
Charlemagne: The Life Story of a Legendary King

author:Reflective knowledge

The famous Frankish king Charlemagne was the man who ended the Dark Ages of Europe. Under his leadership, the Franks carried out many successful military operations, succeeded in building a powerful empire, and actively developed a culture. Unlike many other rulers, Charles was not afraid to lead military operations. He worked hard to expand Christendom, and these dreams were fully realized.

He was considered a true legendary king because he showed with his own actions and personal example that he was not only a ruler, but also a warrior. Most importantly, Charlemagne was the founder of the Carolingian dynasty, who succeeded in unifying Western and Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Roman Empire. So how did one of the many aristocratic families manage to become a truly great ruler? What does the life story of King Charles tell us?

Charlemagne: The Life Story of a Legendary King


Charles was born circa 742 (these numbers are the most common hypothesis). His father was the short-lived Pepin, a major in the Frankish court and an ancient and influential family member. But biographers argue that the boy's ambitious temperament was inherited not from him, but from his mother. Bertrand, the daughter of the powerful Count of Lansky, Haribert, was an extremely domineering and determined woman.

It seems to me that she influenced her son's personality formation and instilled in him the "royal" qualities. The woman was actively involved in politics and believed that the future of the Franks lay in the annexation of lands in neighboring countries.

Charlemagne: The Life Story of a Legendary King

A change in power

The rulers of the Merovingian dynasty gradually lost most of their former power. In Charles's youth, most of the power, including his father, was already dominated by the principalities. Of course, "Short" Pepin doesn't want to sit on the sidelines.

He took advantage of the pope's support and then succeeded in usurping power by overthrowing the last royal dynasty. In this way, Charles suddenly became the heir to the Frankish throne.

It must be said that Pepin and his son were very lucky. From an early age Charles showed an interest in the two most important areas of the future monarch — science and military science. He was a healthy, strong boy, interested in the latest achievements of scientists, and actively learning literacy and foreign languages.

He was also keen to take part in his father's military travels. Unlike most of his peers, he was also interested in state affairs.

Charlemagne: The Life Story of a Legendary King

King of France

But in 768, the short-lived Pepin died and his country fell into the hands of his two sons. Although the land was divided between Charles and his brother Carloman, the relationship between the rulers gradually became increasingly tense. It was thanks to his mother's efforts that the war was averted. However, in 771, Carloman died, and charles is still the sole ruler.

With the help of influential people in the court of the late ruler, Charles was able to concentrate power in his own hands. His daughter-in-law and nephew had to flee – the new monarch had no intention of sharing the throne with the relatives of his brothers he did not love.

Charlemagne: The Life Story of a Legendary King

Rulers and warriors

Charles became the king of the truly vast territory. His lands covered several areas of present-day France, Belgium, almost all of Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. However, the monarch sought not only to expand his own property, but also to expand the scope of Christianity. This led to war with the Saxons.

The standoff lasted a total of thirty-three years. Many battles were led by the king himself—he was not afraid to lead his own troops, nor did he seek to hide behind his own soldiers. Despite fierce resistance from the Saxons, they were defeated and peace was subsequently made with the Franks.

Charlemagne: The Life Story of a Legendary King

During Charlemagne's reign, the Franks carried out more than 53 military campaigns, more than half of which were led by the king himself. After defeating the Saxons, the monarch sent his army to Italy. He subdued the Lombards there. Their lands were incorporated into the Frankish state.

Equally successful was his movement of the Arabs in Spain. As a result of the confrontation, the territory that previously belonged to them was eventually ruled by the Franks. In the east, the Frankish kings were able to advance all the way to the Danube. He conquered Bavaria. There were also wars with the Avarkagon and Slavic tribes.

Patron of the church and culture

The emergence of the Frankish Empire completely changed the balance of power in Europe. A unique feature of Charlemagne's state was the unification of monarchical and ecclesiastical power. As a deeply religious man (and a gifted politician), the king knew the importance of relationships with the clergy.

They often received land gifts and other gifts from the rulers, and the clergy themselves never crossed Charles's sphere of power. However, his rule was based on the spread of Christianity and the eradication of pagan beliefs.

Charlemagne: The Life Story of a Legendary King

Genealogy of the Carolingian dynasty. Miniature painting from 12th-century manuscripts / Berlin State Library

Culture was an equally important aspect of Charlemagne's reign. It is not without reason that this ruler has been called the "Caroline Renaissance". The Carolingian dynasty was indeed a patron of the arts and sciences.

Under Charles's leadership, medicine flourished, and many schools were used to educate middle-class children (previously only the noblest family members had this privilege). During this period, previously neglected land flourished, towns were built and expanded, and roads and bridges were built.

Charlemagne: The Life Story of a Legendary King

Charlemagne died in 814. Before he died, he had time to make a will to pass the Empire on to his son Louis. Unfortunately, none of the king's heirs proved worthy of their ancestors.

Soon, the powerful state carefully created by Charles was dissolved. Among his successors, there was no strong authority figure comparable to the monarch who was called "great" during his lifetime.

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