
The strange man Arthur of "To Kill a Mockingbird" with Jem and Scott's Sunshine

author:Precious as jade
The strange man Arthur of "To Kill a Mockingbird" with Jem and Scott's Sunshine

In the old town of Maycomb, around the corner of the street is the home of Radley, whose youngest son, Arthur, is a freak in the population.

As a teenager, Arthur became acquainted with and fought with several young people from the Cunningham family in the northern part of the county, and was arrested and charged with misconduct and disorder.

Father Radley pleaded with the judge and promised to keep Arthur in custody of the house and prevent him from getting into trouble. Arthur was then locked up in his home and did not appear for fifteen years.

Arthur existed like a ghost, no one had seen him during the day, and it was said that he would only come out in the middle of the night, spy on the windows of other people's houses, do chicken and dog theft, and commit some perverted nocturnal crimes.

The strange man Arthur of "To Kill a Mockingbird" with Jem and Scott's Sunshine

Jem and Scott siblings and the little boy Dill develop a keen interest in the freaks. They went to photograph the wall of Adderley's house, trying to lure Arthur out, but the strange man didn't come out, but the shutters flipped up quickly.

Sister Scout and brother Jem both attend Maycomb School, and every time they go to school they pass by radley's door. Every time he passed in front of Radley's goal after school, Scout sprinted at a speed of 100 meters and slowed down.

There were two large oak trees in front of the door of Andrey's house, and one day Scutter noticed something gleaming from the oak tree, and she walked over, found it in the oak hole and pulled out two pieces of gum.

Shortly after that, as the brothers and sisters passed by the tree together, they found a tin foil bag in the hole, which contained a small velvet box containing two coins with polished Indian heads. Indian heads represent good luck, but who hid things in a tree hole?

The strange man Arthur of "To Kill a Mockingbird" with Jem and Scott's Sunshine

Summer vacation is here again, and The brothers and sisters Jem and Scout and the little boy Dill embark on an exploration of the strange Man Arthur.

One night they sneaked into the backyard of Adley's house, where they wanted to peek through the leaf of the loose shutter of Radley's house to spy on arthur the freak.

The three children slipped through the barbed wire in the backyard, crept open the fence door in the backyard, and touched the loose shutter, but the curtains blocked it, and they saw nothing. They turned to the back porch again, and Jem climbed the steps and looked out the window.

But when a figure approached the three of them silently, the three of them were frightened and held their heads, and after the man left, they ran wildly to the backyard.

As he escaped, Jem's pants were hung on the barbed wire, and he quickly took them off and kicked them off. The movement in the backyard made Arthur's brother, Mr. Nathan, suspect that the Negro had run into his yard and shoot into the air with a shotgun to give a warning, and the sound of the gun alarmed everyone.

Jem fears that the pants hanging from the barbed wire will be discovered by Mr. Nathan, which will lead to the reproach of his father Atticus. He once again sneaked to Andrey's backyard in the middle of the night to get his pants.

Jem found that the pants torn by the barbed wire had been sewn and neatly folded on the fence, as if waiting for him to get them.

After that night, whenever Jem and Scout passed by the big oak tree in front of Radley's house, they would always find something new in the hole.

Two little figures, a man and a woman carved with soap, carved by a villain modeled on Jem and Scott, there are medals for spelling contests, and a pocket watch that can't go. Obviously, it was a gift that someone had deliberately placed in a tree hole for the brothers and sisters. Who will it be? Jem suspects it's Arthur the Weirdo.

The siblings wanted to write a thank-you note to the person who had given the gift, but when they went to release it gleefully, they found that the hole in the oak tree had been filled with cement by Mr. Nathan.

Mr. Nathan thought that the tall oak tree with lush green leaves was sick and had a hole in the tree. Jem looked with tears in his eyes at the filled tree hole, standing from the afternoon until it was dark.

This is just a tree hole, that is Arthur's own way, to touch the tenderness outside the personal world, that is also his joy and tenderness. The tree hole that was filled cut off the bridge of friendship and communication between Arthur and Jem and Scott brothers and sisters.

The strange man Arthur of "To Kill a Mockingbird" with Jem and Scott's Sunshine

In the winter, there was a heavy snowfall in the town of Maycombe, the temperature plummeted, the weather was cold, and everyone added coal to the fireplace. In the middle of the night, the house of the neighbor Miss Modi caught fire, and the fire spread so quickly that people from all over the street came out to fight the fire.

In the midst of the chaos, Jem and Scout stood near the front door of Radley's house, staring blankly and coldly.

