
Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

author:Our people's accounts

When he was six years old, his parents divorced, but his mother took her brother and left him behind.

When he was eight years old, his father ran away from home, and he and his grandfather were dependent on each other, and they had to sell art and beg for a living.

At the age of thirteen, he was disqualified from standing up due to an accident that led to a high-ranking amputation.

At the age of eighteen, he became a wandering singer, just to stop begging.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Despite his physical disability, he loves sports.

In his wandering life, he has been to more than 20 provinces, more than 700 cities, opened more than 3,000 concerts, conquered more than 100 mountains in China, and in 2012 became the first person in the world to climb the "Five Mountains" with his hands.

Today, he is a well-known motivational speaker, infecting and inspiring countless people with his optimism. Tell the story of the people, taste the taste of life, this issue of ziya children's fun we ordinary people, just tell the story of chen zhou, a speaker with disabilities.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Chen Zhou was born in 1983 to a peasant family in Wazibu Village, Lanling County, Shandong Province.

Chen Zhou in his childhood also spent a short period of happiness.

At that time, there were three brothers in the family, Chen Zhou was the eldest, and the family could not be said to be rich, but the three generations of the same church were also plain and happy.

However, as Leo Tolstoy said, "Happy families are all similar, and unhappy families have their own misfortunes." ”

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Chen Zhou's father did not do his job, and the breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife led to his mother remarrying, and his father ran away from home not long after.

When the divorce was first granted, in the face of the pleading of the elderly grandparents, Chen Zhou's mother made up her mind to take only her brothers and left Chen Zhou at home.

The father's departure left the family without its financial backbone.

Grandchildren who have basically no source of income can only choose to go out to sell art and beg.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Young Chen Zhou lost the love of his father and mother, the poverty of his family deprived him of the right to go to school, and at the moment when his peers were still enjoying a happy childhood, Chen Zhou embarked on the road of singing allegro with his grandfather.

At first, the two grandchildren only begged around their hometown, and later went to Qingdao, Nanjing, Shenyang and other big cities, while wandering and begging life, so that the young Chen Zhou was exposed to the cruelty of reality prematurely, and also had perseverance and independence beyond ordinary people.

In 1996, 13-year-old Chen Zhou wandered alone to Weifang, where he did not ask for any money, penniless and hungry, wanted to try his luck in the big city of Jinan, so he quietly picked up a train carrying goods.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Coincidentally, the train was not headed for Jinan, and after the train started, Chen Zhou realized that he had taken the wrong train.

After all, I was still a teenager, and I thought that I still had grandparents at home, so what should I do if I followed the car to a place I didn't know.

He panicked.

Quickly climb down the freight elevator, and jump off the car without thinking.

It was this leap that swept him under the wheels, and the powerful inertia and the air currents of the train rolled him under the wheels, and the wheels ran mercilessly over his legs, and Chen Zhou instantly lost consciousness.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

I don't know how long later, Chen Zhou was forced to wake up by the huge pain coming from his body, his mind was a blur, and he only saw that one of his legs was pressed under him, while the other was thrown in a corner a few meters away.

Fortunately, Chen Zhou was found by the patrolling railway workers and called the police in time, and the railway public security personnel immediately sent him to the hospital for rescue.

Before the ghost door closed, the medical staff pulled Chen Zhou back, but could only amputate his leg at a high position.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

On this day, Chen Zhou lost his legs forever and may never be able to stand up again. This day is also the birthday of Chen Zhou's unaccompanied blessing.

Chen Zhou returned home after being discharged from the hospital. He could only lie in bed every day, crying silently.

One day, Chen Zhou wanted to see the world outside the window, and he moved out of bed with difficulty and climbed out of the door little by little.

Every step made him feel great pain, but the physical torture was far less than the mental trauma that made him despair when he was an underage.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

As soon as he went out, he was watched by the friends he grew up with, and everyone laughed at him, teased him, squeezed him, and kept singing in front of him, "Little monster, no legs, with a mouth on his body, two hands crawling there, like a big frog." ”

The sky in ChenZhou had completely collapsed.

He returned to the house and began to wash his face with tears every day, planning dozens of suicides, but was stopped by his grandparents.

A disabled person can't even die.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Chen Zhou was even more desperate, but his grandparents did not give up, comforting Chen Zhou every day, "Death is not afraid, what are you afraid of?" ”

The old man woke him up with tears, and Chen Zhou decided to face the bleak life and reconcile with the injustice of fate.

The mind stood up, but the body was still shackled to the bed.

Chen Zhou was paraplegic, his grandparents were old, and they could only throw him at home, eat and drink Lasa, and a bed carried all the contents of Chen Zhou's life.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Finally, Chen Zhou couldn't help it, he had to go outside to see, but also to live.

One day, taking advantage of the fact that his grandparents were not paying attention, Chen Zhou found a piece of tire skin tied under his body, climbed out of the house, and left his hometown.

Having lost both legs and not having a skill, at first, Chen Zhou, who had left home again, could only make a living begging.

Once, the girl on the street was going to throw a piece of money to Chen Zhou, and Chen Zhou saw it and rushed to pick it up with his hand.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

But the girl seemed to be frightened, and immediately took a few steps back.

This few steps back deeply stung Chen Zhou, who recognized the gap between people and people.

After getting a piece of money that the girl threw on the ground in panic, Chen Zhou was woken up.

