
From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

author:The Paper

Yu Lunlun

【Editor's Note】On the afternoon of July 25, the project "Quanzhou: World Marine Trade Center of Song and Yuan China" was submitted to the 44th World Heritage Conference for deliberation and official adoption, becoming a new World Cultural Heritage. Among the 22 representative monuments, the "Statue of the Light Buddha of Anmani" is a representative element of the diverse community of the World Maritime Trade Center, showing its strong cultural tolerance.

How did Manichaeism, born in the sand dunes of Mesopotamia, cross thousands of mountains and rivers to Fujian, China? How did it become a place of refuge after Manichaeism was almost exterminated? What kind of Manichaean history can be restored by the newly discovered Manichaean manuscripts in the past ten years?

Mani The Great Apothecary finally made the Light

Appeared in Su Lin to save me from the people who are related to me

Rescue from disasters and disasters, and the speed is beyond the normal sea

——Fujian Xiapu Manichaean manuscript

Manichaeism was one of the most widely spread religions in the world, stretching from Egypt in the west to China in the east, and Manichaean churches are scattered on this vast territory. But beginning with the Roman Emperor Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus (reigned 284-305), Manichaeism was persecuted and eventually wiped out by the Roman Empire. Previously, it was widely believed that Manichaeism eventually disappeared in southern China after the 14th century.

The detailed study of Manichaeism in China by Western scholars began in 1911 with E. Chavannes and P. Bochhe. Pelliot co-authored "Manichaean Popular Chinese Examination", which combs through the historical materials of Chinese Manichaeism. In 1913, Bo Xihe published an article entitled "Fujian Manichaean Ruins" that pushed the Manichaean monastery site recorded in the Book of Min, the "Cao'an" in Jinjiang, Fujian, into academic vision. In the 1950s, the ruins of The Grass Temple in Jinjiang were finally discovered under the unremitting search of scholars, and the academic community began more than half a century of research and discussion around the ruins of the Grass Temple. Among them, the Cao'an Manichae light Buddha statue is the only preserved stone carving of the Manichaean master in the world, and the black glazed bowl of the "Ming Church" found here in 1979 provides a physical witness to the organized association activities of the Manichaeans in the Northern Song Dynasty.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

The statue of the Manichaean Buddha in Cao'an is the only preserved stone carving of the Manichaean master in the world, which is an important witness to the spread of Manichaeism in Quanzhou, Song and Yuan Dynasties

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

The Cao'an is an important historical site for the spread of Manichaeism in the Song and Yuan dynasties in Quanzhou

Meanwhile, surviving Manichaean remains in other parts of Fujian are not yet known. Surprisingly, since 2008, Xiapu, Pingnan, Fuqing and other places in the mindong region of Fujian Province have been continuously discovered with manichaean manuscripts that have been passed down from generation to generation, and these newly discovered Manichaean manuscripts have a huge amount of information, which greatly increases our understanding of Manichaean teachings and restores the history of the spread of Manichaeism in Fujian.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Fujian Xiapu Manichaean hymn "Four Silences of Praise", photographed by Chen Jinguo

Messenger of Light from Babylon

In 216, Mani was born into a noble family in the Babylonian province of the Persian Sabbath Empire, in southern Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq), and is known in Chinese Manichaean texts as "neighbors of the Soviet Union". Mani's father, Pātik, and his mother, Maryam, heard a voice in the temple of Ctesiphon telling him not to drink or associate with women, so he joined Elcesaites, a Jewish-Christian baptist. The school is characterized by abstinence, vegetarianism, baptism, and asceticism, which are very similar to the Essenes tradition of practicing in the wilderness of the Dead Sea, and the famous Dead Sea Scrolls are preserved in their copying. When Mani was 4 years old, his father brought him into the community life of this sect. At the age of 13, called by Yamag, God awakened, and at the age of 24 he left baptistism to form the Manichaean Order. The Manichaean Order is well organized, with five classes, divided into Muja (Apostle), Fudoyan (Bishop), Moshisad (Elder), Arroyan (Elect), Listener (Believer), the first four levels require monastic practice, eat vegetarian food, wear white clothes, and pray seven times a day, and the listener is a lay believer at home.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Manichaean scrolls written in papyrus unearthed in Egypt, P. Cologne inv. 4780

