
Appreciation of the United States National Day Special Edition 丨 The Love of the Motherland (Excerpt) Author: Qin Mu Recitation: Wang Hui

author:Cover News

When children wearing red scarves, with five fingers of their right hands together, holding their heads high, solemnly and innocently saluting, I often think that it is a beautiful picture of life. This posture indicates that the interests of the people are above all else. In a country where the people are the masters of their own affairs, I think this shows both loyalty to the people and love for the motherland.

Recently, I went to Taishan County, a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangdong. There, I saw how many moving scenes! There are many very beautiful schools in this county, how did these schools come about? It was donated by returning overseas Chinese. There are some middle schools, and there are many beautiful libraries, which are donated by alumni who work in foreign countries.

Think about it! These overseas Chinese, their whole families are away, and they have no relatives in their hometown, but they have traveled thousands of miles to come back and sincerely dedicate a little strength to their hometown and motherland. Also, it is to look at the ever-changing construction of the motherland, taste the well water of the hometown, and then wrap a little soil of the hometown to take with you. What kind of feeling is this?

This is a precious, deep, and loving feeling of the motherland. The motherland is the cradle of each of us and the cradle of the lives of our ancestors for generations. Every person who has been influenced by the national culture of the motherland, who has been imperceptibly educated by patriotism, and who is upright and kind, will love his motherland.

In order to make the motherland and our common mother strong, many generations of people have been in the past, constantly struggling, and taking "revitalizing China" as their responsibility. This love for the motherland and the people is so deep, so selfless, such a personal sacrifice. And, the greater the person, the stronger the love becomes.

On the eve of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, a Japanese singer visited Lu Xun in Shanghai. At that time, Lu Xun had made a harsh attack on the dark rule of the Kuomintang. The Japanese singer asked, "So do you hate being born in China?" Lu Xun replied decisively: No, I think it is better to be born in China than any other country." At this time, Lu Xun's eyes contained heat

tear. A Japanese writer next to him couldn't help but recount his feelings: "He sincerely loves China and Chinese people. So at all times I miss the future of China and Chinese people. This deep love for the motherland and the people made Lu Xun unwilling to leave the motherland in any difficult and difficult environment. Although, at that time, I don't know how many people advised him to go to a foreign country to recuperate and live a stable life.

In order to remove the carbuncles on the body of the motherland, Lu Xun faced the white terror, regardless of his personal safety, crossed his eyebrows and coldly faced the enemy, using the pen as a dagger and throwing a gun, and fought a tough battle. After returning from studying in Japan, he never went abroad again.

And this reflects the deeds of another great writer, Guo Moruo. Because of the failure of the Great Revolution, Guo Moruo participated in the armed uprising led by the Chinese Communist Party. After losing the battle and being hunted everywhere by the reactionary forces, he was forced into exile in Japan, where he established a family. However, when the War of Resistance Broke Out, for the sake of national independence and for the sake of victory in the War of Resistance, Guo Moruo resolutely abandoned his family and secretly returned to China to participate in the revolutionary struggle against Japanese imperialist aggression and the defense of the motherland.

When New China was founded, many outstanding Chinese scientists scattered around the world, in order to build the motherland and dedicate themselves to the people, not only regarded the well-paid positions as grass, but also coldly lured at all benefits, defied all threats, and resolutely returned to the motherland. Like Qian Xuesen and Li Siguang, these outstanding scientists have gone through hardships before returning to New China. There are not a few scientists who have had such glorious deeds, but a large number, just like the stars shine and the flowers bloom.

For more than a hundred years, in order to oppose imperialist aggression, overthrow the reactionaries in China, make the motherland strong and prosperous, and for the happiness of the people, how many heroes have rushed to the battlefield, sat in prison, crushed their bones, and spared no expense! In the Revolutionary Martyrs' Memorial Hall in Nanchang, there is a roster of devotees from the old base areas of Jiangxi, and each county is always a thick book with names written on it, often calculated in tens of thousands. In the Northeast Martyrs' Memorial Hall, there are many materials of revolutionary heroes on display. One of the heroines, Kim Soon-hee, when she was unfortunately arrested, the enemy forced a confession from her, tortured her, and she bit off her tongue to avoid coma and gaffe. When the enemy handed her paper and pencil to force a confession, she bit off five of her fingers in succession, expressing her determination not to confess. Finally, he was sacrificed at the brutal burning of the enemy. Such a magnificent thing, in China's modern history, is really more than a million piles;

There are thousands of fearless heroes like this! They died for the motherland and for the people, and the degree of magnificence, to paraphrase an old saying, is really "a ghost god who weeps in shock." The five-star red flag has finally flown! New China is finally standing in the East! A country with so many sons and daughters who love the motherland and the people so much will eventually stand tall and rejuvenate, no matter what kinds of troubles they have experienced.

The German poet Heine said: "Whoever does not belong to his homeland does not belong to mankind." How brilliantly this is said! Is it not an empty phrase for a person who has no feelings and no love for the motherland that gave birth to me and raised me, and whose ancestors and grandchildren have sent the fate of our ancestors and grandchildren, saying that he can love the people of the world and love the just cause of mankind?

Therefore, I think the posture of the Young Pioneers' marching ceremony is very beautiful and exciting. The fingers that hold their heads high represent such a strong voice: I love the people, I love the motherland!

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