
The courtyard flow year (group chapter) ‖ Wang Bin

author:Fang Zhi Sichuan

The Year of the Compound (Group Chapter)

Wang Bin

The compound flows for years

Because a new school was to be built, the tile houses at the end of the town had to be demolished one after another. This includes the yellow kudzu tree yard that I often go to when I go to junior high school.

The Yellow Kudzu Tree Yard is a large courtyard located behind the school in the town center. The yard is very large, and the entrance to the courtyard is a yellow kudzu tree, and when you enter the courtyard, there are two yellow kudzu trees next to the back wall. The three yellow kudzu trees are all centuries-old yellow kudzu trees, and according to the staff of the Cultural Management Institute, the trees are more than 500 years old. There are 8 families living in the compound, and my classmate Hu Jinmei's family also lives here. Hu Jinmei is the study committee member of our junior third and second classes, she studies well, is enthusiastic, and loves to help people, because of this, at that time, after noon or afternoon after school, I often meet with five or six male and female classmates in the class to go to Hu Jinmei's house to review their homework.

Hu Jinmei's tile house is on the southernmost side of the compound. Her mother was a forty-year-old peasant woman, soft-spoken and smiling. Every time she saw us reviewing the trees, she was warm to each other. In the summer, when the tile room was hot, she moved a small square table for eating under the yellow kudzu tree outside the house for us to study. The one-wood stool or high-backed small bamboo chair that each of us sits on is always wiped with a wet towel and then dried with a dry towel. In the hot summer, Hu Jinmei's mother took a basin of water and first wet the ground under the yellow kudzu tree. When we study, it is even cooler. Sometimes, while reading a book or doing homework, Hu Jinmei's mother came out of the house with a large plate of cut watermelon: "Come, come, come, on such a hot day, one person eats a piece of watermelon." Smiling, he put down the plate and went back into the house. The cool breeze under the old yellow kudzu tree, nibbling on the sandy watermelon, while reading and reviewing, all this is like yesterday.

The graduation examination for the third grade of junior high school is scheduled for June 11, 12 and 13, and the examination is held for three consecutive days. At that time, rural junior high school students had to "take off their agricultural skins" and take the exam, and there was only one way to apply for the middle school teacher and secondary school. In our senior third graduating class, there were 236 people in the four classes of the whole year. After the test results were announced, a total of 53 people went to the middle school and secondary school score lines, of which 7 people in our class were on the middle division score line, including Hu Jinmei and me.

On the morning of the collective interview at the normal school, except for Hu Jinmei, our students who had reached the score line all arrived at the classroom early to assemble. Everyone was speculating about the reason for Hu Jinmei's late arrival, and teacher Yuan Yongzhao, who led the team, came, and as soon as he entered the classroom, he said to us loudly with a black face: "Hu Jinmei will not participate in the interview." It turned out that the day after the test results were announced, a neighbor who had never been friendly with Hu Jinmei's family went to the Education Bureau to report Hu Jinmei, saying that her age had exceeded the age of normal school enrollment for one month. According to the regulations at the time, Hu Jinmei was disqualified from the interview.

Life is uncertain, and a retaliatory report has changed the trajectory of Hu Jinmei's life. After that, I never saw Hu Jinmei again, only to hear that after not being admitted to the normal school, her family moved out of the Huang Geshu compound. My mother had seen her mother once in the town. At the mention of Hu Jinmei, her mother sighed and said, "I went to a foreign country to study."

Time flies. Counting on the fingers, the classmates who studied together in the Huang Geshu Compound were already middle-aged people in their forties. This time, when I heard the news that the compound was about to be demolished, I thought again of the Yellow Geshu compound and the youthful faces of that year.

Old Age

Old Ji is my aunt and father, that is, my eldest son's husband. At first, he worked in the city repair team. After the disintegration of the unit, Lao Ji became a laid-off worker and set up a bicycle repair and tricycle stall on the street to make a living. Later, Lao Ji reached retirement age and became a retired family who took pensions to eat.

Old Ji loves to drink, loves to brag, and has a bold personality. In those years of building bicycles at street stalls, he had a group of friends who regarded him as his big brother. If a friend got into trouble outside, Old Ji stood up and said hello, and the matter was almost settled. At that time, the old ji wanted no money, no room, and looked ugly (a scar was pulled diagonally on the left side of the face). With the amount of liquor that does not pour a pound and a half of liquor and the arrogance of serving people, he has become famous among friends.

Lao Ji mixed well in front of his friends, but was degraded by his relatives to a penny. He also blamed himself. Let's say that this time, Lao Ji saw that the traffic at the market gate was large and the business was good, so he wanted to put his bicycle repair stall next to the fruit stall next to the gate. Unexpectedly, the young man who sold fruit was a second-in-command, and when he mentioned an old bicycle, he threw it out: "Lao Tzu paid the booth fee, why did you put it here?" Old Ji knew that he was wrong, but verbally refused to lose. "You wait, you wait, Lao Tzu will immediately find someone to clean you up," he said as he left.