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Discover the Quinlan Caves of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Manichaean theology is based on the gnostic mysteries of cosmic exile and salvation, which is very concisely summarized as "two sects and three worlds", and "two sects" refers to the two major realms of light and darkness that existed before the universe was created. When the "initial world" is separated from each other, when the "middle world" light falls into darkness, the universe is generated, and when the "later world" is completely restored, the dark energy returns to dead silence, and the light molecules ascend to the bright world. This dualism and redemptive thinking, which continues to be liberated by the light and the salvation of the prophets, is also ideologically linked to the war between the children of light and the children of darkness described in the Dead Sea scrolls War Scrolls, and the Gnosticism of the Mediterranean world. Mar Mani declared: "Wisdom and good deeds were transmitted to the world through the messengers of the Wise Men, and there was an age when there was an emissary named Sulucht to Persia, another from an emissary named Buddha to India, another from an emissary named Jesus to the West, and to this day the revelation has come down again, and in this last age the office of prophet fell on me Mani, who was the messenger who delivered god's truth to Babylon." As a member of the Aramaic community as Jesus, Mormonius was a faithful tracer of Jesus, spreading Jesus' original words and true teachings, as the ultimate revelation of the divine intellect, as he put it, "the convergence of ideas is like a river flowing into the sea, becoming the source of my religious wisdom."

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Manichaean Voters and Listeners in White (MIK III 4794), Digitally Restored Images (Gulácsi, 2009, Plt.1)

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Portrait of The Mani, painted by Jan Valentin Sæther

Shapur I (272) of the Persian Sassanid Empire supported Manichaeism, which spread freely through Persia while sending disciples to the four realms. Persecuted to death during the reign of Bahram I (274-277), He was thrown into prison and finally stripped of his mortal clothes and returned to the arms of the Eternal Father. Manichaeans regarded Axum, Persia, Rome, and China as the four great powers of his time, and despite the most brutal persecution of the Persian Sassanid empire and the Roman Empire, Manichaeism spread through these civilized worlds. In the 4th century, Manichaeism spread throughout Syria, the Arabian Peninsula, Rome, North Africa, and disappeared in the West after the 6th century. Manichaeism had a stronger and more enduring foundation in the East, achieving its greatest success in the Eastern world beyond the borders of Khorasan and the Sassanid Empire. Vahran's repression forced a large number of Manichaeans to flee eastward to Central Asia, after which Manichaeism developed rapidly in Sogdian regions such as the Wooden Deer and the Flower Thorn Mold in Central Asia. Some Manichaeans, along with Sogdian merchants, entered China along the Silk Road.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

The Spread of Manichaeism, World History Atlas, Dorling Kindersly.

Dunhuang unearthed the first half of the "Mani Guang Buddhist Ritual Strategy" S.3969, collected by the British Museum

Coming into Futang: The Fuqing Manichaean lineage that has survived to this day

Since the discovery of Manichaean literature in Xiapu, Fujian province in 2008, more and more evidence and signs of Manichaeism in China have been discovered. In fuqing, the author's hometown, there is still an ancient lineage of Manichaeism inherited from the Tang Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty "History of Min" records: "Huichang Zhongji monk, Ming Sect in the middle of the ji, there are Hulu master, come to Futang, teach the three mountains, Youfangquan County, buried under the north mountain", Futang is the name of the county in Fuqing City, Fujian Province, Sanshan and Quan county are now Fujian Fuzhou City, Quanzhou City, respectively, the Tang Dynasty Huichang period (841-846) extinguished the religion, Hulu Master led the monks to take refuge in Fuqing, so Manichaeism was introduced to Fuqing, and spread to the surrounding areas from Fuqing as a base.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Map of Fujian in the Tang Dynasty, Futang for present-day Fuqing (Historical Atlas of Fujian Province)

Manichaeism was introduced to the Central Plains during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of Tang, and Manichaean monks were left in Beijing to translate scriptures during the reign of Emperor Wu Zetian. In the first year of Tang Baoying (762), Muyu Khan helped Tang quell the Anshi Rebellion, and when he was in Luoyang, he was inspired by the Manichaean masters to abandon Buddhism and convert to Buddhism, determined to worship Manichaeism, and the Nine Uighur Khans Tablets recorded The deeds of Muyu Khan in converting to Manichaeism and preaching Manichaeism in Uighur territory. Therefore, the Uighurs also vigorously supported the development of Manichaeism in the interior, and Uighur envoys were allowed to build Manichaean monasteries in Chang'an, Luoyang, Yangzhou, Taiyuan and other places. During the "Huichang Buddha" movement, the Manichaean, Jing, and Zoroastrian religions were affected, and because Manichaeism used Buddhist terminology to preach, anti-Buddhist sentiment could easily spread to itself. Jingjiao is the Assyrian Church of the Christian East and is still active in Syria. Zoroastrianism is Zoroastrianism, which is still passed down in the Parsee community in India. From the first year of Huichang (841) to the third year of Huichang (843), Manichaean monasteries were closed, Manichaean monks were expelled and martyred, and Northern Manichaeism quickly collapsed. At the moment of survival, the leader of the Central Plains Manichaean Order, Master Hulu (Master MuYan), led the monks to a southeast corner far from the political center of the Central Plains, found a glimmer of life in Fuqing, and miraculously survived.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Rubbings of the Nine Uighur Khans (Collection of the Chinese Nationalities Library)

