
Sun Lutang: A generation of martial saints in the past 300 years, 70 years old defeated Japanese martial arts masters one-on-five

author:Read Spring and Autumn by candle

Today we talk about the famous martial arts master Sun Lutang in the late Qing Dynasty. Sun Lutang was known as Fuquan (福全), Zilutang (字禄堂), nicknamed Live Monkey , a native of Beiguan County, Shunping County, Hebei (present-day Wangdu County, Hebei). Born in the tenth year of Xianfeng, that is, in 1860, it is said that Sun Lutang's kung fu is very good, and his body pace and explosive power dominate, so he is known as "Tiger Head Shaobao", "Wu Fan", "Wu Sheng" and the world's first hand in the martial forest.

Sun Lutang: A generation of martial saints in the past 300 years, 70 years old defeated Japanese martial arts masters one-on-five

Sun Lutang was born in a poor family, his father fell ill and died early, and he and his mother were dependent on each other at a very young age. The mother is a strong person, in order for her son to learn the technology in the future, but also to change the poor fate of the Sun family, the mother diet frugal, sent 10-year-old Lu Tang to learn martial arts. In the past, martial arts training was very hard, and if the children of poor families wanted to grow up and eat mixed bowls of rice, being a dart master or helping people to take care of the home was the best choice, based on this idea, Sun Lutang practiced very hard.

His enlightenment teacher was Li Kuiyuan, a famous martial artist, and Master Li was very picky when he saw Lu Tang, his eyes lit up, touched his bones, and decided that Lu Tang was a good seedling for practicing martial arts, so he taught him with all his heart. Five years later, Lu Tang hollowed out Master Li's kung fu, and Master Li, fearing that he would delay his apprentice's future, recommended him to go to the capital to study with the famous Bagua master Cheng Tinghua.

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In this way, the 15-year-old Sun Lutang went to Beijing to learn Bagua Palm alone.

When Master Cheng accepted the apprentice, he tried the foundation of Lu Tang's skills, found that his kung fu was very solid, and thought to himself, he is my inheritor, and Bagua Palm relies on him to make a name for himself, and began to focus on cultivating Sun Lu Tang.

The master's intention to teach, the apprentice's heart to learn, Sun Lutang's kung fu a thousand miles a day.

Six years passed in the blink of an eye, and one day the master said happily to Lu Tang: "Tang'er, I have received thousands of apprentices, I have never seen a person like you who is talented but can concentrate on unremitting learning, I think there is no opponent in the north and south of the Yellow River who can defeat you, you can go out and walk." After the apprentice finished his studies, he generally had to walk on the rivers and lakes for a while, on the one hand, to see the kung fu of various sects, and on the other hand, to test his own jin two, that is, to respond to the sentence "It is the mule that is the horse that goes out for a walk." ”

In the spring of 1886, the 26-year-old Sun Lutang did not hesitate to pay homage to Master Cheng and began to travel to the north and south of the great river.

According to Mr. Sun's protégé disciple:

Every time the first teacher goes to a place, those who smell the artists will visit, and they will not be convinced and compared, and Mr. Li has not tasted the burden.

This means that where the first teacher goes, as long as he hears whose kung fu is good, he must go to visit and practice martial arts with each other. The First Master was never defeated.

Sun Lutang: A generation of martial saints in the past 300 years, 70 years old defeated Japanese martial arts masters one-on-five

Realistically speaking, the apprentice who said these words was suspected of putting gold on the master's face, and the fledgling Sun Lutang had never been defeated, in fact, he had not encountered a tougher opponent, or the master was too lazy to compete with the same as the future generation. Don't forget the phrase "there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people". If Sun Lutang did not have an opponent later, I believe it.

From the data analysis, at this time, Sun Lutang's kung fu is far from reaching the peak, when traveling through the north and south of the great river, he eclectically worships Guo Yunshen as a teacher, if his kung fu is really so high, why worship Guo Yunshen as a teacher?

If Sun Lutang is humble and does not shy away from the door, this is also the basis for the achievement of Sun Lutang as a generation of masters, and it should be known that Sun Lutang is a martial artist who integrates shape and meaning, tai chi, and bagua neijia fist as one person.

Legend has it that when he was walking in the rivers and lakes, he was taught by high-ranking people such as shape and meaning, tai chi, and bagua, among which there was a worldly master named Chen Lotte, whose most powerful kung fu was yutian flying, and Chen Lotte also passed this kung fu to Sun Lutang. When Sun Lutang was in the northeast, he relied on the kung fu of flying with imperial qi to fly over the cliffs and cliffs with explosives on his back, and assisted Zhang Zuolin in destroying the bandit nest.

