
Sadako's departure

author:Turn away the clouds

"Xu Xiaozhen! How did you make this bed so uneven? How come there are cigarette butts on the ground? "The stool is broken and does not report upwards, and also, why not replenish the health products (condoms) that are missing?"

"How do I know that I just handed over the shift, the last shift is..." Sadako did not dare to say more, saying more people will offend people!

"Also, you don't talk too much with the guests, you're here to work...", Sadako remembered, a pearlescent noblewoman in her forties always likes to be condescending and has nothing to do with her, and she doesn't care what she cares about, she also repeatedly shows off her wealth with Zhenzi, "Like you are really pitiful, the family but all the money will not come out... "My family also has savings, two million, I just want to exercise!" Stay up, I'm afraid of staying for a long time"! In a fit of rage, Sadako uttered a stupid word! She has always dared to think and dare to say, never considering the consequences, is this bad woman still suing her!

A few days later, in the afternoon, after doing three hours of work, finally busy, Zhenzi came to the small warehouse on the west side of the twelfth floor, there was no monitoring here, the leader did not come, after every day after the work, Zhenzi and Sister Wang secretly hid here to chat, this time Sister Wang went out, Zhenzi fell on the mattress and rested, sleepy, confused and about to sleep..., at this time, the door suddenly opened, the department manager stood at the door and looked at the tiger, behind her was Sister Wang, "Work hours are not doing business, desertion, fine twenty!" "Oh my God, how did she know that there were people here, Sadako thought, it must be Sister Wang's complaint!" Sister Wang is really not enough buddy!

"Leader, your working environment is not good, I am not adaptable, I solemnly proposed to you to leave, I am not without greeting in advance, you find someone!" Don't spit unhappily! Sadako seems to have regained the dignity of a laborer...

The leader didn't hear it, he didn't look at her, and his head didn't go back, "Why don't you say don't do it, I can't help you, we are a companion..." Sister Wang wrapped her arms around Zhenzi's neck, humming, only to ignore her, Zhenzi threw her away, others came, others who were used to her, usually her work is always used to pushing Zhenzi! If she doesn't do a good job, she will make a small report!

A week later, came a fifty-year-old woman, the leader found a new person ..., the first day Zhenzi took her a day post, "Zhenzi, you and the leader said, you want to do, you must stay in the future to do a good job, don't go, everywhere is the same, it is not easy...", Sister Wang advised Zhenzi, in fact, Zhenzi also has a little nostalgia in her heart, after all, the work here is not very tired, the salary is not low, there is also food, good food, but there is no way back, nothing remarkable, ahem, live is there!

"You worked twenty-eight days this month, a total of two thousand two", the next day, the leader paid Sadako, "No, I still work overtime on Sunday!" In addition, last month, I also tried a day post, saying that the "Sadako who gave money" was righteous, "That doesn't count, we don't have overtime here, I didn't say that the test post gave money!" She said a bunch of reasons, "And, so quickly, you proposed to leave your job yourself!" "By what?" Why I have said hello in advance, I work diligently, more than anyone, worthy of conscience, these days at noon, it is all my cooking", cooking last month did not dry, Zhenzi and Sister Wang took turns to do, but Sister Wang had to go back to pick up her grandson from school at noon, and the meal was generally done by Zhenzi.

"The food you cooked, hahaha, don't mention it, it's hard to eat, you see you made these little girls at the front desk hungry and thin..."

Ah, angry to death, almost mad, Sadako is about to shout out, she cooks and cooks with more care, ah, "I am not on your plate, earn money by labor, you give me that overtime pay..., "Don't be satisfied, you are like this, it is good to give you expenses, you should not give you a penny!" The hostess said viciously, "Where I have worked, I have never met such a bad leader as you!" Sadako was furious, "Hahaha", the lady boss let out a wild laugh...

"Small is small!" Before leaving, Sadako threw down such a sentence, the boss lady was stunned, her face turned red, "I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have used you", Sadako smiled, there was a sense of killing pleasure!

She is the small, big boss's concubine, they live in a room every day, the boss is a middle-aged man, a greasy uncle with a wife, the original lobby manager resigned, with her, the original lobby manager is also a little daughter-in-law, they also tore together for this, made trouble to the court...

Back at home, Sadako learned this from her mother, and the little one is the small one! Mother Zhenzi was angry, "How can you say that about people!" How ugly, that's a private matter of people, you don't have the right to say...", Zhenzi's mother has suffered all her life, she has never had a grudge with anyone, she wants to buy a good one, she feels that Zhenzi has thrown away her face...

"You shouldn't go to that kind of place!" Sadako's father sighed and said, "Don't always change jobs, find the right place to be serious, and do a good job."

But Sadako can't do it anywhere, she can't work anywhere, she doesn't like to work, she usually plays with her mobile phone at home, and when she goes out to work, she is to watch the hilarity, like watching a TV series...

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