
F1: Jiangshan generation has a good car out! Alonso had no choice but to admit it: Ferrari did not want to win the title at that time

author:Sports NEW Horizons

Alonso is known as the man who can best run well with a bad car. In his years at Ferrari, Ferrari's car was clearly lost to Red Bull, which was in the limelight at the time. In the 2010 and 2012 seasons, he still used all his strength to drag the two trucks to the position of infinitely close to the world championship.

Vettel then came to Ferrari to take on tasks that Alonso had been unable to accomplish in the past few years. For six seasons, the Chosen Son from Germany still hasn't managed to crown the crown. Coupled with Alonso's time at Ferrari, although Ferrari has had two of the most attractive drivers on the table in the past eleven years, it can only shake its head and admit defeat.

F1: Jiangshan generation has a good car out! Alonso had no choice but to admit it: Ferrari did not want to win the title at that time

Vettel's time at Ferrari also had a time when he was infinitely close to the back crown. In both the 2017 and first half of the 2018 season, Ferrari took a strong stance against defender Hamilton, who was driving a Mercedes at the time. However, in the second half of these two seasons, Mercedes were able to break Ferrari's overflowing confidence.

How did two veterans, who are bound to become legendary drivers, return from under this old signboard? There are many superficial reasons, from the drivers themselves to the team organization. But Alonso made it clear this time that in fact, Ferrari was not mentally ready to win the world championship again!

F1: Jiangshan generation has a good car out! Alonso had no choice but to admit it: Ferrari did not want to win the title at that time

Since Ferrari and Iceman Raikkonen won the last world championship in recent years in 2007, Ferrari's race operation strategy has been operated by obvious drivers no. 1 and no. 2, and the team players are also selected on more experienced (older) conditions. With a "I'm picking you up as a Ferrari Chin to help us win the championship" and then putting a lot of pressure on the drivers to follow all the arrangements of the team.

However, this internal atmosphere finally changed after Vettel's departure. Even this change began with Ferrari's selection of Leclerc, who was in his early twenties, as the new junior owner. Later, the team chose Sainz to assist Leclerc, although it still has a bit of a taste of the first and second drivers, but it has been greatly diluted in terms of Ferrari's history.

F1: Jiangshan generation has a good car out! Alonso had no choice but to admit it: Ferrari did not want to win the title at that time

Alonso believes that Ferrari has finally taken a long-term view of things, rather than rushing to make a quick profit. Starting from the training of drivers, drivers can slowly integrate into the team at their own pace, and there is also a better planning vision in the development of the car. The disappointing results of these two seasons are the opportunity for Ferrari to restart.

Hopefully, Ferrari will learn the lesson and slowly crawl out of the past that it desperately wants to perform. Expectations were high for Ferrari, but poaching the best drivers of the time and using extreme racing strategies were just the next few. Cultivating drivers from the source so that drivers can shoulder the heavy responsibility to face the pressure of the field is a healthy and long-term strategy.

F1: Jiangshan generation has a good car out! Alonso had no choice but to admit it: Ferrari did not want to win the title at that time

As Vettel said, "Everyone is a Ferrari fan!" , F1 can not lack a competitive Ferrari! Looking forward to Ferrari being able to stand up again in the 2022 season and storm the championship throne!

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