
Linyi legless tough guy Chen Zhou: Warm and "poisonous tongue", I may be more real in the live broadcast room

author:Volkswagen network Linyi

Public Network poster news reporter Liu Yuandi Linyi reported

His parents divorced at the age of 6, he wandered around at the age of 8, lost his legs at the age of 13, learned to sing at the age of 18, and became a wandering singer to support himself. Despite his physical disability, he loves sports. In his wandering life, he used wooden boxes as his legs, went to more than 20 provinces, more than 700 cities, opened more than 3,000 concerts, conquered more than 100 mountains in China, and became the first person in the world to climb the "Five Mountains" with his hands in 2012.

Today, he is a well-known motivational speaker, giving more than 1,000 speeches, inspiring countless people with his optimistic influence. He is Linyi's legless tough guy Chen Zhou.

Live streaming shares positive energy, another form of speech

"Heaven has given me a different life experience, I should cherish it, the truest emotions to share with everyone." What I feel, what I think, what I know, what I have learned, through such a platform, I tell more confused friends and help many disabled people. ”

In the summer of 2019, at the suggestion of a friend, Chen Zhou settled on a live broadcast platform to share his story in another form. Later, during the epidemic prevention and control period, many enterprises and units cancelled the group gathering speech activities, which allowed him to have more energy to invest in it, and in more than a year, the number of fans exceeded one million.

Linyi legless tough guy Chen Zhou: Warm and "poisonous tongue", I may be more real in the live broadcast room

Chen Zhou said that at the beginning, he did not know how to live broadcast, and suddenly changed from a large screen to a small screen and was a bit unaccustomed, that is, he was nagging with everyone, and his true feelings were also a speech in another sense.

"It's very good, I think it's better to teach people to fish than to teach people to fish." Chen Zhou believes that there is no money to earn again, friends can no longer be handed over, and jobs can be found again, but confidence and courage cannot be left. What he hopes netizens get is also this inner growth.

Chen Zhou often said, "Don't always think that your shoes are not beautiful enough, there are many people in this world who do not have feet, physical disabilities are not terrible, what is important is a healthy mind." This is the realization of his real life experience, which is being conveyed to more people through the live broadcast room.

Step into "Minecraft", "Gratitude" meets you

If you didn't know Chen Zhou before and want to know his inspirational story, you can read his literary autobiography , "My World".

Linyi legless tough guy Chen Zhou: Warm and "poisonous tongue", I may be more real in the live broadcast room

"My youth is in this book, and [it] has the path I've traveled, and the path I'm going to take in the future." Chen Zhou said that this book is his heartfelt work.

Chen Zhou's experience as a child did not fully understand Chinese characters, but this did not affect his determination to create. Every night after eleven or twelve o'clock, he would set aside another hour or two, take a voice recorder, and "write" down what he thought and thought in his voice. Creating in the dead of night makes his thoughts clearer. "I kept recording, recording for an hour or two, and then asking my colleagues to help turn it into text, and a lot of A4 paper was stacked and then given to me, proofread and revised."

On August 6, Chen Zhou was interviewed by a poster news reporter on the public network and said that he was taking a cover photo for the next book, "Gratitude". "The crowd is raging, grateful to meet you." This is my third book, which writes about me and my wife. It was she who made me go from having nothing to nothing and now to being a son and a daughter. Talking about his wife, Chen Zhou's voice was cheerful, and his words were full of happiness.

In addition to his own books, Chen Zhou live broadcast netizens are also very interested in the specialties of his hometown. During the live broadcast, Chen Zhou will recommend some Lanling County specialties, such as burdock tea, which not only contributes to the development of his hometown, but also increases the income of the family and improves the quality of life.

Not trimming the edges will be intimidating, and the temperament will be displayed in the live broadcast room

"Chen Zhou in the live broadcast room may be more real, he does not trim the edges, it will be intimidating."

Chen Zhou said that he is a labeled figure, and in the news media reports, he feels very inspirational and positive, in fact, he also has troubles and will cry behind closed doors. Seven passions and six desires are everyone's, so when in the live broadcast room, it may be even more him. "I will argue with black fans in the live broadcast room, and I just want to tell you that I don't have a sound body, but I have a sound life and dreams." 」

In the face of healthy limbs, all aspects of the situation is better than their own live broadcast netizens, Chen Zhou sometimes a little "poisonous tongue": "People's lives will definitely get a lot of setbacks and blows, this unexpected change sometimes comes very suddenly, but sorry, this is life, life is the original way." ”

Linyi legless tough guy Chen Zhou: Warm and "poisonous tongue", I may be more real in the live broadcast room

But at the same time, Chen Zhou is also warm, he will and the netizens in the live broadcast room Lian Mai, sing to everyone when happy, sometimes dance, and more importantly, will enthusiastically help people in difficulty. "I walk with two small benches, about a thousand legless people pay attention to themselves every year, I send them a pair of small wooden boxes, I also mail my books to them for free, I need a wheelchair to buy a wheelchair, and some of them have become the administrators of my live broadcast room." 」 Slowly, the old iron and fans in the live broadcast room became friends in Chen Zhou's life.

"Life is a happy encounter, mixed with a sad parting, I did not meet you at the best time, but after meeting you I had a good time." 」 Chen Zhou said that this passage may sound a bit script-reading, but it is also true, just like many of the friends he has made through live broadcasting.

Chen Zhou's story continues, and the speech has never stopped telling...

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