
Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks

author:Kunming Xishan released

The Maitreya Temple community of Jinbi Street adheres to the principle of full coverage, the goal of effectiveness, and the strong guarantee as the starting point, adheres to the two-way force of "internal strength + external expansion", actively explores and studies effective ways and means to strengthen the party building of the cultural and creative park, integrates the party building work into economic development, and better promotes the sustainable development of the cultural and creative industry in the park by building a party building project platform.

Build the "Red Fortress" on the "Chain".

Gather the wisdom of the "group" of resources

Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks

Build branches at the "point" and plant red genes. Assist the street to guide Mili Youle to set up a joint party branch, incorporate the party members of cultural and creative enterprises in the park into management, strengthen the incubation function of the joint branch, guide the qualified enterprises in the park to form party organizations in a timely manner, and explore a party branch, a brand, a team, and a series of "four one working methods" in the park, so that the party can become a "new engine" for the development of the park and inject "new" power into the party building.

Build a party committee on the "line" and extend the peripheral root system. The Party History Research Office of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, the Veteran Cadres Bureau of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, the Yunling Pioneer Magazine of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, and the Yunnan Provincial Working Committee for the Care of the Next Generation in the park will be included in the member units of the "Big Party Committee" of the Maitreya Temple community.

Build alliances on the "surface" to release the multiplier effect. Led by the Party Working Committee of the street, with the cooperation of the Party Committee of the community, with the "Big Working Committee" as the axis, the implementation of the joint activity mechanism, the problem joint consultation mechanism, and the service sharing mechanism, the establishment of the street, community, member units, resident units of the "four-party interaction" resource sharing linkage system. On March 27, 2024, Jinbi Street held a joint meeting of the party building alliance in the first quarter of the party building alliance in the Mili Youle Culture and Art Park, and sorted out and integrated the three "demand lists" in the first quarter based on the actual situation, and the five member units claimed them on the spot to form a "project list" to promote the task to be practical and detailed.

Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks

Gather the "vanguard forces" on the "chain".

Stimulate the "live" momentum of the enterprise

Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks

Establish a "mobile" government service team. Innovate the government service model, link up with functional departments to build a "mobile" government service window, and provide on-site license processing, policy consultation, government affairs assistance and other services for enterprises and merchants in the park. At the same time, the party building liaison mechanism in the enterprise was established, and the 6 party members of the Mili Youle United Party Branch were used as the "connecting bridge" and "main force" for communication and interaction between the government and enterprises, serving the development of enterprises, and helping enterprises to solve difficulties.

Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks

Establish a "walking" grid service team. Establish a "party building + all-science grid" to promote the interconnection, complementarity and interaction of "party building neighborhoods". Give full play to the role of community grid members in "walking", investigate and understand the problems and demands that cannot be solved by the enterprises in the jurisdiction, coordinate the sinking of functional departments through business alliance meetings, "whistle-blowing report" and other working mechanisms, mediate various social relations in the park, and currently deal with more than 50 business needs.

Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks

Establish a "cut-in" volunteer service team. Continuously improve the volunteer service network of party members, regularly carry out "double registration" volunteer activities for in-service party members, and continuously expand and extend the tentacles of volunteer service. In conjunction with the "Happy Youth" volunteer team, we regularly carry out volunteer service activities such as free health clinic services, helping the elderly and the poor, and cultural and sports activities. Up to now, it has organized condolences to families in difficulty and front-line workers 5 times; Carried out 15 anti-wire fraud publicity sessions in parks, and more than 40 public welfare activities such as free haircuts, donation of cold-resistant "warm heart bags", public welfare eye and oral screening, etc.

Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks

Warm the "temperature of benefiting enterprises" on the "chain".

Promote "new" actions in governance

Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks

Build a platform for party building projects. With the party building brand of "six alliances and six enjoyment" as the starting point, the community party committee coordinates the resources of all parties, creates a "service station" for the enterprise, and carries out the "five meetings in one" of the people-friendly innovation theory lecture, the policy and regulation popularization meeting, the activity co-construction seminar, the democratic appeal earnest meeting, and the contradiction and dispute resolution meeting. Through the joint activities with the party members of the "big party committee" units in the jurisdiction, the "Yuanba Party Class" was carried out in the enterprise order method, and experts and scholars were invited to the park to carry out special counseling, and a total of 25 party classes were carried out; Relying on the "Yunling Pioneer" Party Building Bookstore, we continued to create a "15-minute Party Building Reading Circle", strengthened the learning, management and application of Party building reading materials, and held more than 20 cultural activities such as "Happy Reading" and "Sharing the Fragrance of Books"; Solidly advance the special action of popularizing the law to strengthen the foundation and make up for the shortcomings, in accordance with the work idea of "to whom, who to popularize, and what to popularize", highlighting key points, improving mechanisms, and innovating methods, and carrying out a total of 18 "small theaters for popular legal education", legal training, and interesting popular legal education activities.

Do a good job in ensuring key needs. Based on promoting the development of the park, integrating the operation management and enterprise needs of the park, closely linking the party building work with the construction and development of the park, creating a "corporate living room", regularly visiting the studios of agents of all sizes in the park, listening to the voices of enterprises in the park, finding out the difficulties encountered by enterprises and employees in the development of the park by classification and classification, assisting the park in dealing with property disputes, site land use problems, parking problems, etc., completing the approval of various permits and procedures for the landing of merchants in the park, and solving problems such as park noise reported by merchants together with the police station in the jurisdiction.

Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks

Do a good job in key activities and services. Focusing on the party building work model of "exchanging services for services and grasping services to promote governance", we assisted Mili Youle Cultural and Creative Park to hold more than 100 cultural activities such as the first City Park Art Festival and the Fermentation Experimental Life Festival, giving full play to the functions of community territorial management and territorial services, and assisting the activities to carry out on-site work such as entering the park, standardizing parking, activity indexing, and safety inspections. At the same time, the community party committee is committed to promoting business relations within its jurisdiction, creating a harmonious and friendly interactive relationship, holding the "co-construction and co-building" fun sports meeting in the Maitreya Temple Park for five consecutive years, hosting the "Mili Fun, Parent-child Community Market" activities, "cloisonné enamel" intangible cultural heritage inheritance activities, etc., to further enrich the cultural and sports lifestyle of enterprise employees, and better play the role of community bridges.

Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks
Maitreya Temple Community, Jinbi Street: Party building leads the integrated development of cultural and creative parks

Kunming Xishan released

Source: Jinbi Street

Editor: Zhang Man, Yang Xiaojing

Editor: Sun Lei