We have not seen Mr. Sun's flying innocence kung fu, but from the Beiyang News Weekly at that time, it can be seen: according to reports, Sun Lutang's leg kung fu is very good, once he and Duan Qirui traveled in an open-top car, because of the wind, the speed is very fast. Duan Qirui wore a Panama straw hat on his head and was blown away by the wind. Sun Lutang did not squeak, jumped out of the car to chase the straw hat and then chased the car, the driver did not realize that someone jumped out of the car, he had returned to the car. It can be seen that its body shape is so light and fast that it is worthy of the nickname of "Sai Huo Monkey".

When Sun Lutang became famous in the capital circle, the taiji master Yang Luchan had died, and his mantle was inherited by his son Yang Jianhou, Sun Lutang and Yang Jianhou became close friends, and under the guidance of Yang Jianhou, Sun Lutang's Taiji Kung Fu was further refined.

As for the fact that he and the bagua palm Dong Haichuan have dealt with each other is really nonsense, Dong Haichuan is 63 years older than Sun Lutang, when Dong Haichuan died, Sun Lutang was still a young man in his 20s, and during the apprenticeship, he and the taiji master Yang Luchan did not touch his hands, when Yang Luchan died, Sun Lutang was still a teenager, do you think a martial arts everyone will do with a child? If Sun Lutang is the third martial artist after Dong Haichuan and Yang Luchan, I believe it.

Sun Lutang: A generation of martial saints in the past 300 years, 70 years old defeated Japanese martial arts masters one-on-five

However, the three have a common feature, that is, they are low-key.

According to legend, one of the eight iron hat kings of the Qing Dynasty, Prince Su Shanqi Jiu heard of Sun Lutang's great name and invited him to teach boxing in the palace, and Mr. Sun designed a set of bagua fists for Prince Su. Prince Su of The Shape Intention Fist could not eat it, it was too fierce. In addition to teaching Prince Su martial arts, Mr. Sun never asked for anything, rules and regulations, there was no shelf, Sun Lutang's martial arts, temperament and conduct made Prince Su greatly admired, and everyone said: "Mr. Sun is a saint temperament, even if the scholar can not reach it." ”

There is a folk saying called "people are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of strong, people are not red", Sun Lutang kung fu is famous, there are many martial arts masters to challenge him, Mr. Sun never deceives people and treats people slowly, good wine and good food, good hospitality, after exchanges or tests, all the people who come are impressed by Mr. Sun's martial arts, for which Sun Lutang has won the reputation of "the first in the world with a tiger's head and less protection".

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In 1912, the 52-year-old Sun Lutang was invited to participate in the World Hercules Fighting Competition held in London, England, Mr. Sun's sword did not grow old, and finally won the championship, this news shocked the world, foreigners have provoked thumbs up and said " China's old man is great!" ”

In October 1918, Xu Shichang was elected president of the Republic of China, Xu Shichang was a die-hard fan of Sun Lutang, so he hired him as the head coach of the army and was responsible for training the new army.

During this period, Japan's national jiu-jitsu champion Saka Kantarō visited Sun Lutang, who was 42 years old and weighed nearly 300 pounds, and Sun Lutang was 58 years old and weighed 120 pounds. Ban Huan wanted to see the real kung fu of the world fighting championship.

Speaking from the heart, Ban Huan has the meaning of borrowing Sun Lutang to make a name.

He calculated in his heart: Even if Sun Lutang's kung fu is superb, there is an old Chinese saying called "people are not able to use their bones and muscles", Old Man Sun will be a 60-year-old man, can Kung Fu be able to hold me down ten times? Thinking of this, Ban Huan showed a contemptuous smile on his face.

Sun Lutang has long read the heart of the Japanese from his expression. Ban Huan asked for a kung fu, but Mr. Sun just shirked it, saying that he was old and did not want to do it again. Ban Huan mistakenly believed that Sun was timid and called the board even more.

Sun Lutang: A generation of martial saints in the past 300 years, 70 years old defeated Japanese martial arts masters one-on-five

Sun Lutang saw the situation and had no choice but to say, "Well, I stand still, and you use your hands to break my arms with jiu-jitsu, and if you break them, you will count me unlucky." Ban Huan thought to himself, how much power can you have with one arm? I weigh about 300 pounds, plus I have to have thousands of pounds of strength.

"Old Man Sun, Old Man Sun, aren't you looking ugly?"

However, Ban Huan was dumbfounded as soon as he struck, and he tried to break Sun Lutang's arm with the strength to eat milk, but it was like an ant shaking a tree, and Mr. Sun did not move. Not only that, Ban Huan only felt that Sun Lutang's arm had a steady stream of strength to fight back, and as the strength increased, if Ban Huan did not let go, his two arms would be broken.

