
The Standing Committee of the Wuwei Municipal People's Congress issued an initiative to the deputies to the people's congresses at all

author:Nine factions view the world

Unity of purpose to prevent and control the epidemic


Deputies to the city's people's congresses at all

At present, many new cases of new coronary pneumonia have been added in many provinces and regions, including our province, and the epidemic situation is complex and severe, and the task of prevention and control is extremely arduous. In order to resolutely implement the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, ensure the safety and health of the people, fully support and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work, and give full play to the positive role of the people's congress deputies in the epidemic prevention and control work, the following initiatives are hereby issued to the deputies of the people's congresses at all levels in the city:

Raise your standing to be responsible. The people elected me as their representative, and I should represent the people. The deputies of the city's people's congresses at all levels should conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee, devote themselves to the prevention and control of the epidemic with a high sense of political responsibility and mission, give full play to the role of deputies and contact one party, actively cooperate with emergency response, anti-export, and anti-proliferation work, and demonstrate the role of people's congress deputies with practical actions.

Take the lead in guarding against being an example. The city's people's congress deputies at all levels should play an exemplary role, enhance their awareness of self-protection, take the lead in abiding by relevant laws and regulations, take the lead in implementing various epidemic prevention and control measures, take the lead in cooperating with their communities and communities to do a good job in epidemic monitoring, investigation, prevention and control, etc., take the lead in not gathering, not eating together, not participating in group gatherings, and take the lead in not going out unnecessarily, wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and maintaining a social distance of more than one meter.

Leverage your strengths to increase synergy. People's congress deputies at all levels in the city should give full play to the advantages of close ties with the people, base themselves on their own posts, perform their duties in an exemplary manner, and gather a strong joint force to fight the epidemic. Representatives of the medical and health sector should take the lead, do a good job in patient treatment and self-protection. Representatives of the business community should fully support the prevention and control of the epidemic, protect the rights and interests of employees in accordance with laws and regulations, actively carry out charitable donations and fundraising activities, and consciously shoulder social responsibility. Party member representatives should play an exemplary and leading role, strictly discipline, take the initiative, be willing to dedicate, and be pioneers and set an example in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control.

Propaganda and guidance promote stability. Deputies to the people's congresses at all levels in the city should actively publicize the requirements of the municipal party committee's epidemic prevention and control deployment to the masses around them, publicize relevant laws and regulations and knowledge of epidemic prevention and control, guide the masses to follow laws and regulations, orderly and effective, and scientifically prevent and control, resolutely do not listen to rumors, do not believe rumors, and do not spread rumors, take the initiative to assist in the ideological work of the masses, and create a strong atmosphere of participation by the whole people, mass prevention and mass governance, and joint construction and sharing, so as to ensure the stability of the overall social situation.

The epidemic is the order, and prevention and control is the responsibility. Under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, people's congress deputies at all levels in the city should actively participate in epidemic prevention and control, protect the people's life safety and physical health with heart and soul, and contribute the wisdom and strength of people's congress deputies to epidemic prevention and control!

Standing Committee of Wuwei Municipal People's Congress

October 26, 2021

Source: Standing Committee of Wuwei Municipal People's Congress

Editor-in-Charge: Niu Man Editor: Mao Mengjie (Trainee)

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