
Eleutheroccus senticosus is a key technology for efficient cultivation

author:Blue willow

Eleutheroccus senticosus is a key technology for efficient cultivation

Acanthopanax senticosus has a variety of medicinal ingredients and extremely high food health value. Harvested in the early spring eleuthero young stems and leaves, blanched in boiling water, can be soaked in water, fried or soup, can also be dried vegetables, now most of them are also fresh food, but also developed into canned food, health care products, etc., such as eleuthero wine, eleuthero drink [2-3] and so on. With the increasing demand in the market, wild Eleutheroccus senticosus has been over-mined, and its resources have decreased year by year, resulting in serious damage to wild resources and regional ecological environments, and wild resources have even been endangered and depleted. Artificial cultivation and planting is the only way, which can effectively protect the ecological balance, maintain its diversity and expand the resources of species, form a resource advantage, and realize the sustainable use and industrialization of the species. At present, the key technologies of Eleutherocococcus parvodia cultivation are not standardized, and there are often poor technical levels of seedlings and low quality of seedlings, which directly affect the early yield and even affect the total yield, resulting in certain economic losses. Therefore, it is urgent to standardize the key technologies of Eleutherococcus eleuthero cultivation, which is of great significance for improving the comprehensive production capacity of Eleutherococcus eleuthero, realizing its dual use of food and medicine, stable production and high yield, increasing the income of pharmaceutical farmers, and developing the county economy.

Eleutheroccus senticosus is a key technology for efficient cultivation

1 seedling breeding

1.1 Seed harvesting

In late September, the seeds are harvested on robust plants, and the fruit matures black and purple-brown, and when it becomes soft, it is harvested. After harvesting, soak the fruit in water for 24 h, rub off the peel and pulp, repeatedly wash the seeds with water, rinse the grains and debris, select the seeds that are full of grains and disease-free seeds, and mix well according to the volume ratio of the seeds and the clean fine river sand 1:3, with a humidity of 60% (it is advisable to hold the seeds into a ball without scattering).

1.2 Seed treatment

1.2.1 Indoor burial. The mixed seed sand is loaded into a water-holding and breathable container such as a wooden box, stored at an indoor temperature of about 20 °C for 50 days, and then reduced to 15 to 18 °C, then treated for 60 to 80 days, and turned every 1 week or so. It is then moved to an environment of 0 to 4 °C for storage, so that the embryo completes differentiation, and at the same time completes the vernalization effect, and the hormone balance required for physiological post-ripening is achieved [5], which can be used for sowing seedlings.

1.2.2 Open burial. In the sunny leeward, select a well-drained location, dig 20 cm deep and 40 cm wide, determine the length of the trench by the number of seeds and sand, lay 5 cm thick wet sand on the bottom of the ditch, spread the mixed seed sand (10 cm thick) in the trough, put 5 cm thick wet sand on the ditch surface, the trough surface is higher than the ground, covered with leaves, to help moisturize, for the spring of the third year of sowing, 30% white can be sown.

1.3 Sowing seedlings

Plots of deep loam or sandy loam soils with nearby irrigation conditions and neutral acidic soil pH. In mid-to-late April, when the seeds are more than 30% white, they can be sown. Strips are sown on the bed at 15 cm row spacing to trench, 2 to 3 cm deep, and cover the soil with 1 to 1.5 cm after uniform seed sowing. When sowing, spread the seeds evenly into the bed and cover the soil for 1 to 1.5 cm. After sowing, suppress the cover grass to protect the soil.

1.3.1 Seedling management. Before and after seedlings, weeding should be manually weeded in time. At the beginning of the growth of seedlings, watering should be small amounts multiple times to keep the upper layer of the seedbed moist. When the seedlings are basically ready and some of the seedlings grow the first true leaf, the shade net is covered with shade and the shade net is removed in late July. The seedling time is carried out when the seedlings are 3 to 5 cm tall, and it is advisable to retain about 150 plants every 1 m2. The spacing of 2-year-old Eleutheroccus parvocena seedlings should be expanded by a factor of 1.

