
There are 50 ticks in the pot, spray this liquid, a day all gone, the effect is good To introduce how to prevent ticks? How to prevent it

author:Farmer teacher

In the process of raising flowers, many flowers often appear in the shell insects, especially after the opening of spring the temperature is high, the shell insects are particularly prone to occur, easy to occur in the fleshy, fortune tree, moon season, etc., this time to stay at home for a long time, today found that the succulents are covered with small white spots, obviously the insects are coming again, the initial slightly counted, a small succulent has more than 50 shell insects (not including hidden in the gaps).

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > introduces the insect shell</h1>

About the insect shell, many flower farmers are very familiar, the reproductive ability of the insect shell is very strong, many generations a year, the insect shell not only harms the leaves, but also will "eat" the branches and other branches after the appearance of the insect on the fortune tree, there will be oily substances on the leaves, succulents appear on the scale insects, succulents will slowly die, generally appear in the hidden position, generally in the leaf back and crevices.

There are 50 ticks in the pot, spray this liquid, a day all gone, the effect is good To introduce how to prevent ticks? How to prevent it

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >how to prevent ticks? </h1>

Ticks generally occur more under warm and moist conditions, so proper ventilation is necessary, especially in air-conditioned rooms and heating rooms, succulents need to pay more attention, if there are already bugs, it is recommended to move the robust plant a little, so as to avoid stimulating infection.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to prevent it</h1>

Some people say that alcohol is sprayed, now alcohol is a tight commodity, not easy to buy, in fact, spraying alcohol is also a symptom but not a cure, after a period of time after spraying will recur.

Today, let's use the smoke stem extract and spray it up and down repeatedly.

There are 50 ticks in the pot, spray this liquid, a day all gone, the effect is good To introduce how to prevent ticks? How to prevent it
There are 50 ticks in the pot, spray this liquid, a day all gone, the effect is good To introduce how to prevent ticks? How to prevent it

After spraying for a day, the white dots fell down, directly hung off, this smoke stem extract was invented by the doctor of the Agricultural University, there is no smell, for aphids, aphids, small black fly and other effects are good, suitable for the use of children and the elderly at home.

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Hualishen natural smoke stem extract non-toxic and odorless home flower breeding vegetable control aphid aphid shell insect ¥35 purchase

Dr. Nongda extracts tobacco stems, insecticide chrysanthemums, etc., extracts the extract of Hualishen tobacco stems, which is non-toxic to people and animals, has no bad odor, and can drive away or kill insects such as aphid shell insects, aphids, and small black fly.

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