He developed an unprecedented sense of shame, "Do you have to live like this for the rest of your life on the sympathy of others?" ”

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Chen Zhou made up his mind that he must not be able to support himself by begging.

On this day, he also made up his mind to learn to walk again.

Chen Zhou spent 30 yuan to buy cigarettes, asked well-wishers to make two wooden boxes for himself as shoes, supported the wooden boxes with his hands and stood up again, and learned to walk.

Shoe shine, newspaper sales... In this way, Chen Zhou relied on special shoes and earned money with his hands to support himself, and became an upright person.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Although earning money on his own is far less easy and rich than begging, looking at people's praiseful eyes and seriously handing over money, Chen Zhou understands that his choice is not wrong.

A period of adaptation allowed Chen Zhou to master the "know-how of walking".

In order to go further and more comfortable, he groped for "new shoes" - two boxes of different sizes, three and a half pounds on the left and four and a half pounds on the right, so that it is easier to maintain balance when walking.

Wearing these shoes, Chen Zhou began to walk south and north.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

In 1997, Chen Zhou accidentally met several disabled artists selling songs on the street in Jiaxing, and Chen Zhou wanted to sing a song, and the other party gladly agreed.

Thinking of his bumpy life and tribulations, Chen Zhou sang a song "Sailor" very emotionally, which attracted everyone to watch, and won a round of applause at the end.

On this day, Chen Zhou also joined the small group of street performers.

In order to sing well, Chen Zhou, who has no systematic education, consults the wandering singers of his peers every day, and he has to rely on his dead back and nibble off the knowledge of music theory.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

In the days that followed, Chen Zhou "traveled" to more than 700 cities across the country and "opened" more than 3,000 individual "concerts."

Squares, parks, streets, stations... Where there are many people, where is the stage of Chenzhou.

On the stage, he is confident, optimistic and strong.

By singing, he not only had basic living security, but also bought new equipment.

Every time he goes out, he cleans himself up, and he says it's respect for others, but also respect for himself.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Every time you go to a city, unlike other wandering artists who like to go to leisure and entertainment places, perhaps it is the experience from childhood that makes Chen Zhou more and more respectful and yearning for knowledge, and Chen Zhou always likes to run to museums and libraries when he does not sing, so that his soul is immersed in a quiet and harmonious atmosphere.

Chen Zhou also developed a hobby of climbing mountains.

At the age of 18, he came to the foot of Mount Tarzan.

Watching the tourists around him happily walking towards the mountain, Chen Zhou was moved.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

He asked passers-by if the mountain road was difficult to walk, and if he could also go up to see the scenery.

The passerby saw his physical condition and the shoes that were different from the four, and mercilessly mocked him, "Just like you, forget it."

Perhaps out of self-esteem, or out of yearning for the beauty of Mount Tai, Chen Zhou decided to climb up.

On this day, he spent more than 12 hours to finally climb the top of Mount Tai.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

When he climbed to the top of Mount Tarzan, he happened to meet the beautiful Taishan sunrise.

Bathed in the morning light, Chen Zhou stood on the top of the mountain and looked down at the mountains under his feet, and the people around him also threw praise and affirmation at him.

At this moment, Chen Zhou felt for the first time that he really stood up.

In the past, he was always used to being looked down upon by others, but at this moment, he conquered the mountains and looked down on all things by himself!

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Chen Zhou fell in love with this feeling, and thus began his career in mountain climbing.

Chen Zhou faces life with a grateful heart, relies on his strong will and tenacious perseverance in suffering, and supports himself.

His experiences and singing voice touched many people.

Chen Zhou's wife met him in a "concert", and since then, Chen Zhou's heart, which has been wandering for many years, has a port of call.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Love will make people feel inferior, not to mention that Chen Zhou has no father and no mother, is physically crippled, and has nothing.

Chen Zhou retreated, and he deeply understood that with his own conditions, whoever was qualified to talk about love was not worthy of the person he liked.

But in the firm gaze of his lover, Chen Zhou finally decided to pluck up the courage to hold the other party's hand, and from then on, Chen Zhou, who had wandered for the first half of his life, had his own home.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Later, as Chen Zhou's singing voice and experience were known to more people, more and more people invited Chen Zhou to perform and give speeches, and the days got better and better.

Later, he had a pair of children and lived an ordinary life that he did not dare to expect before.

From being abandoned to owning a family, from being able-bodied to having a high-ranking amputation, from a tramp and a "flower caller" to an orator and a public welfare singer, Chen Zhou's life has ups and downs.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

Fate was unfair to him, from losing the warmth of his family as a child, to selling art and begging later, and then losing his health and being forced to wander.

Along the way, Chen Zhou's life was only bitter and tearful.

But he never gave in, "my life is up to me", in the face of the suffering of fate, he never lowered his head and kept moving forward.

He used his hands to walk out of his own way, so that everyone could see that even a disabled person can have great dreams.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

A man can be destroyed, but not defeated.

Chen Zhou used his own experience to tell everyone, don't feel that your shoes are not beautiful enough, there are people around you who have no feet.

As long as you maintain self-confidence, have faith, work hard to move forward, and never accept defeat, one day, your persistence will not live up to your dreams.

Legless warrior Chen Zhou: Accidentally lost his legs at the age of 13 and went from a beggar to an inspirational speaker

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