Fuqing Manichaeism is mainly popular in the Longgao Peninsula region, and the local people call it "Baimu Sect". "Baimu sect" means the religion of the god Shenmuhu, which was originally the name of Manichaeism by the outside world, and over time became a self-proclaimed name. Compared with the shallow eye sockets commonly found in East Asians, the eye features of West Asians and Central Asians are more sensitive and are depicted as "deep eyes" in ancient texts. This point is particularly prominent in the Tang Dynasty's Hu figurine statues, if you carefully observe the Tang Dynasty painted dog hunting Hu figurines collected by the Xi'an Museum, you can see that their eye sockets are deeply sunken, the eyes are prominent, revealing white eyeballs, showing the shape of "white eyes". In 2016, Pingnan County, Fujian Province, announced the discovery of Manichaean beliefs and remains in The Village of Xialong in Shoushan Township, where the "Mani Guang Buddha Lingxiang Gong" (three Buddha statues) was worshipped, collectively known as "Minqing Buddha" (passed down from Minqing), while people from outside the village called it "Violent Buddha" or "White Eye Buddha", and in the neighboring Xiancun Town of Zhouning County, Shangban Village is also known as "Big Eye Buddha". In this way, "baimu" is another visual description of the "deep-eyed" Hu people in the Mindong-speaking region, and some images of Manichaeism were widely circulated at that time.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

On the left is the Tang Dynasty painted dog hunting figurines collected by the Xi'an Museum; on the right is the well-known player of the Iranian men's volleyball team, Abadipol

In the Fuqing Manichaean literature, there are also other written names, the most common word is "Mingjiao", and there are also names such as "Manichaeism", "Guangming Orthodoxy", "Taishangqing True Religion", and its members are called "Mingluo". For example, Jesus used the Tang Dynasty transliteration of "Yishuhe" to honor the five prophets: Narayan Buddha, Suluchi Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha, Yishuhe Buddha, Manichae Buddha, Naroyan Buddha, Naroyan Buddha may refer to Seth, Suluchi Buddha is Zoroaster. According to scholars, "Marshal Yejuf" was Jacob, the ancestor of the Jews, who was worshipped as the archangel and fought against angels in victory. The "Four Brahma Kings" correspond to the four angels, rapha'el corresponds to Rapha'el, Micha'el corresponds to Michael, Gabri'el corresponds to Gabriel, Sari'el corresponds to the night of the sand, and even the famous Christian martyr St. George, translated as Gewargis. Through the Silk Road, the prophets and angels from western Asia have been preaching in eastern Asia for more than a thousand years, which is truly amazing.

Dunhuang Manichaean "Lower Part of the Praise" is a Tang Dynasty work, leaving a number of hymns for the deceased to pray, Fuqing Manichaeism is also very concerned about the soul of the deceased on the road to salvation. When I was a child, I saw a fluttering banner at the door of the ancestral hall with the words "Great Lotus Flower Three Transformations of Consciousness Nine I and other teachers Mani Guang Buddha", which was a banner hung during a Manichaean ceremony for the deceased elders of the clan, and I was deeply impressed by this. Fuqing Manichaeism calls this kind of meritorious dojo "Ten Lotus Pure Temple", "Ten" is a cross, "Lotus" is a lotus flower, and the "Yishu Buddha Frame" found in Japan on the southeast coast of China in the Song Dynasty, with Jesus in the picture holding a cross lotus flower as a symbol. At the Fuqing Manichaean prayer ceremony for the dead, they prayed to Yejufu to lead the four archangels to open a spiritual ascension path for the deceased, so that the road to the treasure ship would be smooth in five directions, and they held lotus lamps to illuminate the path of eternal life, and helped the deceased board the sun and moon ship and return to the world of light.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Cross Lotus, "Counting Buddha Frames"

