
Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

After the dance, the audience applauded thunderously, but in this cheer, there were also some bursts of doubt. Can art break through the scale, and is the erotic element necessary? This became a new proposition and was thrown into the vast sea of people.

Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

When Yang Liping returned to the stage with her new dance work "Colorful Dance", the reaction was unexpected. The dancers are dressed in bright red and bright "costumes", almost completely naked from top to bottom, except for the key parts that are outlined with a blurred outline. The spotlight swept wildly, and the flesh of the sincere meeting was like a living sculpture on the stage, causing a burst of surprise.

Some people are ecstatic and shout for innovation and breakthroughs; Some people are surprised and questioned too explicitly; There are also people who scold superficial and vulgar, without any regard for the feelings of the audience. This controversial work instantly tore the stage into three camps.

Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

In fact, this work was originally born out of a new exploration of the art of dance by Yang Liping. Inspired by the belly dance performance form, she wanted to create a more original and pure visual impact on stage. After repeated carving by the artist and the team, "Colorful Dance" came into being.

The entire stage is shrouded in red, reminiscent of the beginning of life, the root of desire. The dancers are bare-chested, with only an ambiguous mark on their skin, like wild ancestors dancing under the fiery sunset. The melody goes from soft to high-pitched, from simple to complex, every posture is extremely seductive, and every dance step contains raw tension.

Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

It is a visual and auditory carnival, an artistic interpretation of the original beauty. But when the work was unmistakably unmistakable in front of the public, controversy ensued.

Those who oppose it believe that Yang Liping is just doing a low-level trick to win attention. To reduce artistic taste to such blatant sensationalism is a blasphemy against the ancient art form of dance. They criticized and clamoured to expel "Colorful Dance" from the stage and never appear on stage.

Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

But supporters applauded Ms. Yang's courage. They praised this bold and innovative work, which vividly shows the most primitive and sincere side of human beings, and makes the audience enjoy an unprecedented visual impact. Art is the power to break through taboos, and the contemporary stage should not be bound by the old framework, but need new creators to step forward, throw away all shackles, and display the boundless imagination of art.

The two sides are facing each other, and even the art critics are caught up in a fierce debate. At the heart of the controversy is: should a work of art have a bottom line? Are nudity and erotic elements appropriate on stage? This time, the storm of public opinion has even spread from the art world to the people, from the cultural authorities to the ordinary people on the streets, who have invested their own views and opinions.

Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

In the face of the huge divergence of public opinion, Yang Liping finally responded bluntly: "As artists, we should not be trapped by the box, we need to make bold breakthroughs and create more impactful works." Historically, every artistic innovation has been accompanied by criticism and controversy, but only by accepting the challenge of new things can art continue to move forward. “

"I have a lot of respect for the primitive form of belly dancing, but 'Painted Dance' is not an imitation, but an artistic interpretation of the original dance. I strive to find a balance between dance, music and visual elements, hoping to make the audience feel the intrinsic value of art while being visually stunning. Yang Liping admits that she is not pursuing a simple eyeball effect, but integrating more elements into the stage.

Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

People of insight have pointed out that Yang Liping's new work has indeed played a role in breaking the taboo of dance art, but there are still many debatable points in specific artistic techniques. Although nudity and erotic elements attract attention, they are inevitably superficial and difficult to reach the height of ideology and philosophy. How to find a balance between the two and achieve a reasonable balance is the direction that the work needs to continue to improve.

We can't deny that nudity and erotic elements do have some space in the field of art. For example, sculptors have created naked statues to capture the gestures of the human body at the cost of moral condemnation; Modernist painters tended to incorporate the exploration of sexuality into their paintings with wild colors; Even contemporary dance often uses partial nudity to show the original face of human nature.

Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

However, no artistic expression should be indulged to the extreme. The essence of art is the sublimation of human nature, not the violation of human dignity for the pursuit of low-grade tastes. Yang Liping's "Color Dance" gives people the feeling, as many viewers say: "a little out of line".

Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

On the one hand, the nudity technique does create a great visual impact, which is in line with Yang Liping's original intention of pursuing primitive dance postures; But on the other hand, the excessive display of the flesh, coupled with the texture of the lighting rendering, is easy to give people a superficial perception, which reduces the ideological height of the work.

Yang Liping performs without clothes? The costumes are all painted, and it's a bit "eye-catching" when the camera zooms in!

In the final analysis, art should be a cultural carrier and humanistic expression, rather than a simple form game. When the visual elements are too prominent, the intrinsic

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