1.3.2 Burying seedlings. In the spring, the internodes and apex of eleuthero rhizomes are dug out and the root segments with latent buds are cut, the branches are cut from the upper part of the stem 3 to 5 cm, leaving 1 to 2 main roots with a length of no more than 15 cm, cultivated on the selected land, the plant row spacing is 30 cm×30 cm, the root segments are flattened in the ditch for compaction, the thickness of the cover is 3 cm, and the surface of the seedbed should be covered with some dead branches and leaves, weeds, etc. to ensure that the soil is moist.

1.3.3 Cuttings and seedlings. From late June to early July, cut the growing semi-woody branches, cut a small section of about 10 cm long to make cuttings, leave only 1 palm-shaped compound leaf or cut the leaf in half, and dip the cuttings in 100 mg/L indole butyric acid solution quickly. According to the row spacing of 15 cm, plant spacing of 8 cm, the cuttings are inserted obliquely into the seedbed soil, the soil is 2/3 deep, the film is covered with watering, about 20 d or so is rooted, the film is removed, and a shading shed is built on the insertion bed, and transplanted after 1 year of growth.

Eleutheroccus senticosus is a key technology for efficient cultivation

2 Planting

2.1 Land selection and land preparation

The cultivation site should be selected loose and fertile, the soil layer is deep, close to the water source, containing humus slightly acidic soil, loam, sandy loam soil can be planted, the slope of the woodland should be less than 25 °. The minimum temperature is not less than -38 °C, in line with the requirements of GB-15618, GB-30951. After the cultivation site is selected, it should be deeply cultivated for 30 cm and carefully prepared. Remove stubble and debris, remove tree roots, weeds and stones, and loosen the soil.

2.2 Field planting

During cultivation, the row spacing of the plants is determined by different cultivation uses. The seedlings are transplanted and colonized in mid-to-late April in the spring of the second year. Settle flat with row spacing of 50 cm×60 cm. 33 300 seedlings per hectare. Planing the hole, the hole is 25 cm deep, bury half of the soil when planting, water enough and then bury the sapling. The density of sparse forest land or barren land can be 1.0 m × 1.0 m in row spacing, and 9 000 plants can be planted per hectare.

3 Field management

3.1 Weeding in medium tillage

Immediately after the saplings are planted, weeding and loosening the soil should be carried out, the germinated weeds and shrubs should be removed, the soil should be loosened in the planting hole, and the weeding work should be carried out twice during the period, and the field should be cleaned.

3.2 Topdressing

Compound fertilizer was applied once a year in the spring, compound fertilizer was applied 150~225 kg/hm2, radial groove was applied at the rhizosphere, and the topsoil was covered after fertilization.

3.3 Pruning and shaping

Pruned from November of the same year to before mid-March of the following year (dormant period), mainly cutting useless branches such as dead branches and aging branches.

4 Pest control

4.1 Diseases

4.1.1 Cataplexy. Seeds or shoots decay when they are not unearthed, and the base of the stem on the surface or under the surface of the seedling stage shows water-stained spots, and the diseased part is yellowish brown. Gradually spreading with the diseased plant as the center, the young stems wilt, the leaf edges are green in the short term, and after 2 to 3 days, they fall and die, and white mold will grow in the severe diseased part and the soil surface nearby, and the plots appear as a blocky circular ward. Stop using various fungicides and insecticides 30 d prior to harvesting.

Prevention method: mainly prevention, spray an equal amount of Bordeaux liquid (1:1:200) after the seedlings emerge, spray once every 7 days, 3 times continuously. When cataplexy is detected, spray the seedbed with 50% carbendazim 500 times liquid every 7 days for 3 consecutive sprays.