Lao Ji found the eldest brother who was the director of the industrial and commercial institute, and he wanted the eldest brother to come forward to support him, and did not want to listen to Lao Ji's speech, but the eldest brother said that Lao Ji was adding chaos to the place he managed. After saying that, he threw a bag of Red Tower Mountain to him and let him move the stall away by himself.

Compared with the big mess of old Ji Gan, these small things are not worth mentioning. It was one night in July 2003, and it was already 1:30 a.m. when my eldest brother's cell phone on his pillow suddenly rang. At first glance, it was a strange number. But as soon as the phone was connected, there was a crying voice from Lao Ji: "I have suffered, and now I am in the hospital, you hurry up." When the eldest brother heard it, his heart was also panicked, and he quickly asked him what was going on. Old Ji said one moment that he fell into a dark ditch and broke his leg while walking in the dark, and then said that his three wheels were hit by a farm car at the head of a township dam. "You're going to hurry up, I'm going to die." Old Ji said something scary on the phone. Asked which hospital Lao Ji was in, the eldest brother quickly got dressed and got out of bed, went out and stopped a taxi and went straight to the hospital.

The eldest brother rushed to the hospital emergency room to find Lao Ji. Old Ji was indeed not lightly injured, half of his face was swollen, his left calf was also broken, and the camouflage suit he was wearing was also torn. But Lao Ji did not fall into the dark ditch and break his leg, nor was he hit by a farm car, but he got drunk in the middle of the night and fought with others.

However, I really think that the old ji is useless like this, and the old ji is not the old ji. In handling the matter of the old master's aftermath, lao Ji was unanimously praised by his relatives. The old man walked in winter, heard the news, and the old Ji immediately contacted a dragon next to the house to take care of the old man's affairs. A week after this, the body of the old man was sent to the crematorium for cremation, and the shrine was set up in the town to accept the worship of relatives and friends, until the final burial on the mountain, and the old Ji always ran in the front. He said to my mother, "Sister Qian, I will entrust the matter of food to me, and I will guarantee that you will be properly groomed." For several days in a row, Old Ji ran around the mountains and the town every day. Busy with everyone's food, buying tobacco, alcohol, peanuts and melon seeds, and even going into the kitchen to say to people: "Boss, so many people, you see, the dishes are not fresh, then you will not give money." Everyone sees these things in their eyes.

This is the old ji.

Casserole ya fish

People who have been to Ya'an know the three Ya'an: Yayu, Yayu, and Yanu. The casserole yayu is made of yayu as the main ingredient, and it is a famous dish of Bashu that is quite famous inside and outside Sichuan.

Yayu is a fish endemic to Ya'an, which is only produced in Ya'an and has high nutritional value. Because it was first discovered in the cave of Ya'an Bing Cave Mountain, it is also known as the C Cave JiaYu. "The golden rooster sings the old immortal family, and the C cave Jiayu passes through the earth..." The Yayu of the C Cave Mountain was once one of the old ten landscapes of Ya'an. The casserole pot that cooks the fish is a black casserole pot from Xingjing Prefecture and is also a famous local specialty in Chuanchu. The casserole ya fish cooked with it is not only "fragrant, fish tender soup fresh", but also because its thermal insulation performance is far better than the general casserole, a pot of good casserole ya fish on the table, the casserole pot is still fresh soup tumbling after a long time, people can't help but appetite greatly increased.

Casserole yayu has been inherited and developed by generations of chefs, and today's casserole yayu has long become a home-cooked dish in Ya'an, from hotel restaurants to ordinary people's homes. When making casserole fish, first dip a piece of washed fish with Sichuan salt and rice wine, put the chicken neck bone on the bottom of the casserole, and then put the fish on the chicken bone, and then put the cut chicken, pork heart slices, pork liver slices, pork belly slices into the casserole in turn, as well as cut ham, tofu, dried shrimp and shallots and garlic, mushrooms, pepper and other spices. A pot of casserole fish is cooked, and finally the soup noodles are poured with chicken melting oil, and an authentic casserole fish is completed.

At the end of a casserole fish, the owner of the east will definitely break the head of the fish, take out the "sword" hidden in the head of the fish and give it to the guests who come from afar for souvenirs and collections. This "sword" is actually a fish bone that resembles a sword in the head of the fish, but there is also a beautiful legend. According to legend, the "sword" was an evolution of a sword left in the Tsing Yi River when the lady of the year supplemented the heavens. Year after year, this "sword" hidden in the head of the Yayu has long become a unique gift from the Ya'an people to their friends from other places.

Eat casserole fish all year round, especially in the cold winter. A steaming pot of casserole Fish was brought to the table, not only delicious, but also eaten a beautiful and moving legend, eating the hospitality of the Ya'an people.

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