
Himalayan Jumping Spider: The elves that live on the highest peaks are full of my companions! Three little goals to help solve the problem of food and clothing!


[Write at the front: If you are afraid of dense things or insects, do not click on this article.] Illustrations may cause discomfort. Thank you for your understanding. (´•ω•`)】

2020 marks the 60th anniversary of the first successful ascent from the north slope of Mount Everest, and the 45th anniversary of China's first accurate determination and publication of the elevation of Mount Everest. At this commemorative point in time, China and Nepal will cooperate to jointly announce the elevation of Mount Everest and carry out scientific research cooperation. In addition to the rapidly changing weather and snow, there are also various creatures on Mount Everest. A kind of elf that lives on this highest peak.

Himalayan Jumping Spider: The elves that live on the highest peaks are full of my companions! Three little goals to help solve the problem of food and clothing!

<h1>My companions are everywhere! </h1>

The jumping spider (Salticidae), the jumping spider is small, most of the body length does not exceed 15 mm. The jumping spider's foot (the last four pairs of appendages of arachnids) are strong and good at jumping, so it is named jumping spider. Because he likes to prey on flies, he is also called a fly tiger.

Jumping spider belongs to the arthropod phylum - craydi subphylum - arachnid order - stalk abdomen subclass - spider order - jumping spider family, as the largest "family" of spiders, the number of known species of jumping spiders is about 3,000 species. Because "My companions are everywhere!" Jumping spiders are the most accessible spiders in life, they are distributed all over the world, living with humans, and may also be "quick to climb" there is no place where humans can live for a long time, and the Himalayan jumping spider has become the first batch of "immigrants". [After all, there are many jumping spiders (not)]

Himalayan Jumping Spider: The elves that live on the highest peaks are full of my companions! Three little goals to help solve the problem of food and clothing!

<h1>Three little goals to help solve the problem of food and clothing! </h1>

When you actually go to Mount Everest, you will find that on Mount Everest, it is not an easy task to find food. Filling your stomach also requires watching the weather and place and the Himalayan jumping spider itself.

Himalayan Jumping Spider: The elves that live on the highest peaks are full of my companions! Three little goals to help solve the problem of food and clothing!

The Himalayan jumping spider that lives on Mount Everest occupies a place where it can both withstand strong winds and fish out small, blown-out insects (usually the crevices and crevices of The Everest slopes) that can be fished out of the strong winds and then begin to ambush quietly. Next, we must wait for the wind to come. Once the wind rises, [Reach Goal: Heavenly Time], the Himalayan Jumping Spider will hunt [Achieve Goal: Rely on Yourself ('・ω ́・)].

Himalayan Jumping Spider: The elves that live on the highest peaks are full of my companions! Three little goals to help solve the problem of food and clothing!

During the British Everest Expedition in 1924, explorers collected spider samples, which are now stored in the British Natural History Museum.

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ps: Thanks for reading. Some hasty writing, pictures and materials If it causes inconvenience to the original author, please contact me.

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