
Douyin e-commerce Du Bin: Undertaking conversion and customer acquisition is a trio of playing with new traffic

author:Ebang Power Network

【Ebang Power News】On September 27, at the New Traffic Summit of the 2021 Ebang Future Retail Conference, Du Bin, vice president of Douyin E-commerce, delivered a speech entitled "New Traffic Position Trio: Undertaking, Symbiosis and Expansion".

He pointed out that Douyin has never lacked new traffic, and more and more merchants have seen the unusual growth points of interest in Douyin e-commerce today. It's worth digging deeper into, how do you grasp these new traffic?

Douyin e-commerce Du Bin: Undertaking conversion and customer acquisition is a trio of playing with new traffic

He said that new traffic contains new opportunities and challenges, and there are three common problems for merchants:

First of all, how to absorb the surging traffic?

Second, does the new traffic have enough conversion power, and is the new traffic a cornerstone of passing or growth?

Third, customer acquisition is an important direction for brands, how can brands focus on user acquisition in new traffic?

Regarding the three capabilities of undertaking, converting and obtaining customers, Douyin E-commerce has summed up some experience in the past cooperation with brand talents.

In terms of undertaking, Du Bin took the phenomenon-level incident of Hongxing Erke as an example to illustrate. In the whole event, the number of Hongxing Erke fans, GMV and PV have increased by hundreds of times and thousands of times, and the single-day GMV has reached 105 million. After the outbreak of the first wave of hot spots, consumers urgently need a platform to undertake their enthusiasm for the brand and establish a connection with the brand, and Douyin, which has more than 600 million DAUs, has become one of the landing points for users to release this enthusiasm.

It is reported that on July 21, Hongxing Erke broke out on Douyin; on July 22, positive guidance was conducted, douyin did human resources investment and risk avoidance coordination; on July 23, false account cleanup was carried out; on July 24, the hot spot has begun to cool down, inviting the CEO to open douyin account authentication to realize direct communication between users and the CEO on douyin; on July 25, the incident closed, and Hongxing Erke efficiently undertook the traffic.

In terms of conversion, Du Bin pointed out that the platform needs to help merchants find better talents and help talents continuously improve their monetization capabilities, so Douyin e-commerce provides a series of growth plans and plans. In addition, this year, Douyin is very concerned about and supports MCN institutions, so that merchants can find high-quality growth talents to cooperate.

Finally, in terms of customer acquisition, Du Bin said that Douyin e-commerce continues to stimulate the potential of stores, no longer a simple shopping guide and exchange performance, the store carries short video content production, in-store live broadcasting, collect user feedback on goods Quick adjustment ability, increase sales is only the inevitable result of continuous optimization of live broadcasting.

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