
The sad revelry of "Red Breeze Night Run"

author:Home-cooked reading

Poetic life is still not the purpose of "Red Breeze Night Run", as the author said: "There is always a little possibility in this world that a good dream can come true, but it may not be true until the time of waking up." We need these dreams because the real world is so boring. "('Red Breeze Night Run') The characters in the work are always fleeing, fleeing to a place where the creativity of the life force can be freely released, to a place where people can dream, but often it backfires.



The sad revelry of "Red Breeze Night Run"

Two words appear repeatedly in the work: "above" and "renrui", and the disappearance of vitality is related to these two words. First of all, "above" took the initiative to promote "Renrui". "Above" represents an established order, serious and rigid, equivalent to Bakhtin's official, "first life" meaning. It is the never-ending operating machine of the real society, and it is necessary to constantly select new "renrui" to inject into it, and the so-called "renrui" is a person who conforms to the established real social order. A steady stream of "renrui" maintains the metabolism of the established order, while stifling, utilizing and transforming the vitality and creativity of carnival. Li Jing's invention of the square machine and the fire extinguishing cylinder are all derived from his hobbies, and it can be said that his invention is a spontaneous game. After being bought by Emperor Taizong, the square machine was used to attack the enemy, and the fire extinguishing cylinder was named "Wei Gong Shen Barrel" to pour dung on the rebellious people, which made the personal game a very fatal thing. "Above" quietly uses and transforms the game into utilitarian labor, Li Jing unconsciously becomes "Ren Rui", the game and the people are alienated, and the vitality and creativity are stifled. Wang Er, a person who "does not seek progress" in the real society, invented Calculus, wrote it as a paper and posted it, and it was quickly published, becoming an excellent young worker, and was also promoted to associate professor, which shows that the established order only needs high-sounding ornaments to maintain its operation, and people have to devote themselves to this never-ending machine in order to survive, rotating with its orbit, and this track is a fraud.

Secondly, everyone unconsciously identifies with the established order and wants to become a "human" to climb to "above". The order of the real world gave people many blows: contrary to its order, Li Jing had no choice but to work as a hooligan in Luoyang City, not only being hated by the authorities, but also becoming an enemy of the people, but that was the period when his vitality was at its most vigorous; the order of the real world gave people many benefits: in accordance with its order, Li Jing became the WeiGong of the Tang Dynasty, and at that time he pretended to be a ghost all day and slept. The nature of profit-seeking and avoidance of harm makes all people deeply identify with this order, while forgetting their own subjective value, abandoning the poetic and free pursuit, and only wanting to seize the opportunity to climb to the top of the established order pyramid. Wang Xiaobo portrayed the reality of people desperately throwing themselves into the first kind of life: "The leadership told us to be spies, kill people, rob tombs, smear ketchup on the dishes of the state banquet, and tell us to do anything." Therefore, there is no need to buy, we are spies, murderers, grave robbers, vegetable people, etc., just waiting for the leader to give an order. The reality is so aggressive that people are completely alienated by the established order, by the first life, and most people do not make independent value judgments outside of this order, let alone pursue a poetic life. And once people have pursuits outside of order, they will become the enemy of everyone, just like Li Jing in Luoyang City.

Sadness is born from this. Li Jing's unique poetic life ended quietly after the completion of Chang'an, after the attempted assassination attempted by the Taizong faction, and when he became a "renrui"; he could only rely on pretending to be stupid to keep his peace for the rest of his life. Tired of the established life, Hongfu escaped from the stone walls of Yang Sufu, escaped from Luoyang City, and followed her lover to live in Chang'an, but fell into another cage. She wears her makeup carefully every day before going to work: "Paint crow's feet on the corners of the eyes and the corners of the mouth." She also wears a bra made of scallops, the role of which is to flatten the breasts, if the back of the shell is facing down, it can also give people a feeling of falling, and hang two bags of water under the bra, wear a false belly, a false buttocks (the role of this thing is also to make people feel falling). This exaggerated depiction reveals the deformed strangulation of life and beauty by the established order. She instigated Wei Gong to flee again, but her skills were no longer strong. Wei Gong died, and even Hongfu, who had lost sex, could no longer bear this kind of life, so he applied for death, but all people thought that Hongfu was martyred for the sake of selling fame and reputation; she also had to run to various yamen every day to handle the procedures for martyrdom for herself, which was half a year, and had to go through complex rituals such as welfare, hunger strike, enemas, makeup, etc., and finally stood on a high platform to let everyone visit and hang herself, which was an extremely ironic process. Red Breeze stood on a high platform excitedly waiting to meet with the long-awaited death, this is the last bit of fun in life, right? "Red Breeze At the last moment, nine Venus really appeared in front of his eyes. The stars buzzed and flew like bumblebees made of copper, leaving a stinging pain everywhere they went. ...... Such a death is more terrible than a sexless, unintelligent, and uninteresting life. "The contrast between poetic language and life like backwater makes for a sadness. The despair of life and the pain of shrinking vitality are out of control like a flood. Hongfu did not die, she mysteriously disappeared, she did not even escape from life, but also had to live so sexless, unwise, and boring, just like Wang Er, who became a "renrui", still went to work in the department every day, and still had to endure despair to live in the world.


Another life

The sad revelry of "Red Breeze Night Run"

Wang Xiaobo said that his story had no moral, he just wrote about his life. "What can life mean?" It would be nice to have some hope in it. "The story may have many moral implications in fragments, but on the whole, the author presents us with the interesting and established reality of the imaginary carnival, allowing us to see a poetic world irretrievably reduced to vulgarity, life eventually leading to the despair after the carnival, giving the reader a sea of sadness. As the author puts it: "If you need a moral, to say it explicitly is: there is no hope at all." ”

Wang Xiaobo's "Red Breeze Night Run" allows us to see another life, and also allows us to see another way of writing novels. In the carnival of laughter and being laughed, in the poetic enjoyment, the truth and truth are cruelly revealed, and a deep sense of sadness slowly rises from the paper and sinks into the reader's heart.

Author: Zhang Xinjie

Source: CNKI

Copyright: Owned by the author, please do not commercialize without authorization, this article is for learning and communication only

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