When it was near dawn, the fire was extinguished, and Scout discovered that, out of nowhere, someone had draped a brown wool blanket over his shoulder.

The siblings had been standing in front of Radley's courtyard, not near anyone, and the blanket was supposed to be the masterpiece of the strange Man Arthur. Arthur the Weirdo was a weirdo, but he never hurt Jem and Scout.

Halloween is here, and Scout plays a ham at a Halloween show in a special costume. That night, Jem accompanies his sister to the school for a show and goes home with her.

On the way home, Jem and the Scott siblings encounter a terrifying encounter, they are chased and killed on the way home, Jem has a serious fracture in the arm, and someone wants to screw his arm off. In a life-and-death situation, the strange Man Arthur saved the brothers and sisters.

The sheriff had already inspected the scene for the first time and found the drunkard, Mr. Yuel, lying under a tree over there, with a kitchen knife under his ribs, and he was dead.

The strange man Arthur of "To Kill a Mockingbird" with Jem and Scott's Sunshine

Father Atticus insisted that "Yuel's death was Jem's legitimate defense." He wanted to use Jem's legitimate defense as an excuse to protect Arthur, who had saved the child.

But the sheriff insisted that "It was Yuel himself who hit his own knife edge, and it had nothing to do with Jem." ”

The sheriff said, "Listen, this time, let the dead bury the dead." If a citizen goes to great lengths to stop the crime, it is definitely not a violation of the law. If the truth is revealed, Arthur's quiet life will be disrupted, and if people ignore the hero's habits of seclusion and have to pull him into the spotlight, I think it is a crime. So, as I said, Yuel fell to his own knife and died. Good night. ”

They all try to push the hero, the weirdo Arthur, out of the incident, and they have their own opinions, with Scout holding Daddy Atticus," Daddy, "Daddy, you said don't kill a mockingbird!" ”。

On a night when the drizzle was falling, Atticus said briskly to the strange Man Arthur, "Arthur, thank you for saving my child." ”。

Scout led Arthur the Strange to Jem's room and told Arthur to say goodnight to Jem. Arthur stood by the edge of the bed with a curious and a little shy look, carefully studying and frowning and sleeping deeply. Strange Arthur, he raised a hand and lowered it gently again.

Scout said, "You can touch him, Mr. Arthur. He won't let you touch it when he's awake... Touch it, he fell asleep. ”

Hearing Scout's words, the strange man still reached out and gently touched Jem's hair.

Coming out of Jem's room, Arthur gently asked Scout, "Can you take me home?" "He's like a little kid who's afraid of the dark pleading with adults.

Scout had Mr. Arthur bend his arm, put his hand into his arm, and, like a real lady, solemnly took the arm of the strange Mr. Arthur, walked with him arm in arm, and sent him home.

Mr. Arthur Radley walked down the sidewalk with Scout like a gentleman, and the two stepped up the steps, and Arthur fumbled to twist the door handle and disappeared behind the door.

Since then, Scout has never seen Mr. Arthur Radley.

The strange man Arthur of "To Kill a Mockingbird" with Jem and Scott's Sunshine

When Atticus played with guns for the children, he told Jem and Scout to never kill a robin because they were mostly just singing for us, not doing any harm.

The robin is more of an allegory, alluding to those who are kind but innocently hurt, like the strange Man Arthur.

Mr. Arthur Radley made mistakes as a teenager, and has since been supervised by his father, Radley, and his brother, Mr. Nathan, and has never appeared in front of everyone during the day, and has been rumored to be a vicious "strange man" who the children fear him.

Jem and Scout became curious about the strange Man Arthur and went to spy on Arthur, who also gave gifts to the brothers and sisters through the oak tree hole, trying to establish a communication friendship with the brothers and sisters. But Mr. Nathan filled in the hole, obliterating his opportunity to communicate with the outside world.

When Arthur heroically saves Jem and The Scout brothers and sisters on the Night of Horrors, he becomes a hero. But exposing his heroic deeds to the sun would disrupt his peaceful life, after all, for a long-term recluse, he was shy and unaccustomed to appearing in front of the public.

Atticus, sheriff, Scout, and others agreed to protect Mr. Arthur Andrey so that he could continue his peaceful life. Love, true love and kindness, is expressed in the right way that others need.

As a textbook on the growth of courage and justice, the famous American female writer Harper Lee's masterpiece "Killing a Mockingbird" has a significance in the field of education that transcends national boundaries and is known as the "parenting bible" that affects 50 million families around the world, shaping the model of human family education.

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