
Baby partridges in brooding

author:Tai Chi donkey Lao Dong

  In July 2020, several small eels were seen on the surface of a pond. It is estimated that there are 50-60 meters away, looking at it from a distance, a few sliding water streaks make people notice that there are several small dots moving, and it is only when the telephoto camera is used to extend the focal length to see that it is a small crane. The little plover is small, afraid of people, and only swims on the surface of the water far from the shore, so it cannot be seen if you do not pay attention.

Video: Little Crane

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  Photographing a water bird is easier than photographing a forest bird, and as long as you can spot it, you have time to focus.

Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding

Video: Early in the morning the little plovers will look for food along the edge of the pond, which is a good time to see them. The little bird was seen swimming to the edge of the pond, hiding behind the bushes, and recording a small video with his mobile phone


Video: The little bird must have better eyesight, and found someone hiding behind a tree in the distance, and the big bird called the alarm to call the young bird to swim into the distance.

Baby partridges in brooding

From Baidu query to :

Small partridge: 25-29 cm long, it is a small diving bird that inhabits lakes, ponds and swamps. Feeds on aquatic insects, small fish, shrimp, etc.

Most of the populations in the northern region are summer migratory birds, and the populations in the southern regions are mostly resident birds.

Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding

  The little squirrel prefers to move on the wide surface of the water and is easier to spot than the black water pheasant that prefers to hide in the water grass.

Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding

Protection level of the little squirrel:

It is included in the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species and the List of Terrestrial Wild Animals Under National Protection that are beneficial or have important economic or scientific research value.

The little plover fishes to feed the young birds

Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding

  One morning when I saw them again, the little bird was alert and afraid of people, and when he saw that people were photographing them, the big bird called out to swim with the young birds into the distance.

The little crane is raising children, so the vigilance will be higher.

Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding

The little crane saw someone on the shore and swam off into the distance

Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding

The juvenile of the crane has striped feathers on its neck

Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding
Baby partridges in brooding

Tai Chi Donkey

July 20, 2020


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