
"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".

author:Corps Armed Police

In the prime of youth, you should gallop on the field, show your style, stand on the three-foot podium, and write a gorgeous chapter. Recently, the 2024 "Three Meetings and One Good" Political Teacher Evaluation Competition of the Fifth Detachment on Duty of the Armed Police Corps Corps was in full swing, and 28 players from various units at the grassroots level gathered together to compete fiercely. The theory test is based on the foundation

"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".

The test covers party history, military history, humanities, military theory, current affairs and politics, etc., which not only tests the theoretical mastery of the contestants, but also tests their psychological quality.

"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".

In the examination room, the questions passed one after another, and the contestants wrote as fast as the wind, and each reference player was engrossed, for fear that if he slackened a little, he would miss the solution. The silent smoke of gunpowder filled the examination room, and everyone riveted their strength, racking their brains to fight for a point. Situation simulation skills

"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".

"Xiao Zhao, a soldier of the squadron, repeatedly won gold and silver in competitions, but was punished for violating discipline and was not awarded third-class merit at the end of the year. Xiao Zhao was dissatisfied with this and threatened not to do it, assuming that you are a squadron instructor, what will you do? "After randomly selecting questions from 200 simulated situations, the contestants need to immediately start the simulated situation disposal, starting from the investigation of the cause, the nature of the analysis, the disposal process, etc.

"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".

"I analyze that this is a ...... of thoughts caused by the disappointment of personal wishes," the contestant calmly replied based on years of work experience. As far as political instructors are concerned, it is an indispensable skill to be able to handle the actual situation of officers and men in training, life, and work. The big lecture preaches the real chapter

"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".
"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".

"Our journey is a sea of stars!" "People have no rigid bones, and they can't be secure!" "Faith in your heart, strength in your feet!" In the on-site teaching session, the political instructors took the lead and frequently uttered golden sentences in the head-to-head confrontation, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".

Political instructors flexibly use short videos, dynamic charts, data tables and other methods to integrate their own experiences and practical cases into the courseware, vividly interpret the theme education, idioms, golden sentences, and the party's innovative theories with the people and things around them, concretize abstract things, make boring education interesting, and vivid obscure theories.

"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".
"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".

The team of young teachers is not far behind, and senior players from various political and industrial departments compete on the same stage. With the theme of "Carrying Forward the Fine Traditional Work Style and Forever Maintaining the True Qualities of Revolutionary Soldiers," Xi Weichuan, a senior soldier of a certain squadron, started with the details of folding quilts and tidying up internal affairs, and illustrated the importance of cultivating the fine work style of the troops to building a strong revolutionary contingent.

"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".

The three-foot podium shows its style, and the avenue is simple to tell the truth. The fierce competition has come to an end, but the players' desire to learn and learn has not stopped. I believe that after this competition, everyone will definitely bring good experience and practices back to the squadron and add strength to the team of political instructors!

Author|Zhao Fangbin, Wei Zhendong

Photography: Feng Yang, Ouyang Haixing

Editor-in-chief: Yuan Yong

Editor-in-chief: Li Hongyuan, Deng Xiaojun

Editor on duty: Zhao Mingkun, Ji Ziyi

Submission email: [email protected]

"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".
"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".
"Three meetings and one good", see the style of "politics".