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

The second ship of the sun and the moon transports the son back to the Bright Realm, part of the Manichaean Cosmic Map

Due to the cascading development of history, Fuqing Manichaeism evolved from a church organization to a ceremonial community, but the texts used in ritual worship, praise, and confession preserved the theological content of Manichaeism, and the core cosmology and idea of salvation in Manichaeism remained intact in the lineage preserved in Fuqing.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

The Manichaean cosmic map, probably from the Fujian region of the Yuan Dynasty, is a private collection in Japan, and was discovered in 2010 by Professor Toyoyoshi Yoshida of Kyoto University

The Three Hills: The Center of The Spread of Manichaeism along the Coast

Master Hulu entered Fuqing, probably with the help of Persian expatriates, and relied on the convenient Maritime Silk Road route in the Fuzhou region of the Tang Dynasty. In 2004, Yangzhou unearthed a stone carving of the "Tomb of Li Fujun of the Tang Dynasty", the owner of which was named Mohulu, a Persian who entered China on the silk road along the coast in the late Tang Dynasty. Although it is not possible to determine whether the Mahabharata family is related to the Hulu master, it seems to indicate that one of the "Hulu" was from Persia. According to the Old Book of Tang and the Biography of Deng Jingshan, there were thousands of Persians in Yangzhou at that time, and there were place names related to "Persian Residence" and "Persian Zhuang", indicating that there were many Persian overseas Chinese in Yangzhou. Yangzhou has unearthed The Tang Dynasty Persian green glaze pottery pot, in Fuzhou five generations of MinGuo Liu Hua tomb also unearthed three pieces of Persian peacock green glaze pottery vases, is the only Domestic so far seen Persian green glaze pottery, this Persian green glaze pottery should reach Yangzhou, Fuzhou through the Maritime Silk Road.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Fuzhou Minguo Liu Hua Tomb Persian peacock green glazed pottery vase, Fujian Provincial Museum. This is the only Persian green glazed pottery seen so far in China.

In 1958, Fuzhou unearthed Tang Yuan and the eighth year (813) "Records of the Pavilion of the Mountain", the inscription describes the construction of the Fuzhou Polo Field in the Tang Dynasty, the text said that Fuzhou "Haiyi Day Grotto, customs are not constant", showing that there were many overseas Chinese living in the Fuzhou area at that time, but also affected the local customs, a large part of these overseas Chinese are likely to be from Persia. It can be seen that the Persians of the Tang Dynasty entered China through Fuzhou and Yangzhou, which was a mature Maritime Silk Road route. Master Hulu may have first traveled south from the Central Plains to the port of Yangzhou, and then, with the help of persian expatriates, followed this sea route to Fuqing, which was the fastest route.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Fuzhou Tang Dynasty "Records of the Mountain Pavilion of the Banchang", Fuzhou Museum

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Tang Dynasty Silk Road Map, Yibo (Image from the Internet)

Fuzhou is not far from Fuqing, is the largest city in Fujian in the Tang Dynasty, although the sea transportation is convenient, there are many overseas Chinese, but due to the fujian mountain range, and the deep mainland center of the capital Chang'an City is far away, communication is blocked, is still an unnoticed frontier land. Therefore, the Hulu Order chose Fuzhou as a place of preaching and teaching, and prepared to rise up the religion established by The Manichaeans here. Due to the lack of relevant records, it is difficult to know exactly the specific development of Manichaeism in Fuzhou in the Tang Dynasty, but it is clear that in the Song Dynasty, Manichaeism was successful in Fuzhou, and the relevant written records also increased.

