
Why did Reagan surpass Roosevelt and Lincoln to become the head of the "Greatest Americans."

author:Treasury of historical materials

Ronald. Wilson. Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, was selected by the Online Discovery Channel as the first of the "Greatest Americans" in 2005, surpassing President Washington, Roosevelt, who ended World War II, and President Lincoln, who liberated black slaves.

Why did President Reagan rank first in this poll for "Greatest Americans"?

What kind of a person is he?

Today I take you through President Reagan, the "greatest American."

Why did Reagan surpass Roosevelt and Lincoln to become the head of the "Greatest Americans."

Ronald, Wilson, and Reagan were born in 1911 in a pure grassroots family in the remote small city of Tampico in the United States, and his father was an "alcoholic" who sold shoes, often drank alcohol without a stable income, and took the family around, and in Reagan's childhood memories were only the encouragement and warmth of his mother.

The experience of moving around since childhood made him inferior, but instead broadened reagan's horizons in childhood and made his personality extroverted and talkative and strong. At the age of 15, he began to work and study in the society, during which he worked as a lifeguard, broadcaster and other occupations.

After graduating from college, the handsome, tall Reagan went to Hollywood to develop, and at this time his dream was to become a star, enjoying flowers and applause. At this time, after the Great Depression in the United States, the economy began to recover, and movies began to develop rapidly.

At the age of 26, Reagan signed with Warner Pictures to become an artist under his umbrella, and in the following years, he participated in dozens of films including "Blood Road", "Rampage", "Blood Sands" and so on.

Why did Reagan surpass Roosevelt and Lincoln to become the head of the "Greatest Americans."

At this time, Reagan was mixing in Hollywood, due to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in the United States in 1941, the Outbreak of the Pacific War, the United States urgently needed military talent, the following year 31-year-old Reagan enlisted in the army and entered the US Air Force. It was this short 3-year military career that added a wonderful performance to Reagan's political career.

After retiring at the age of 34, Reagan continued to return to Hollywood to start his old business, and because of his ability to speak, Reagan soon became president of the Screen Actors Guild.

As he grew older, Reagan found himself more involved in politics and speeches than acting. Finally, in 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States and the Soviet Union hot war broke out, the 51-year-old Reagan also planned another blueprint for his life, made a major choice, bid farewell to the film industry and officially joined the Us Republican Party, and began his political career.

After several years of political ups and downs, In 1966 Reagan ran for governor of California.

Reagan, who has been in California for decades, coupled with his grassroots background and ability to speak the speech, easily captured the hearts of California voters and successfully ran for governor of California!

Why did Reagan surpass Roosevelt and Lincoln to become the head of the "Greatest Americans."

Reagan, who had learned government skills and accumulated experience and contacts in the governor's position, naturally thought of running for the presidency.

Finally, in the 49th U.S. presidential election in 1980, Reagan won 44 states and an overwhelming margin of 489 electoral votes to defeat Carter and successfully elect the 40th president of the United States.

Since then, the road has begun to become the "greatest American."

Reagan's slogan: Let's make America Great!

Why did Reagan surpass Roosevelt and Lincoln to become the head of the "Greatest Americans."

The first trick to make is: Reagan economics

Lower interest rates, expand military spending, and increase national debt. Reagan's first move is simply to print dollars, issue treasury bonds, let his newly appointed US government have money, and do the superficial economy to increase his own poll support rate.

Second trick: The Star Wars plan to drag the Soviet Union into the quagmire of the military race.

The reason why Reagan can be evaluated by many as the greatest president of the United States is because this Star Wars speech during his tenure indirectly led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, making the United States the only superpower in the world.

Why did Reagan surpass Roosevelt and Lincoln to become the head of the "Greatest Americans."

Simply put, the Star Wars program was a stand-up comedy, in which Reagan declared that the Star Wars program was expected to cost more than a trillion dollars to develop advanced laser anti-missile weapons, and many allies such as Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan and many others joined.

When the Bear Nation heard Reagan's plan, it was true that as long as "aircraft cannons, no milk bread", military spending expanded wildly, and countless nuclear warheads and space stations were nervously built to counter the United States.

Such an arms race led to a very disproportionate life between the Soviet people and the superpower, coupled with the arms race crisis of the 1980s, which eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 90s. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the stand-up comedy of Star Wars was also sung, and the plan was decisively terminated!

Why did Reagan surpass Roosevelt and Lincoln to become the head of the "Greatest Americans."

The third move: the Plaza Accord program

During Reagan's tenure, when he was constantly busy competing with the Soviet Union for the position of superpower, Japan in the east had quietly developed into the world's second largest economy, and the crazy citizens of Tokyo claimed that selling Tokyo could buy the entire United States.

In the face of the increasingly depressed US manufacturing industry, the Reagan administration took decisive measures to unite the world's four central banks and Signed a Plaza Agreement with Japan, allowing the Japanese economy to sleep peacefully and steadily for 20 years! After all, Japan is still the government of the US military, let Tokyo buy the United States such a thing, where to put the face of the US government!


During Reagan's tenure, the Star Wars program fooled the Soviet Union into the quagmire of the arms race, which indirectly led to the subsequent economic collapse of the Soviet Union, and the Use of the Plaza Accord to curb Japan's development and stagnate for 30 years. President Reagan's two achievements have made the United States the world's only superpower for 30 years. Also made him "the greatest American"!

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