
Appreciation of the Land| of the Centenary of the Founding of the Party (Excerpt) Author: Qin Mu Recitation: Wang Hui

author:Cover News

Author: Qin Mu Recitation: Wang Hui

The land that has been shackled for thousands of years, once it returns to the hands of the people, how rapid the change is! You try unfolding a map and thinking about how amazing the changes can be everywhere. Oases began to appear in the desert, crops grew in barren land, mahogany mountains were draped in brocade, and reservoirs and canals filled valleys and fields like shining mirrors and strips of clothing. Once I looked down on the Pearl River Delta from the cabin window of a plane that soared straight up, and when the sky was clear, I couldn't help but applaud, and the Pearl River Delta was so spectacular and beautiful that it was almost indescribable. The water network and the lake are shining, the earth is like a turquoise velvet, the road is as straight as a knife, and the hills of fields are as neat as a chessboard. hey! Thousands of years ago, people thought that there was some miracle in the heavens, but in fact, the real miracle was on the earth today. How beautiful the power of the laborers has changed the earth! What a skillful girl embroidered was only a small flower scarf, but the vast number of laborers used the earth as a scarf to turn the originally ugly and ugly ground into a beautiful embroidery like Su embroidery.

You may have been on a train looking at the beautiful land that was rapidly skimming by; you may have participated in the construction of a dam for a hydroelectric power station by tens of thousands of people, and on that occasion thousands of people seemed to have become a giant waving giant with a huge arm, doing groundbreaking work. In southern China, some of the islands isolating the mainland have built a and connected to the mainland; some hills have been filled into the sea, and the sea has poured out of the land; the arid Leizhou Peninsula has been carved out of a canal longer than the Su Yishi Canal; and the land on the Chaoshan Plain has been arranged as neatly as a chess grid. The people of our time are working meticulously in every inch of land, and they are planning and working as a whole in the form of a thousand miles, ten thousand miles, or more precisely, with the whole of more than nine million square kilometers of land that has been liberated. In the past ten years, how many brand-new plant varieties have grown on the land that has been passed down from generation to generation for tens of millions of years! Whenever I see a thriving crop, when I see a fertile land that has just been ploughed with mud waves, my heart rises like the folk song in "The Ballad of the Red Flag" describes--"The red face of shaguo laughs, the watermelon laughs like honey, the flowers laugh and the petals are divided, and the pea laughs and bulges and rounds" This kind of scene with the fragrance of earth, dew, grass leaves, and flowers. Let's inspire a stronger affection for the land! Because mother earth's shackles have been lifted, it is now up to us to do a good job for mother earth that feeds us.

In fact, countless people are also developing such feelings day by day. You can perceive all this in small or huge scenes. Have you ever seen a scene of a commune cadre leading a group of old peasants on a patrol of the fields? They took a soft ruler and measured it everywhere, counting the ears of rice in each piece of land; whether they managed it themselves or not, they saw a barnyard grass in any hill of field that had to wade down and pull it out. Do you see young technicians in the countryside changing the soil? Sometimes they turn over the gravel under the fertile soil that has not seen the light of day for thousands of years,

Or burn the earth in a campfire late at night to make the land everywhere anointed.

Let's pick up a handful of dirt and look at it carefully! This is our land! How to defend every inch of land? How to make every inch of land realize its great potential and become better day by day? The Party is leading and leading us forward. The land of youth also seems to make a loud voice, demanding an answer from every Chinese.

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