
Problems with course implementation

author:On the prosperity of the Tao

Leslie Bishop claimed many years ago that curriculum implementation needed to be refactored and replaced. It requires adjustments to individual habits, behavioural patterns, project priorities, learning spaces, existing curricula and school calendars. In short, in an era of rapid intercourse and expansion, educators at all levels of schooling must not only change their knowledge structure about curriculum, curriculum creation and promotion, but also their mentality and even personality. They must also be at peace with the risks and even struggle to expand social and educational boundaries. These individuals must aspire to action, as Kurt argues, "to recognize that action is to seek opportunity and take risks, all guided by a vision that is believed."

The real curriculum should take root from the school level, the teacher level, the curriculum team level, and the student level, and I am afraid that it needs to pay attention to, study, and solve the following ten aspects———

1. Value inquiry. What is the value of change? What are the goals and objectives?

2. Organizational structure. Who is the team that implements the course? What are the guiding ideology and operating rules?

3. Recognize skills. What is the basic understanding of the course? What kind of skill support is required?

4. Role identification. How do you see yourself and your role? What roles are you expecting students and colleagues to play? How do I get my role in?

5. Moral thinking. What are the moral considerations of the various participants? What do you advocate? Against what? For schools and teachers, how to maximize and optimize the development of students?

6. Labor difficulty. What does reform mean will happen to the quantity and quality of labor? What are the expectations of the parties involved?

7. Risk assumption. What is the mitigation mechanism for failure?

8. Support mechanism. What is funding, equipment, materials, information, treatment, time domain, tolerance?

9. Evaluate the quality. What are the quality standards for the different stages?

10. Amendments and supplements. What are the phased outcomes and generated problems? How do I fix the problem?

As the famous management scientist Kurt said, it is necessary to lead people to create things that have not been there before, that is, to do the right thing. Any reform needs to be paid, and paying means paying wisdom, thought, experience, sweat and time.

Long Shang Shan people

October 13, 2021

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