The Taoist Huahu Sutra regards The Sutra of The End as the embodiment of Lao Tzu, and says that mani "says that the sutras command the law of Dinghui and other laws, and even the three and two sects, to enlighten the heavenly beings, to make the knowledge of the world, up to the bright world, down to the shadow, all sentient beings, all sentient beings, in this way." Therefore, when Emperor Zhenzong of Song (968-1022) was compiling the Treasure of the Great Song Heavenly Palace, he would collect the popular Manichaean Sutra in Fuzhou, which also shows the prevalence of Manichaeism in Fuzhou. During the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song (1056-1063), a strange thing happened in Minxian County, Fuzhou, according to the Chronicle of Funing Prefecture (Wanli): "Jiayoujian, the qianjin gate fire in Minxian County, the people of the county looked at the air with people dressed in plain clothes, holding iron fans to put out the fire, extinguished, and told the public that 'I have a long stream on the Wanlin Gaze'". Changxi is today's Xiapu, and Lin Jiao was the Zhongxing master of Xiapu Manichaeism, who joined the religion with his second daughter and preached at longshou temple in his hometown. In 2008, Lin Zhen, a descendant of Lin Wei in Shangwan Village, Gaizhu Township, Xiapu, returned to his hometown to participate in the compilation of the genealogy and learned about the deeds of his ancestors who entered the Ming Sect, thus unveiling the dusty history of Xiapu Manichaeism.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Fuzhou Puxi Fushou Palace Qing Dynasty Degree Master True Man Ming Dynasty Wen Buddha Hanging Scroll, Degree Master True Man that is, Lin Jiao, Yang Fuxue photographed

The Southern Song Dynasty "Yi Jian Zhi" also records the popularity of Manichaeism at that time, "the three mountains are particularly fiery, the leader of the purple hat and wide shirt, the woman black crown and white dress, called the Ming Church", the Southern Song Dynasty Buddhist disciple Shi Zhipan also said that "now Mani is still fanned in the three mountains". When Lu You, a Zhejiang man, was an official in Fuzhou, he also saw that the local scholars and doctors in Fuzhou followed the Ming Sect and had engraved and printed materials, and he said in the "Notes of the Old Scholar's Temple": "To the scholars, the descendants of the sect, the people who have said to themselves, today they went to the Ming Sect to fast." "The jurisdiction of Fuzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty covered the area of present-day eastern Fujian, including today's Fuqing, Pingnan, and Xiapu, which are the sites of Manichaean discovery. From the end of the Tang Dynasty to the two Song Dynasties, many immigrants from eastern Fujian migrated to Wenzhou, and also spread to Manichaeism, and in the second year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1120), there were more than 40 known Manichaean halls in Wenzhou.

Manichaeism continued to be popular in Fuzhou in the Yuan Dynasty, and the Yuan Dynasty Jinshi Chen Gao's "Records of Zhuxi Lou" recorded: "At the beginning of ming religion, it is said that from the neighboring countries of the Soviet Union into Middle-earth, the Oumin people mostly worshiped it. "The Milan collection of Marco Polo Manuscript Z records that Marco Polo and his uncle once met a group of non-idol worshippers in Fuzhou, who circulated the "Psalms" and believed in a religion handed down from ancestor to generation, and for more than seven hundred years, there are 700,000 people who believe in this religion in Fuzhou, and after Bo xi and analysis, they believe that this group of people should be Manichaeans handed down from the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, Master Hulu taught and preached in Fuzhou, making Fuzhou the most important mission center, and Manichaeism spread widely between Zhejiang and Fujian, forming the prosperity of Manichaeism in the Song Dynasty, leaving many traces in the north to Wenzhou and quanzhou in the south.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Marco Polo Manuscript Z (Moore's History of Christianity in China Before 1500)

Youfangquan County: Jinjiang Cao'an Mani stone carvings leave a real shadow

Master Hulu once visited Quanzhou and was finally buried in Beishan (Qingyuan Mountain), and Zhu Xi also visited the tomb of Master Hulu and left a poem "Praying to Beishan with All His Colleagues" to record this incident. The Records of the Five Dynasties southern Tang Dynasty Xu Xuan's "Records of the Gods" once recorded the story of a Manichaean division exorcising the demons of Yang Mou, the deputy general of the anti-defense battalion in Quanzhou, which is an early record of manichaean activities in Quanzhou. The Story of Manichaeism in Quanzhou in the Song Dynasty is unknown.

The most well-known Manichaean relics in Quanzhou are the Jinjiang Cao'an mentioned at the beginning of the article. The Book of Min records: "Huabiao Mountain, connected to Lingyuan Mountain, the two peaks and angles stand like Huabiao, the foothills of the back of the mountain, there are grass temples, Yuan Shi Wuye, and Mani Buddha."

