
After reading the Complete Works of Kant, I felt that Kant was farther away from me

author:Confucius Old Books Network

Author | Godolski

Source | Confucius old book network dynamics

I'm still confused about how to form a philosophical mindset, and although I can turn to online interpretation, I still hope that through a lot of reading, I will be able to do it. After reading "The Complete Works of Kant, Volume 8" (China People's Congress Publishing House, April 2010, 481 pages, priced at 56 yuan, 6 days, recommended index ★★★★★), the closer to Kant, but the farther away, his size is too large, beyond my ability to understand. Empirical judgments began to be ineffective, and could only approach his thoughts by his method of "purely intellectual judgments."

He wrote in Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment? The first sentence of the opening chapter reads: "Enlightenment is to come out of his self-inflicted state of guardianship" - this is nothing more than a thunderclap, after being taught for so many years, why did not understand the meaning of enlightenment until the age of nearly 40. Some people tell you to think independently, some people tell you not to believe in authority, but no one like Kant, with such a serious and compulsive tone, makes you understand that you are "taking the blame." He also wrote that "dare to know!" Have the courage to use your own sanity! In just a few pages, the article became the manifesto and theoretical weapon of the European Enlightenment.

Kant was a progressive: "The prescriptiveness of man as a whole is continuous progress, and its prescriptive completion is a pure idea, but a concept that is useful in all respects, that is, the idea of what we should strive to pursue according to the will of God"; he regarded the moral basis as the root of man" "I have interpreted morality as an introduction to science which teaches us not how to attain happiness, but how to be worthy of happiness"; he expresses his critical point of view in a sentence from Herder's treatise "Man is an animal who needs a master and places his ultimate prescriptive happiness on the union of this master or of all masters"; Kant corrects our misconception about the relationship between morality and faith " not by establishing morality on faith, but by building faith on morality."

His polemics with his contemporaries were equally brilliant. These principles are merely the principles of empirical possibility; he concludes from this that they are nothing more than empirical judgments, and thus grasping what is called the reason for experience becomes the result of experience. Thus everything that falls into his hands from the Critique is prejudged and scandalized in order to make it appear wrong for a moment"; "it proves, rather, that it is precisely the opposite of what he thus proves"; "it is a difficulty to understand this great man for the man who does not carry his own intellect, or has no interest in using it, or who, although neither is lacking, but who seems to have merely relied his intellect on the intellect of another, which hitherto hinders the creation of a state of permanence, And it will at least make it difficult for quite some time."

The rich and difficult Kant cannot be summed up; reading his book is more than benefiting!

Diary: Saturday weather suddenly changed, the temperature plummeted by 10 ° C, reading for half a day; Sunday at noon with the single flying brother to Duoyun Academy; returned to my lunch at night; lover went to Ningbo to find friends to play, after leaving, I went to the town with the single flying brother to hang out, the cold wind struck, quite a cold winter feeling; I felt that the mobile phone application store has covered all applications, did not want to hide in the dark web, listened to friends talk, quite afraid - the dark world, is not able to look directly at the truth; morning walking, meet neighbors running, envy, because last year's running is too fierce, My knee joint has been damaged, and it is not worth the loss!

After reading the Complete Works of Kant, I felt that Kant was farther away from me
After reading the Complete Works of Kant, I felt that Kant was farther away from me

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