
Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep

author:Corps Armed Police
Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep

The training specialization is hotly launched in indoor theoretical teaching, simulation training, and problem solving; On the training ground, simulated shooting, assassination, and battlefield ambulance training are in full swing, which is a microcosm of the implementation of the "four modernizations" of basic training promoted by the second detachment on duty of the Armed Police Corps.

Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep
Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep

Winning a war is better than training, and training is the first to be done on the foundation. It has been learned that in order to do a good job in implementing the spirit of the on-site meeting on basic training of the whole army and the armed police force, the detachment has carefully sorted out the problems and shortcomings that restrict the quality and effectiveness of basic training in combination with the opportunities of squatting at the grassroots level and quarterly assessment according to the program, tightly grasped the concept of intensive training, compacted responsibilities at all levels, tapped the teaching talent resources of units, improved the military training talent pool, and actively explored the way of grasping training and management by relying on the construction of common specialized training rooms.

Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep

Unscientific training design, insufficient utilization of training resources, and low training efficiency-to-cost ratio are the "roadblocks" restricting the transformation and upgrading of basic training. Based on the concept of intensive training, they have studied and formulated an intensive training plan for personnel at different levels and in accordance with the requirements of the "Outline," combined training with courses with similar training content and support methods, integrated training in basic technology, basic tactics, and basic physical fitness, and made efforts to improve the ratio of training effectiveness and cost, and constantly strengthened the training atmosphere of "everyone thinks about training and studies and trains everywhere."

Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep
Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep

Coaches are the "master switch" of training quality. Since the launch of intensive group training, they have paid attention to the integration of teaching resources, based on the construction of talent pool, regularly organized subject research, difficult problems and lesson preparation, and strived to break through the obstruction of training and teaching. Give full play to the radiation effect of the chief coach and excellent coach of the team, make good use of the group training mechanism of the chief coach to coordinate the teaching, the head coach to organize the on-site training, and the coaching coach to assist in the organization of the training, activate the "source of living water" for group training and teaching, and drive the steady improvement of the quality of teaching and training.

Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep
Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep

In view of the practical problems restricting the generation of combat effectiveness, such as limited training venues and facilities, the detachment insisted on using science and technology to empower combat effectiveness, and demanded combat effectiveness, quality, and efficiency from "science and technology +". Comprehensively use simulation trainers, VR virtual reality systems, and other means to enrich the mode of training scenarios, move from virtual to real, activate the "battlefield association" of officers and soldiers, promote the smooth transition of training from simulation to actual combat, and realize the "shift and upgrade" of combat effectiveness.

Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep
Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep

The leader of the detachment said: "It is necessary to wave the 'baton' of assessment, set up the 'weather vane' of basic training, and urge the assessment to move towards standardization." They adhere to the actual combat orientation, based on the "outline", actively explore standardized assessment, through the list of pulls, classification and refinement of assessment standards, the development of assessment measures, the training and evaluation into one, and the adoption of "with the test + pass the test + comprehensive evaluation" to make the assessment more practical, standardized, operational and fair.

Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep

The more actual combat it is, the more necessary it is to lay a good foundation for training. Only by perseveringly and unremittingly grasping the work, and truly enabling officers and men to be tested once, promoted to a higher level, and tested once and further advanced, can we bring about a point in improving the quality of basic training subjects and raising their combat effectiveness to a higher level.

Authors: Ma Yong, He Li, Tan Ai

Photography: Huang Jialan, Yun Jinwen, Huang Linjie

Editor-in-chief: Yuan Yong

Editor-in-chief: Li Hongyuan, Deng Xiaojun

Editor on duty: Zhao Mingkun, Ji Ziyi

Submission email: [email protected]

Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep
Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep
Consolidate the foundation and promote the basic training to be solid and deep