
How are rhododendron reticulated bugs controlled?

author:Garden gardening maintenance

Rhododendron reticulated bugs, also known as cuckoo crowned reticulated bugs, are seriously harmful in July and September of each year, especially in August, which is the peak period. It often harms rhododendrons, cherry blossoms, tung trees, pear trees, grass and other plants.

[1] The occurrence of rhododendron reticulated bugs:

The size of the cuckoo reticulated bug is generally 3-4 mm, which is smaller than the reticulated bugs on pear trees and tung trees. Because the wings are translucent, membranous, and reticulated, they are called reticulos. Generally, 5-10 bags can occur a year.

The insect begins to occur in March every year, mainly clustering on the back of the leaves, and usually reaching the peak of harm in July and September of each year. High temperatures and droughts are conducive to aggravating the occurrence of insect pests.

【2】Hazard symptoms:

Harmful on the back of the leaves, the nymph peels and dehulls. They also live in groups on the back of the leaves to suck sap, endangering plants. It often causes pinpoint-like grayish-white, pale spots on the front of the leaf, which in severe cases causes the entire leaf surface to lose its luster. The back of the leaves often secrete black granular excrement, and cause yellow stains on the leaves, such as yellow rust powder, which seriously affects the photosynthesis of rhododendron leaves, causing the rhododendron tree to decline, defoliation ahead of schedule, and affect normal growth.

[3] Prevention and control measures:

In terms of prevention and control, comprehensive measures must be adopted, which can greatly reduce the annual amount of insects and reduce the harm more effectively.

1. Timely pruning, paying attention to ventilation and light transmission, and reasonable dense planting can reduce the occurrence of insect pests.

2. In the summer high temperature season, pay attention to spraying water, which can reduce the occurrence and harm of net bugs.

3. In autumn and winter, it is necessary to clean up the dead branches and leaves in time to reduce the wintering insects.

4. Drug prevention and control, can be used 50% malathion, mevipyridine, chlorpyrifos perchlorine, high efficiency cypermethrin, etc.

5. When using drugs to control pests, some foliar fertilizers and nutrient regulators should be added appropriately to help the leaves of rhododendrons to re-green, restore tree potential, and achieve the purpose of rapidly entering normal growth.

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How are rhododendron reticulated bugs controlled?

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