
"Hd Photos" Small partridges in Yilong Lake, Yunnan Province

author:Yunnan Net
"Hd Photos" Small partridges in Yilong Lake, Yunnan Province

The small partridge of Yilong Lake can drift and dive

Yunnan Shiping Yilong Lake is not only one of the nine plateau lakes in Yunnan Province, but also belongs to the nature reserve and an important habitat for wild birds. There are many wild birds in Yilong Lake, their physical characteristics and survival skills have their own characteristics, some can fly, some are good at swimming, some feed on fish and shrimp, some feed on aquatic insects, among many birds, the small partridge (pì tī) whether diving or fishing shrimp, can be described as a skill, it can not only swim and dive, but also is an expert in fishing shrimp, because it is good at floating on the water foraging, playing, nesting, mating, breeding, body shape looks like a gourd, duck and turtle, so in real life people seal it two elegant names:" Water Hyacinth" and "King Eight Ducks".

"Hd Photos" Small partridges in Yilong Lake, Yunnan Province

Why can the little partridge get such a high "title" in people's minds? When did it appear in Allosaurus Lake? Is it a resident bird, a summer migratory bird, a winter migratory bird or a traveling bird? In what months does it breed? What do they feed on? What is the current state of survival? Compared to many wild waterbirds, where is its superior survival skills? In order to uncover the mysteries in my heart one by one and present many stories that are not known behind the little partridge, throughout the summer of 2020, I use the camera in my hand to spy on a series of survival status of the little partridge, and strive to interpret the stories behind the little partridge through the language of the lens bit by bit.

"Hd Photos" Small partridges in Yilong Lake, Yunnan Province

Tachybaptus ruficollis is a species of water bird in the genus Grebe in the family Grebe. Body length 25-29 cm, wingspan 40-45 cm, weight 100-200 g, lifespan 13 years. The occipital part has a black-brown crown; the adult has a black-brown hetero-brown wrinkled collar on the upper neck; the upper body is black-brown and the lower body is white. In The Dragon Lake, when did the little partridge appear? According to the relevant historical materials and inquiries from relevant people, there is no professional historical record of the origin of this species in Yilong Lake. According to the analysis of bird experts, the small partridge in Yilong Lake has appeared for a long time than any kind of water bird, it is widely distributed, and it cannot be accurately judged from the time node, according to professional bird data, there are lakes, seas, ponds, dams, reservoirs where you can see the figure of the little ibis. In Yilong Lake, whether in the deep water area or shallow water area, people can see its figure all year round, they are three or three twos, leisurely wandering on the surface of the water or foraging, or playing, or raising young birds, because it stays in Yilong Lake all year round, it can be seen anytime and anywhere, so it is divided from the wild bird residence type, and the small partridge is a bird.

"Hd Photos" Small partridges in Yilong Lake, Yunnan Province

Strolling along the long shoreline of Yilong Lake, the figure of small partridges is everywhere, sometimes floating motionless on the surface of the water, sometimes wandering left and right on the wide water surface, sometimes diving the whole body in the water, pecking out fish and shrimp to fill the hunger. In The Dragon Lake, although the little partridge has appeared for a long time, it can be regarded as the elder of the lake, but they do not have the habit of dominating the road and posing the old qualifications, compared with many water birds, the little partridge does not have a strong sense of territory, so they can live in harmony with other birds. They feed on aquatic insects and their larvae, fish, shrimp, etc. In the hot summer, in The Lotus Flower of Yilong Lake is competing for the flowers from June to August, like many birds, the little ibises usher in the mating and breeding season of the year. During the breeding season, their cheeks, necks and throats are coated with bright maroon red, yellow mouth spots are also very obvious, with a clear "logo", put on a beautiful "wedding dress", find a confidant, the partridge both in the reeds, water lilies, lotus ponds with their beaks to peck lotuses, water lilies rotten leaves and reeds, calamus dry grass and some of the leaves of bitter grass, black grass, bamboo leaf eye vegetables, and work together to create a floating "water wedding room". Having found their own intimate companion, with their own warm love house to shelter from the wind and rain, the little partridge played the music of reproduction, and in the sunset and twilight, they stepped on their backs and mated in their wedding room, completing the happiest love of summer. When the mother of the partridge gives birth to the crystallization of love, they are not like other birds, the task of incubating the eggs is not done by the specific father or mother alone, but both parties will go all out, take turns to incubate the eggs, and jointly assume the responsibility of incubating the eggs and raising the young birds. Partridges lay 4-7 eggs per clutch for a incubation period of 19-24 days. During the incubation period, no matter which side of the partridge sticks to the nest, the eyes will always look around the four directions, maintain a high degree of vigilance, if they encounter predators and danger, they will never abandon their babies regardless of fleeing, but quickly get up, immediately cover the grass with the beak to peck the nest to hide the eggs under them, and then quickly leave the nest to dive and escape, swimming not far from their nests, the partridges use their own eyes to look at their nests, until the danger is completely lifted, they are careful to swim closer to the nest, Use your beak to peck at the weeds that cover the eggs and do your job of hatching eggs.

"Hd Photos" Small partridges in Yilong Lake, Yunnan Province

Young birds are early adult birds, and soon after birth, the young birds can follow the adult birds to feed. When the young birds are first born, the two sides alternately guard the young birds, taking turns to go out to feed, catching small fish and shrimp to carefully feed their little babies. Under the careful care of their parents, the young birds grow rapidly, and after a few days, the young birds can learn to float, swim and dive. After having the ability to swim and dive, the father and mother of the little duck began to take their little babies out of the nest to teach diving skills and fishing skills. Following their parents out of the nest for the first time, the little partridge is full of curiosity about the outside world, sometimes following the parents in line obediently, sometimes lying on the back of the mother, sticking the small head out of the soft feathers of the mother, observing the wonderful jianghu world.

"Hd Photos" Small partridges in Yilong Lake, Yunnan Province

In Yilong Lake, compared to other wild water birds, the little partridge is good at swimming and diving, and they can be called swimming and diving experts. In the wide waters of Yilong Lake, not only have they trained the ability of the little partridge to swim and dive, but also achieved their flying skills, but their flight ability is much inferior to other birds, and they need to wade on the surface of the water for a short flight after a certain distance on the surface of the water, although they can fly, but compared with other birds, they fly short and fly low. Among the many wild water birds, the little partridge is active, and when they forage, they wander on the surface of the water, shuttle through the lotus pond, reeds, and frequently dive and peck out fish and shrimp to fill their hunger. The most leisurely time of the day, when the partridge is full and resting, they will float motionless on the surface of the water in groups of three or five, or close their eyes and snooze in the sun, or extend their necks, spread their wings, and shake their bodies. Or chase and play with each other. The small partridge is short and round, floating and sinking like a gourd on the water, so it is also known as "water hyacinth", in the water surface, because it can swim well, its shape resembles a turtle like a duck, so it is known as "Wang Eight Ducks".

In the long river of history, it is not known how many years the little partridge has survived in Yilong Lake, but as a member of the biodiversity of Yilong Lake, to this day, this species still shows strong vitality, full of vitality, full of vitality, adding color to the wild Yilong Lake.

Yunnan network correspondent Kong Bin photo report

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