In 1913, Bo Xihe published "Fujian Manichaean Relics" pushed jinjiang cao'an into academic vision. In 1926, Xiamen University professor Zhang Xingxiu and others visited Quanzhou to visit Ancient China, trying unsuccessfully to find the ruins of Cao'an. It was not until 1954 that Xia Dazhuang gathered the strength of the public investigation and found the Cao'an, and published the investigation record in 1956. In 1979, 20 meters before the Cao'an, a black-glazed porcelain bowl engraved with the words "Ming Church" was found, which was a Yuan Dynasty product from the Jinjiang Magnetic Stove and the Quanzhou Dongmen Bowl Kiln.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Ming Church Porcelain Bowl, Jinjiang City Museum

In fact, at that time, Cao'an was regarded as a Buddhist temple, one of the famous places of interest in Quanzhou Buddhist Temple, before Zhang Xingxiu and others looked for Cao'an, Buddhist monks Shi Ruiyi and Guangkong were repairing Cao'an, and Master Hongyi was stationed in Xi'an three times, and in 1938 he wrote the "Monument to Chongxing Cao'an". Kusanagi has survived as a Buddhist, but if you look closely, it is clear that it is not entirely buddhist in its form.

The most striking thing about Kusa-an is the stone-carved floating statue of Mani Guang Buddha, who has hair and beard, and his backlight emits light, and his eyes look straight ahead, not like the Buddha statue. The costumes worn by the Manichaeans in the southeast of the Song and Yuan dynasties can be seen in the Manichaean paintings on the southeast coast of the Yuan and Ming dynasties collected in Japan. In August 1987, the International Symposium on Manichaean Teaching and Research was held at Lund University in Sweden, and the image of the Mani Light Buddha stone carving in the Grass Temple was used as a souvenir of the conference.

From Mesopotamia to Fujian, China: Manichaeism's last sanctuary in the world

Jinjiang Cao'an Mani Guangfo, picture from the official website of "Quanzhou: World Marine Trade Center of Song and Yuan China"

On the rock wall of the Cao'an, the creed of the four-line Manichaean "Four Silent Dharma Bodies" is engraved: "Exhortation to be pure, bright, vigorous, wise, supremely true, Mani Guang Buddha, orthodox Yi Ugly September 13, Ming Shu Li, a disciple of the mountain", indicating that the Ming Dynasty Cao'an was also guarded by Manichaean monks. This stone carving was chiseled during the Cultural Revolution, and is now an imitation of the rock on the right side of the temple. However, in 2019, Lin Canxin and others found a Manichaean stone carving of the Yuan Dynasty in the ningde jiaocheng district, which reads "Buddha, exhortation to be pure, bright, vigorous, and wise, Yuan Tong Yi Hai Li, Yu Cun Huang Yi She", which is a work left by the Yuan Dynasty Yuan Tong Yi Hai Nian (1335). The continuous discovery of Manichaean relics in Fujian in recent years is exciting.

Since the complete decline of Manichaeism in Quanzhou in the 17th century, The Grass Temple was mainly used by Buddhist monks, and now it has been transformed into a temple of folk belief, and even the phenomenon of lottery has even appeared, and the Manichaeism of the Grass Temple is only symbolic and historical value. After the discovery of the Manichaean texts in Xiapu, the local literary historian of Jinjiang, Mu Liangtu, accidentally discovered the mystery in the cursive signed poems, and connected the first characters (sometimes even the second and third characters) of the first sign to the seventy-ninth sign of the kusana signed poems, and a hymn appeared in Xiapu's "Xingfu Zuqing Birthday Branch": "Pure and festive and great entertainment, may descend from the supreme Ming, and be honored by the gods of the heavenly immortals, and live in this temple." Diligent and enthusiastic guarding each other, all disasters will be eliminated forever, internal and external tranquility and barrier-free, and new joys and joys will be widely present. Another passage reads, "Salute and praise, be brave and strong among the wise men, help the good and respect the gods, and uphold the Dhamma." The spirit phases of the land, the protection of the dharma, the protection of the spirits, the protection of the movement phase." There are only a few word differences in the kusanabi tibetan head-signed poems, and further study of the kusanagi provides a new interpretation after the discovery of new Manichaean materials.


Manichaeism is an ancient religion born in the sand dunes of Mesopotamia, and through the efforts of the prophet Mormani, it soon became one of the most popular religions in ancient times, and its adherents spread widely in Eurasia and Africa, west to North Africa and Europe, and continued to the east deep into China, finding the last refuge in Fujian. After Master Hulu brought Manichaeism into Fuqing, the inheritance and text preservation of the Manichaean lineage is attributed to these ritual masters, which is an exquisite chapter in the history of Silk Road exchanges.

Editor-in-Charge: Shanshan Peng

Proofreader: Ding Xiao

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