4.1.2 Dark spot disease. In order to harm the leaves, the young leaves are the first to develop, first producing brown to black brown 1 to 2 mm round spots, the edges are obvious, and then the spots gradually expand into a nearly circular or irregular shape, the center is grayish white or gray-brown, the edges are black brown, and occasionally the wheel pattern. In severe cases, it presents large disease spots, causing the leaves to scorch and deform, causing early leaf defoliation. When the weather is wet, the surface of the spot is full of black mold.

Prevention and control methods: mainly prevention, during the growth of Eleutherococcus parvo, spray an equal amount of Bordeaux liquid (1:1:200), spray once every 7 days, 3 times continuously. Initially, 3% polyantimycin 500-fold solution may be sprayed.

4.1.3 Coal pollution disease. Small black mold spots are formed on the leaf surface and branches, and then the continuous patches are enlarged, so that the entire leaf surface and young shoots are covered with a layer of black mold. Prevention and control methods: mainly prevention, during the growth of Eleutherococcus parvo, spray an equal amount of Bordeaux liquid (1:1:200), spray once every 7 days, 3 times continuously. Initially, 3% polyantimycin 500-fold solution may be sprayed.

4.1.4 Standing blight. The seedlings shrink and decay at 3 to 5 cm near the ground, causing the seedlings to lodging.

Control method: Immediately pull out the diseased strain and irrigate the roots with 20% methyl liquat emulsion 300 to 500 times liquid.

4.2 Insect pests

4.2.1 Aphids, mesozoans. Adult and juvenile aphids cluster young shoots, bud base and leaf back spur suck sap, resulting in yellowing of leaves, plant wilting, and poor growth. Control method: Sprayed with 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 1 500 times liquid when found.

4.2.2 Thorn moths, wax cicadas, large bridge worms. Adult and nymphs suck the sap from young shoots, leaves and branches, affecting the growth of branches, weakening the tree, and in severe cases, causing branches to die.

Control method: Sprayed with 25% imidacloprid wettable powder 2,000 times liquid when found.

4.2.3 Shaw wood lice. It is a specialized food pest that occurs in 2 generations per year. Activities begin in mid-April every year, mating and laying eggs in early to mid-May, eggs are mostly produced on both sides of the front main vein of the leaf at the top of the twigs, and after the nymph hatches in mid-May, the insect body climbs down the leaf surface to the petiole near the base of the main vein or the tender stem, and burrows into the leaf flesh or the inner part of the tender stem epidermis to suck the sap for harm, forming a gall of different sizes at the site of the victim.

Control method: artificial insect removal, removal of leaves and twigs with galls. After the fall of leaves in autumn, clean up the field garden in time, burn the dead branches and leaves in a concentrated manner and bury them deeply, and control the source of insects. Control with 1.2% matrine emulsion 1 000 times.

Eleutheroccus senticosus is a key technology for efficient cultivation

5 Harvesting

Different parts of Eleuthero are harvested at different times. Young leaves can be harvested from late April to late August. The specific picking time can be observed to start picking after the young leaves have been fully stretched but not particularly tender. During the picking process, a "pick one stay one" approach should be adopted to ensure that the normal growth of trees is not affected. Young stems are picked up to 15 to 20 cm in length. The berries are completely purple-brown, and the fruit is harvested when the main stem of the panicle is lignified to a yellowish brown, and the fruit is first supported by hand when harvesting, and then cut at the base of the stem with scissors and stored in a ventilated and cool place. The harvesting of the roots and stems begins in the autumn when the leaves of the trees fall, and the branches of more than 1 to 2 m are harvested.

6 Storage

After the root bark is dried, it is wrapped in a woven bag, and 100 to 200 eleuthero stems are packed in a bundle. Transport is carried out under contamination-free conditions, and the roots and stems must be transported after drying. Eleutheroccus must be stored in a special warehouse and may not be stacked arbitrarily. The warehouse should be dry, ventilated, pollution-free, and free of toxic and harmful substances.

Eleutheroccus senticosus is a key technology for efficient cultivation

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