But you can't let go suddenly, and if you let go suddenly, you must fall on your back and fall to the sky. Mr. Sun smiled, he was unwilling to break Ban Huan's arms, only to see his body shake, Ban Huan flew out a mile away.

The disciples standing on all sides cheered in unison, and Han Huan got up from the ground and pulled out his pistol in anger to shoot Mr. Sun.

Sun's disciple rushed forward to stop him, but Mr. Sun said, "The disciple doesn't need to panic, I want to see how he hits me, so I stand 20 meters away from Banhuan and don't move." Han Huan's arrow was on the string, and he raised his gun to aim, and the gunshot sounded, and then looked at the opposite side without Sun Lutang.

Ban Huan was wondering, only to feel that his shoulder was tapped behind him, and he looked back to see Sun Lutang standing behind him with a smile. Ban Huan quickly pulled the trigger and "snapped". I thought that this time I shot Mr. Sun, after all, the target was within reach. Before Pan Huan could react, someone touched his head behind him and laughed, Ban Huan was completely dumbfounded, if Mr. Sun wanted to harm him, his little life would be finished with one slap.

Sun Lutang just wanted to teach him a lesson, and there was no malice, no further action. This time Ban Huan was completely convinced, threw the gun away, pounced on the body to worship, had to worship Sun Lutang as a teacher, how could Mr. Sun teach the Japanese martial arts, politely refused, Ban Huan and his party left in shame.

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Since then, the Japanese martial arts community has always wanted to regain face.

In 1930, the Japanese martial arts community selected 5 martial arts masters from all over the country and came to China again to challenge Sun Lutang. At this time, Sun Lutang was already a seventy-year-old gu rare old man. With one to five, do the Japanese still want faces? Even young people may not have a chance of winning, but these 5 people are all Japanese martial arts masters.

Sun Lutang's disciples pinched a handful of sweat for the master, and one after another advised the master not to fall for the Japanese's treacherous schemes and ruin the name of the emperor.

But Mr. Sun did not think so, he smiled and said to the Japanese: "If we use our strength to force, it is inevitable that we will be hurt and angry, after all, it is not appropriate for the wronged family to untie the knot, or don't do it." "But these 5 Japanese masters insist on competing.

Sun Lutang pondered for a moment and said, "Since you insist on one point of superiority, why don't we fight?" The Japanese were puzzled. Sun Lutang explained: "I was lying flat on the ground, one of the 5 of you shouted one, two or three, after the sound, if you can press me to the ground and can't get up, even if I lose and you win."

The five strong men were secretly happy in their hearts, thinking to themselves, "Old Man Sun is bound to die this time." Since you are looking for death, no one can stop you! Only to see Sun Lutang lying flat on the ground, one of the burliest strong men could not wait to go up and lock Sun Lutang's head with his hands, and the other 4 people locked Sun Lutang's limbs in various ways, pressing down like five horses and dividing the corpses. Before the words of one, two, three, and three had fallen, Sun Lutang jumped up, and 5 Japanese people were ejected two feet away, falling on the ground and unable to get up for half a day.

The next day, the Japanese came to Sun Lutang's residence and said, "The Emperor of Japan invites you to japan to teach martial arts, and you are paid 20,000 yuan a month."

Sun Lutang: A generation of martial saints in the past 300 years, 70 years old defeated Japanese martial arts masters one-on-five

Sun Lutang replied: I am old, I don't go anywhere, if you want to study the martial arts of our country, you can contact the National Art Museum in our country, where the teachers are all young and powerful kung fu masters. Since then, Sun Lu Tang has been revered as a "martial saint" by the Japanese martial arts community.

In 1915, after decades of unremitting research on the martial arts of various schools, Sun Lutang finally founded a martial arts system that combined boxing and Taoism, and then devoted himself to teaching disciples to spread the inner family boxing such as shape and meaning, tai chi, and bagua.

In 1931, after the outbreak of the "918" incident, the northeast fell, Sun Lutang was very disappointed in the Nationalist government's policy of non-resistance, in addition to actively collecting donations, he also encouraged his disciples to join the anti-Japanese organization to defend the country.

In 1933, in the face of the shattering of mountains and rivers, Sun Lutang felt deeply hearted to beg the thief and could not return to heaven, and returned to his hometown of Shunping County in anger, and died of depression at the end of that year, at the age of 73, before his death, he kept saying to his disciples: "I regard life and death as a game ear." "This generation of heroes died.

Text/Reading Spring and Autumn by Candle

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