
Zhao Yiman: Gan will be enthusiastic about China

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - People's Daily

Zhao Yiman: Gan will be enthusiastic about China

Zhao Yiman with his son. Xinhua News Agency

In 2009, Zhao Yiman was elected as one of the "100 Heroes and Model Figures who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China".

Zhao Yiman, whose original name was Li Kuntai, was born on October 25, 1905, to a landlord family in Yibin, Sichuan. After the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, Zhao Yiman began to read revolutionary books and periodicals such as "Guide", "New Youth", and "Women's Weekly" and accepted the new ideas of the revolution. In the winter of 1923, Zhao Yiman joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League. He joined the Communist Party of China in the summer of 1926. In November of the same year, she entered the Wuhan Central Military and Political School.

In September 1927, Zhao Yiman went to the Soviet Union to study at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow. After returning to China the following year, he secretly carried out party work in Yichang, Nanchang and Shanghai.

After the "918" incident in 1931, Zhao Yiman was sent to the northeast region to launch an anti-Japanese struggle. She successively served as secretary and director of the organization department of the Manchurian Federation of Trade Unions, commissioner of the central county party committee of Zhuhe County, Binjiang Province, and secretary of the Tiebei District Party Committee, leading the workers in the strike movement and organizing young peasant anti-Japanese guerrillas to struggle against the enemy. In a poem "Binjiang Shuhuai", she expressed her firm will to resist Japan: "I did not hesitate to head the new homeland, and I will be willing to fertilize China with my blood." The white mountain and black water removed the enemy, and smiled at the flag red like a flower. ”

In the autumn of 1935, Zhao Yiman was appointed as the political commissar of the 2nd Regiment of the 1st Division of the 3rd Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army. In November, the 2nd Regiment was besieged by Japanese puppet troops in a mountain. Zhao Yiman was seriously wounded in order to cover the breakthrough of the troops, and was found by the Japanese army during the recuperation period, and was wounded again during the battle, and was unconscious and captured.

During his capture, the Japanese army tortured Zhao Yiman, stabbed his wound with a steel needle, and burned his skin and flesh with a red soldering iron to force him to confess. She preferred to die unyieldingly and sternly denounced the Japanese army's crime of aggression. In order to get a confession, the Japanese army sent her to the hospital for monitoring and treatment. In the hospital, she actively publicized the principle of resisting Japan and saving the country, and educated and fought for caregivers and guards. On June 28, 1936, Zhao Yiman escaped from the hospital with the help of hospital care and guards, but was soon recaptured by the pursuing enemy and subjected to more brutal torture.

On August 2, 1936, Zhao Yiman was escorted to the ZhuHe River. She knew the last moment had arrived. She wrote a suicide note to her beloved son: "Ning Er! Hurry up adults and come and comfort your underground mother! O my dearest child! Mother does not use a thousand words to educate you, she uses practice to educate you. When you grow up, hopefully don't forget that your mother was sacrificed for the country!" Before her execution, she sang the "Red Flag Song", "The flag of the people, the blood-red flag, the corpses of the soldiers who are buried, the corpses are not yet stiff, the blood has stained the flag red..." She shouted " Down with Japanese imperialism !" Long live the Communist Party of China!" He died heroically at the age of 31.

In honor of Zhao Yiman, one of the main streets in Harbin was named Yiman Street. In her hometown of Yibin City, there are Zhao Yiman's former residence and Zhao Yiman Memorial Hall.

People's Daily ( 2021-05-19 04 edition)

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