
Take stock of the five small insects that make people talk about discoloration, please detour when you see it! Cherish life, bullet ants, Japanese hornets, and our common fly

Parasitic flies

From eggs to adults, there is a necessary stage, that is, the larval stage, at which time we call them maggots. Maggots grow up by providing nutrients from their hosts. But how do maggots that parasitize flies to their hosts? For an example, let's talk about the aforementioned horse stomach fly. Horse stomach flies lay eggs into the grass, the horse swallows the eggs when they graze, and the temperature of the horse's mouth hatches the eggs, and then the maggots come out

Take stock of the five small insects that make people talk about discoloration, please detour when you see it! Cherish life, bullet ants, Japanese hornets, and our common fly

Japanese bumblebee

It's only the size of your thumb, but it spews out venom that corrodes the skin. You can imagine the saliva and bodily fluids of those monsters inside the alien, disgusting, right? If that venom hits you in the eye, needless to say, you know what the consequences will be. This venom will also attract other poisonous bees nearby, which will chase you until you hang up.

Take stock of the five small insects that make people talk about discoloration, please detour when you see it! Cherish life, bullet ants, Japanese hornets, and our common fly

Bullet ants

The reason why these ants are called bullet ants is because they bite them, and it hurts like a shot. In terms of the degree of pain, this is the most powerful one in the world. The good news is that they live in the rainforests of Brazil. There, there was a tribe of male coming-of-age ceremonies that gave this ant a dozen bites, ten minutes each time, and watched the video. It's not easy to be a man.

Take stock of the five small insects that make people talk about discoloration, please detour when you see it! Cherish life, bullet ants, Japanese hornets, and our common fly

Killer bees

Usually, European bees do not decide whether to attack an intruder until nine seconds after someone approaches their hive. And they stopped chasing after intruders when they drove them 300 feet away. That is to say, we can safely walk through a European bee's hive without alarming the bees, and it is easier to escape by being targeted by the swarm. But killer bees are different, reacting to intruders in 0.5 seconds and chasing for a distance of 0.5 miles!

Take stock of the five small insects that make people talk about discoloration, please detour when you see it! Cherish life, bullet ants, Japanese hornets, and our common fly

Marching ants

Widely step-by-step in the Arizona Basin, Asia, Africa and other places. However, this one is the most ferocious. The reason why it is called marching ants is because there are as many as 1 million ants in a nest of such ants, and there are 100% million troops. Unlike other ants, they do not have a fixed nest.

Take stock of the five small insects that make people talk about discoloration, please detour when you see it! Cherish life, bullet ants, Japanese hornets, and our common fly

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