an twenty-four years (219), Sun Quan and Liu Bei because of the "loan" in Jingzhou, quarreled, and finally fought. Sun Quan sent Lü Meng as the vanguard of the army and sent troops to attack Jingzhou by force.

At this time, Mi Zhu's brother Mi Fang (糜芳) was serving as a Taishou (太守) in Nan Commandery (南郡). Because he had been reprimanded by Guan Yu before, he held a grudge, so he directly surrendered Kaesong without any resistance, causing Lü Meng's army to drive straight in, and finally causing Guan Yu to defeat Maicheng and be captured and killed by Lü Meng.

After Mi Zhu learned of this, he slammed his chest like five thunderbolts. Remorseful for his brother's actions, he tied himself up and personally went to Liu Bei to plead guilty.

However, Liu Bei's "benevolence" has always kept Mi Zhu's great kindness in mind and has not punished Mi Zhu. Instead, he comforted Mi Zhu: Mi Fang was unjust and had nothing to do with Ru, and the general did not have to blame himself. After that, Liu Bei still regarded Mi Zhu as a guest.

I have to admire Mi Zhu's "unique vision", coincidentally, to meet a "Ming Jun" like Liu Bei, and Mi Zhu's own tolerance and generosity, Dun Hou's elegant personality is also strongly related, not all "Maxima" can meet "BoLe". Liu Bei's approach also made Mi Zhu more determined to follow himself and create his own highest value.

He was rich on the side, the official worshiped General An Han, his position was higher than Zhuge Liang's, but he died of depression, why?

Eventually, the long-suppressed self-blame and guilt erupted. In the first year of Zhang Wu (221), Mi Zhu's rebellion against his brother Mi Fang led to Guan Yu's murder by Lü Meng, and he could not let go of his feelings for a long time, living in remorse and shame and self-blame every day, and finally led to depression and illness, and soon after he died.

There are many ups and downs in human life, turning points are big or small, but each point is worth our deep thinking and then making a decision. It was never a difficulty for us to fall and stand up, but ourselves.

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